If You're In Western Washington - Join Us:
Unlock the Power Mass of Intercession
Mass of Intercession 
with prayer for Healing
and Empowerment

with Fr. Jim Northrop and
Fr. Cal Christiansen 

Praise and Worship music begins at 6:40pm


Join us as we finish the National Day of Prayer and Fasting for Catholic Charismatic Renewal
with a special Mass of Intercession.   Come, Holy Spirit!

Join us in prayer and fasting!

National Day of Prayer and Fasting

for Catholic Charismatic Renewal

Friday, February 5, 2016


On the Friday before Ash Wednesday, let us join with others around our nation and intercede (with prayer and fasting) for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, and the whole Church.


Lord, unlock the power of Your Spirit for Your people!

Click Here for a flyer about this day!

For information on how to pray during this day download the   THREE TIMES OF INTERCESSION FOR THE OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT ON THE CHURCH brochure.

About Us
Western Washington Catholic Charismatic Renewal
PO Box 33609
Seattle, Washington 98133
Western Washington Catholic Charismatic Renewal