December 2015

A $5 million investment from the province, along with $40 million from  P&H Milling Group , will make Pier 10 in Hamilton Harbour home to the first new flour mill in Ontario in 75 years.  The funding from the province comes through the  Jobs and Prosperity Fund - Food and Beverage Growth Fund. 

Read more here about the new bulk mill that will have state-of-the-art equipment, including additional grain and flour storage. The expansion will allow P&H to process 25% more grain, and help increase the company's intake of Ontario wheat by over 10% more annually.

The anticipated report from the Coordinated Land-Use Planning Review Advisory Panel has been released,  Planning for Health, Prosperity and Growth in the Greater Golden Horseshoe: 2015 - 2041 .

"While we are pleased with the emphasis placed on agriculture in this review, it will be imperative that the implementation of the plan keeps protection of the agricultural lands and systems connected to those lands top of mind," said Jamie Reaume, Chair of the Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance. "There are still many issues raised by the Alliance that have been mentioned but not addressed within this report."

We had the pleasure of joining a Durham College Horticulture class on a farm tour of Gallery on the Farm last month, before dining at Bistro 67 - the Centre for Food's inspiring restaurant.

Check out our recent blog post on our visit to Gallery on the Farm and Durham College. There are exciting things happening at Durham College's Centre for Food. Thank you to Marlene Werry for extending the invitation to us! 
report  released earlier this year has found that more than half of Ontario's $20 billion in imported food products could be produced in the province, pointing to very compelling opportunities for our economy and agriculture sector.


The collaboration with students, teachers and school board representatives in Durham Region, Peel Region and Thunder Bay, focused on developing and testing strategies to incorporate local food procurement into secondary school food programs.  The report showcases 7 local food pilot projects, and developed 8 Ingredients for Success. Read more here.

The Rural Ontario Institute has released their  series of two-page fact sheets that provide socio-economic data and trends for rural Ontario geographies. This significant  analysis across Ontario geographies can differentiate any rural/urban trends, offering an important  understanding that can assist in the development of effective regional strategies or local plans. 

The series of fact sheets for 2015 look at: Population Change, Migration, Employment in Non-Metro Ontario, Sector Analysis in Non-Metro Ontario (including agriculture and food related), and Income Levels and Trends in Rural Ontario. A ll Focus on Rural Ontario  fact sheets are available for download here .
Happy Holidays from the 
Golden Horseshoe 
Food & Farming Alliance

  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of our food and farming friends across the Golden Horseshoe and beyond!

It's been an exciting year and we are looking forward to 2016, as we continue to fulfill our Action Plan and focus on our Opportunities for Change.

Thank you for your dedication to building resilient and robust food systems across the Horseshoe and Ontario. As we sit down to our holiday meals over the next couple of weeks, let's remember to thank those who work so tirelessly to feed us.
Janet Horner, Executive Director,
Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance