SRG Vision

"We aspire to bring happiness to our team members and their families, to be an inspiration in our communities, and to make a positive impact on every life we touch."


Marianne McDonald  - Team Coordinator  (SRG Macon)  

What an honor and a privilege to open up for February's Restored newsletter. My name is newly Marianne McDonald as just a very few short months ago James McDonald gave me the most beautiful pleasure of becoming his wife! Getting married has naturally gotten me on 'a gratitude high' but it started April 1 st   2013 when Southeast Restoration gave me the opportunity to work for our Macon office.  My background had been working in the international corporate world of legal and administration for some major companies in London, England over ten years. Although those have been some of the most brilliant experiences of my life, including working for the Mayor of London,  I have never worked for a company that has had such a wonderful effect on my personal life. A marvelous life starts when working with the right perspective and here at SRG it starts with our Core Values.
I would just like to take a few moments to let you know what the Core Values of SRG mean to me.
C323 Whatever you do, do it with your whole heart, as to the Lord, and not just for man.  This scripture is self-explanatory in our work environments. We are meeting and speaking with homeowners on some of their worst days after a loss and the challenges we encounter when working with problems big and small - this Core Value is a constant reminder of the integrity that SRG is all about. 
Close behind, is core value number two: SERVE with Compassion.  This to me is treating others as you would wish to be treated. And this has taught me to be someone who makes everybody feel like a somebody. No matter what the issue.
Make it fun! A little humor and positivity goes a long way as an antidote to work that can easily turn stressful. We all need to learn to smile and remember that happiness is a choice that gets easier when we are counting our blessings.
Leave it BETTER than you found it - to me this is being an artist. Putting the beautiful in every task you do. Whether it is processing paperwork or fixing homes. It is all in the attitude you pick.
Hearing and living these core values at work has radiated into other parts of my life. The benefits these core values has had on my personal life is marvelous. We all have family members, neighbors, church family and friend that can sometimes ask more of us than they are even willing to give, and I have found myself unconsciously thinking 'I might as well being doing it as unto the Lord!' with a smile in my heart!
I am blessed to be part of the SRG family and especially part of the Macon team where we bleed the blue and live out our core values at work and when the work day is done!

Marianne McDonald

LIVES Restored

SRG Columbus new office

Our Columbus location has outgrown their current location and will be moving into a new building, larger and better suited to meet the needs of our team and the community they serve. 

The New locations Address will be:
SRG Columbus
8364 Fortson Court
Columbus, GA 31808

During the move, our teams will still be functioning on their normal schedule and the only changes will be our location address. 

Click here to see our new website and take a quick look around to see what we are all about.




February is Heart Awareness Month

Here are a few Heart Healthy tips:
Get early screening
o   Each year take advantage of your yearly physical to educate yourself on your current resting heart rate, cholesterol and blood pressure.
If you are a smoker. . . it is time to quit.
Get moving!
o   30 minutes of exercise a day is all it takes to significantly reduce your chance of a heart related health issue.
Limit Fat
o   A low fat diet can help maintain low cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
Maintain Healthy Relationships
o   Maintaining a strong social and family network can help prevent heart disease.
A few lifestyle changes can add years to your life. Think about what changes you can make to live a healthier life!

In addition to these healthy tips add one more.
Don't forget your valentine coming up on February 14th.

COMMUNITY Participation

In September of 2015 Southeast Restoration Group began a year long initiative to raise money for Childhood Cancer Awareness and specifically to benefit sending children to 
Camp Sunshine ( ) that is dedicated to the needs of children who have or have had some form of cancer. The cost to send one Child to Camp Sunshine is $800 dollars.  

For the final phase of our Childhood Cancer Initiative we have partnered with a charity golf tournament in Canton as their title sponsor.  The proceeds from this event will go directly to Camp Sunshine children.  If you are interested in being a part of this event please email  [email protected] for details and information.  For those that would like to contribute but are not interested in attending the event you can click  here to go to our website and click on the donate button in the top navigation bar. 

Tournament info:
March 28th
Bridgemill Athletic Club
Canton, GA

8:00 am Registration and Practice
9:00 am Shotgun start (Scramble format)
Lunches will be provided


SRG Augusta office during recent snow

A beautiful snow from our recent winter precipitation that covered our areas briefly.  SRG is always monitoring the weather conditions and preparing for any weather event that comes our way.  Just like this morning when is snowed in Augusta our lights will be on and our crews will be ready.  24 | 7 | 365...and this year 366.

Stay Connected
4979 Old Highway 5, Canton, GA 30115