E-Arkive The Electronic Newsletter for Ark and Dove

All are welcome! 

Good Friday Service of Tennebrae, 7:30 PM
  A service of gradual darkening.

Easter Sunday, 9:30 am and 11:00 am
Hallelujah Chorus at both services! 

Dear Ark and Dove Friends and Families, 
On this sacred day, we recall Christ's passion and crucifixion and we remember that with his last words he forgave his tormenters and laid his spirit in God's arms.  Luke says that it was about 3:00 in the afternoon.  If you are not attending worship tonight I hope that you might offer some prayers or use the Good Friday prayers, which we have provided for you in this E-Arkive.

The Good News of Easter is that death and evil did not have the last word. God rolled the stone away and there was resurrection, an empty tomb and Jesus walks with us even today.  There are resurrections everyday.  Part of the work of a disciple is to take note of God's recreating - redeeming - renewing love that is unfolding all around us in all manner of forms.  Resurrections everyday.   May Easter grant you the sight and insight to see them!
Sunday, April 3, is Joy and Laughter Sunday.  And because the resurrection was a joke on Evil, we tell jokes in worship: church jokes, religious jokes.  It's an old Orthodox tradition.  As usual, we rely on you for NEW material.  Send them in this week.  Tims10@aol.com.
Peace of Christ, 
Pastor Tim


Dear Ark and Dove Community, 
What a privilege it has been for me to walk this Lenten journey with you! I have learned much from your paths of discipleship. I have been enriched and encouraged by small group studies, Taize worship, and last night's Maundy Thursday service. Spirituality is sometimes thought of as isolated, individual experience. But through this Lenten season, I am reminded how spirituality is formed in community.

Tonight we delve into the darkness of the crucifixion and death of Jesus. Our Good Friday service this year is a TENEBRAE service, which means that our worship space will become gradually darker as we move through the story of Jesus' passion, death, and burial. We will have a special moment of meditation at the end of the service. I look forward to journeying with you further into this way of the cross. I believe that the more intentional we are in our Good Friday meditations, the more meaningful our experience of resurrection. The service begins at 7:30 pm with some extraordinary music.

I tell you what, working with Pastor Tim, Rebecca, Mark and several church leaders has gotten me really excited for Easter Sunday. It will be quite the celebration. The joy of resurrection that day will empower our community for ever more joyful ministry.
Pastor Jon


Then Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said, "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit." Having said this, he breathed his last.  
~ Luke 23:46

Household Prayer: Morning
Hold us fast, God our Savior, as the curtain of night is torn, and this dark day approaches. Hold us fast, God our Savior, as our faith and hope are tested, and we await the rising sun. Amen.

Household Prayer: Evening

Holy God, enthroned on the praises of your people, we cry to you by day and call on you by night. Do not be far from us, for trouble is near and there is no one else to help. Amen. 


The women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.  
~ Luke 24:5

Household Prayer: Morning

God of endless life, in the light of this new day we see the dawning of your new creation. Give us wonder and delight to enjoy this day that you have made; through Jesus Christ, our living Lord. Amen. 

Household Prayer: Evening

Stay with us, Lord, for it is evening and the day is almost over. Help us to know that you are with us - through the promise of your Word, in the sharing of a meal, and by the power of your Spirit. Amen.


This Holy Week is filled with beautiful music.  The Choir has been preparing a meaningful worship service for Good Friday, and will be accompanied by the piano, violin and cello.  On Easter Sunday, we will have our chamber orchestra to accompany us on our hymns, anthems and, of course, the Hallelujah Chorus.  We will have plenty of extra music and will invite you up to sing with us.  I hope to see more people up there singing than ever before!  


Happy Easter!  It's "all hands on deck" at Ark & Dove, and the Holy Week services have been going so well!  We found some fantastic anthems, and I wanted to share one with you for a little mid-week pick-me-up.  I can't wait to worship with you on Sunday!


God Bless,

Holy Week

ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING It's Not Too Late!  Throughout the season of Lent we have been highlighting the ministries supported by the One Great Hour of Sharing offering.  The offering provides us a way to share God's love with our neighbors in need.  Your gift serves to help change the lives of people around the world who lack access to food, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity.  Thank you if you have already given to One Great Hour of Sharing.  If you have not given yet, it's not too late.  Please consider giving this Easter Sunday.  Donations may be given during the offering or made online.  Shelley Franklin, Advocacy Team Leader, shelleyfranklin@vwrld.net.

TIME TO BRING IN YOUR FISH BANKS Children should bring in their Fish Banks on Easter Sunday.  Your gifts will help other children all over the world.  Part of the money goes to a group that helps build temporary schools and child-friendly spaces that help children to return to school and give them a sense of normalcy after disasters like earthquakes.  Please bring in your fish bank and help other children in need. Shelley Franklin, Advocacy Team Leader, shelleyfranklin@vwrld.net.
Pledging Status

A NOTE FROM THE FINANCE TEAM Pledging Status As of today, pledges have fallen behind quite a bit.  We are behind in pledged income by about $8000, and in un-pledged income by about $3000.

We are hoping to be caught up by April so that we can take the next steps toward the lobby expansion currently planned for this summer.  In addition to placing your pledges in the Sunday offering baskets, you can pay online at the church website ( click here), or you can submit an electronic funds transfer form (more information go here).  EFT forms can mailed to the church or dropped in the Sunday offering baskets. ( For help with the EFT form or other pledge questions, contact Alta Paronto, Treasurer, alparonto@gmail.com.)

DONATE Online!
Per Capita Special Offering, General Donation and One Great Hour of Sharing. Many opportunities await you!

Children, Youth and Young Adults

DINNER, CONCERT AND GAMES On April 9, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, award-winning songwriter, speaker, and writer David LaMotte will be coming to Woods Memorial Church for a special youth event. You can read more about David HERE. There will be dinner, games, a live concert and more. We will join up with other Presbyterian youth in the area for what will be a great time! Please let Pastor Jon (jgnelson1985@gmail.com) if you would like to attend this event. 

  YOUNG ADULTS NIGHT OUT Are you a young adult looking for better ways to connect with friends here at Ark and Dove? We would like to invite you to our first Young Adult gathering on April 3 @ 7 pm. We'll meet at The Hideaway here in Odenton. It's said they have the best BBQ in Maryland, so come be a judge. Contact Erika Sealing (erika.sealing@gmail.com) or Pastor Jon (jgnelson1985@gmail.com) for any questions. 

CALLING ALL PET LOVERS! The voting envelopes are open for the first ever ARK and DOVE PET IDOL CONTEST! Don't forget to vote... and keep voting! All contestants are posted on the bulletin board closest to the sanctuary.  Votes can be made for your favorite pets by paying $1 per vote throughout the length of the contest.  There is no limit to how many votes you can cast and yes... you can max out your votes in favor of your pet.  The PET IDOL WINNER will receive a $50 gift card and unlimited bragging rights for at least the month of April!  The contest will run from March 12 - April 10.  "Pet contestants" with the lowest votes will be eliminated on a weekly basis. Don't miss out on this fun way to support our youth and show off your beloved pet.   Nicole Howe (Nicolehowe123@gmail.com).      

Ark and Dove Activities

ATTENTION SENIORS ( self-defined)!  Coming soon!  Look for a survey in the near future about if and what kind of senior's group we might want to form. Joan Berry, berry962@verizon.net.


BANNER GROUP Do you sew? Would you like to share your gifts with the church? On April 11th at 7pm the Banner Group will be meeting in the Ark and Dove room to talk about creating Banners and Paraments, and mending Banners. Please sign up in the lobby. If you have any questions please email Debbie Saylor debsaylor1@aol.com. 
CELEBRATE ARK AND DOVE FAITHFUL FRIDAY, a flashback in pictures! Have a picture you'd like to share? Send it our way admin@arkanddove.org.
Youth Mission Trip, 2004 

Community News

PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN'S SPRING GATHERING The Presbyterian Women's Spring gathering with a brunch on the theme "Hope and Challenge" will be held Saturday, April 2, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Catonsville Presbyterian Church.  See the bulletin board for more information and registration form.  The deadline for reservations is TODAY March 25. Need a ride?  Joan Berry may have room for 2 more. Questions?  Ask Joan, berry962@verizon.net, or 410-672-5237.

DAVID LAMOTTE EVENTS AND WORKSHOPS Nationally Known Singer, Musician, Peacemaker, Speaker and Author, David LaMotte is coming to a church or place near you.  Plan on attending one of the following - you won't want to miss him!

All events are sponsored by the Bay Area Ministry Group of the Anne Arundel area Presbyterian Churches.

INTRODUCTION TO SONGWRITING - a Workshop for Musicians (both amateurs and professionals). Saturday, April 9, 1:30 - 2:30 PM. At the Metropolitan Kitchen and Lounge, 2nd floor sound-stage, 169 West St. Annapolis.

This is a creative interactive workshop on how we craft lyrics and shape a song to flow.  Bring your instruments if you wish.  There is a suggested donation of a canned good to benefit the Lighthouse Shelter or a $5.00 donation to benefit the Annapolis Musician's Fund for Musicians (AMFM)

PEACE AND JUSTICE MAKING - ADULT EDUCATION Sunday, April 10,  9:30 - 10:30 AM. At First Presbyterian Church of Annapolis, 171 Duke of Gloucester St. Annapolis, MD.

David LaMotte will lecture on how we can help our congregations become instruments of Peace and Justice. There will be time for questions and sharing.
PEACE, JUSTICE AND MISSION David LaMotte will also be available for book signing at this event (books will be available for purchase). Sunday, April 10, 3:00 - 4:30 PM. At Christ Our Anchor Presbyterian Church, 1281 Green Holly Dr. Annapolis.

Geared toward Peace and Justice Committees, Mission Teams, and anyone who has a heart for creating a world of peace, justice, and righteousness. David will perform, speak and be available to sign books following the event.  Light refreshments will be served. 

