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TTC Asset Tip of the Week!
Perseverance garners most attention in soft skills poll
The results of Search Institute's Soft Skills Prioritization Poll are in!

Nearly 1,800 people responded, with many people commenting on how enthusiastic they are about strengthening young people's noncognitive skills. We didn't ask people to choose one skill over another, because we know all of them are important to healthy youth development. Instead, we asked respondents to indicate how important they saw each of the 10.  ...  people see all 10 soft skills in our poll as intertwined and important to emphasize. By a slim margin, they identified perseverance as the skill they most want to strengthen in young people, followed closely by emotional competence and self-regulation.

The 10 soft skills are:  Academic Motivation, Collaboration, Conscientiousness, Curiosity, Emotional Competence, Help-seeking Behavior, Optimisim, Perseverance, Self Efficacy, and Self Regulation.

The Search Institute
"Assets" represent the building blocks for thriving youth, families, and community - everyday things that anyone can do to support our youth... and everyone can be an 

"Asset Builder".



Lynette Pierce, Youth Program Coordinator
Tri-Town Council
49 Main Street
Topsfield, MA 03894