Debbie Dadey, Children's Author

Issue # 82 - July 2015

     Hope you are having a great summer!  Here are my three favorite Facebook pictures from this month. Share your favorite on my author Facebook page.  Happy summer reading, Debbie

Need free music?  Try the free music archive
To those of you who are working on lesson plans this summer (you know who you are!), here are some fun ways to learn vocabulary words.  If you are thinking of including more poetry, here is an interesting article.  Did you know The Polar Bear Express teaches four types of poetry in a fun way?
Thinking of making more YouTube videos (as I am)?  You might like to try this about how to create YouTube videos now.
One pebble at a t ime! 
Can you believe a postman built this castle by collecting one
pebble at a time?  It's a testament to what one person can do by working quieting for years and years.  Here's more on this castle that hundreds flock to see every year in France.   Wouldn't I love to visit since Mermaid Tales #13 is about a visit to an underwater castle?  The Crook and the Crown comes out in December.  
How to get kids to read more?  Reading aloud is a great
start! Plan ahead for World Read Aloud Day in Feb. 
2016.  Want me to read to your class via Skype?
Contact me here.  Here's what Judy Blume has to say about getting kids to read.

Getting boys to read in the summer?  Here are some great suggestions that don't require yelling or pulling out your hair!

Congrats to the Chicago Blackhawks for their Stanley Cup win!  I lived in the Chicago suburb of Aurora for seven years.  It is where I froze my hiney off watching my son play lots of hockey too!   It was hard to leave the warmth of the midwest and all the wonderful friends I had there.  But I was glad to keep those friends and make new ones when I moved to Colorado. Now, it's time for yet another move and I'm dreading the work and the change.  But perhaps my new home will be just as welcoming!  Fingers crossed!