Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving
...we hope some of the following links can assist our families, as we enter together on this 40 day journey of Lent to deepen in faith.
God bless!


Take the SFX School Lenten Rosary Challenge:
Pray a Decade-A-Day for someone each day of Lent!

Consider displaying the following 
Lenten Countdown and have your children color each block each day in anticipation of Easter.

Catholic Moms & Dads--SIGN UP for FREE daily Lenten Adventure 
for kids 4-12 (it's free,but you gotta sign up) 
View some of the following online videos to help prepare you and your family for the coming Lenten season:
Parish Devotions and Events that you can share in:

Let's journey closer to Christ in these 40 days...

There are even MORE RESOURCES linked on the bottom right-hand corner of the homepage of our school website...feel free to browse and find the right fit for you and your family to make Lent a more meaningful time!