ADVOCACY TRAINING WEEKEND April 15-18 in Washington, DC Learn more about "Lift Every Voice! Racism, Class & Power", HERE! Or contact Christine Caufield-Noll, Mission Elder,  ccnmission@outlook.com.

MISSION 2016 SUMMIT Saturday April 23, from 10am-2pm at Christ Memorial Presbyterian Church in Columbia. After you shop our yard sale, join a gathering of mission leaders throughout the presbytery as we discuss different relational and participatory mission models used in congregations throughout the presbytery, review current PC(USA) mission resources, and learn how we can do mission in our congregations using principles of reconciliation. RSVP to Deb Milcarek (dmilcarek@baltimorepresbytery.org) for a free lunch. Questions? Please contact Christine Caufield-Noll, Mission Elder,  ccnmission@outlook.com.

REFUGEE CRISIS: OPPORTUNITIES FOR HOPE Sunday, April 3, 5 pm - 8 pm, Woods Memorial Church. The Adult Education and Missions Ministry invite you to a thought provoking evening to discuss the refugee crises around the world and its implications for us as Christian neighbors. 5 pm View Salam Neighbor, a documentary filmed inside a refugee camp. 6:15 pm Engage in discussion, over a light dinner, about local refugee efforts. 7  pm - 8 pm Hear from Guest Panel, includes refugees living in AA Co, the Director of the local World Relief office, family sponsors, and the Refugee and Asylum Catalyst for PC(USA). Limited space. RSVP beginning March 6-27 on the Woods' website.
Deacons Corner

DEACONS MEALS The Deacons fulfill a variety of care giving jobs in our congregation, including to coordinate and provide meals when our extended family experiences a need. The food and love we provide are always greatly appreciated. The simple gift of food and kindness helps so much when preparing a meal is the last thing on the mind of someone going through a difficult time. You too can provide this form of care and support to a family in Ark and Dove. Imagine that any one of us can experience an unexpected loss, an unwanted diagnosis, an accident - and suddenly we need the presence of Christ urgently. Jesus calls us, stating, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' Please consider answering this call to provide food to a family when such a need occurs.
Right now, there are a few needs within our congregation. If you are able to prepare and/or deliver food, please contact Bill Gaurin billg.deacon@gmail.com or Judy Cooper jkcooper@umd.edu. A MEAL TRAIN has been created for Dot Bruno and her family (3) that truly simplifies the process of longer term needs. Please click on this SITE to contribute to Dot and the boys.
Your gift of a meal and your show of Christ's love will multiply. Peace and Blessings, the Deacons. Please consider answering this call to provide food to a family when such a need occurs.


RECYCLING NOTES If Ark and Dove folks separate clean paper, books, and all cardboard from the mixed recycling and trash streams in our building, and at home, and put the clean stuff in the ABITIBI dumpster at the far end of the parking lot, the company providing free monthly dumpster tipping may restore the return of a portion of their profit to us for our Youth Mission programs.  Putting the stuff in a thin trash bag is OK.  We must pay a contractor to empty the trash dumpster every other Thursday, and pay AA County for another contractor to empty the two mixed recycling barrels from the recycling enclosure next to the driveway every Friday. Pizza and other food boxes should be fully emptied into a kitchen trash barrel immediately, before the stuff dries on.  Please help us improve our recycling situation.  Questions? Mike Davie, davie1020m@aol.com

PRAYERS OF HEALING AND SUPPORT for for Pastor Corrinne; Mary Benson; Scott Howe's friend, Eric Diana; Barbara Reynolds; Norma Forgrave, Minnie Bradley; Dot Forloines; Dot Bruno; Aimee Schafer; Kelly Burnett's sister, Colleen, and brother; Amy Stavely's grandmother, Ruby Countryman; Nora Chidlow; Florence Myers; Lester Dabbs; Briah Ryan; Melissa Beaudry's mother, Donata Zartman; Nancy Gatdula; Henry Duncan; Ann Hirschy; Stan Houck; Jason DeVono; Karen Dodson and her brothers, Dennis and Ron;  Christian Noll's father, Craig Noll; Helene Marchand-Stancil's parents, Paul and Mimi Marchand; the Stancils' neighbor, Audrey Bernoski; Les and Garry Dabbs' aunt, Dot Bobak; Pat Stanton's brother-in-law, Ken Hare; Marlene DeHaven; Jim Lewis; and Julia Kirby's brother-in-law, Mark.

PRAYERS FOR SAFE TRAVELS for Hayden and Alexis Hoxie.

PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING for Lindsey Walker's father, Gordon Walker, who underwent successful medical procedures and care following a minor heart attack.

If you have prayer concerns or blessings that you would like to share, please contact Deacon Sue Hanburger at avongypsygal@gmail.com, and she will add your concern to the prayer partners email chain.
In observance of Easter, the church office will be closed on Monday, March 28th and the morning of Tuesday, March 29th. We will re-open on Tuesday, March 29th at noon.  

8424 Piney Orchard Parkway  
Odenton, MD  21113
Phone: (410) 674-6400 
Fax: (410) 674-6481 
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