Then I heard the Lord asking, "Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? 
 Who will go for us?"  I said, "Here I am. Send me." Isaiah 6:8

We are excited to welcome Shawna Cothran as the new Office Administrator in our U.S. office. Shawna comes to us from a local healthcare facility where she was the office manager. Both of her daughters and husband have been actively involved with CCM for the past 15 years. She is a great fit for us and brings enthusiasm, organization and a real passion to reach people for Christ. Let's welcome Shawna to the team!

Shawna will be replacing our current administrator, Tonya Jones. As many of you know, Tonya was in a very serious car accident last year that almost took her life. During recuperation God really began to move on her heart. Upon her return to our office God continued to work by opening a new opportunity. It was a very difficult decision for her, but through much prayer and seeking God, she has answered the call to serve in a new role at her local church. Tonya has been a tremendous asset to CCM and we will surely miss her! Let's pray for Tonya in her new ministry!

Team News
Johnson Ferry Christian Academy
Johnson Ferry Christian Academy is a K-12 University Model School in Marietta, Georgia.  Annually, our graduating class partners with Chosen Children in Nicaragua.  In January 2016, we had an incredible experience!  Our group held 4 VBS's for over 400 and 4 sports camps for over 125 participants.  We visited 5 barrios and provided a small snack for these communities feeding over 500.  We assembled 100 food bags and distributed at the Masaya dump and bags leftover were taken to the Mount Zion Barrio.  We distributed over 20 pairs of shoes and socks and fitted children at the dump.  Our group built a 15x15 house for the Soza family and provided food for them.  We provided over $1500 for food, business, clothing, school, and household cleaning supplies.  One of our team members taught 20 pastors at the Bible institute.  We held a Sunday worship service for over 100 and Sunday school for 25 children.  Our group went door to door and conducted outreach to 50+ homes.  Back at the mission house, our students participated in 5 nights of intensive bible study and had 32 participants including our team of 29 and some of our translators.  Our students raised $150 from the students to purchase a water cart for the Soza family, provided clothing for the Genesis Project, and purchased items made through the micro business.  JFCA is blessed to be part of Chosen Children's outreach to Nicaragua!
Texas A&M University

A team of 17 from Texas A&M University ventured to Nicaragua for a week of incredible ministry. Our team was able to help build two homes and a latrine in the Timal Barrio. It was a privilege to feed dozens at the dump and provide sweet bread to the children each day.  Our team was also able to supply funds for drilling a fresh water well. 

The Yellow Bag Challenge
I stood there watching my broken-hearted wife. Through gentle sobs, she said "This is not right. They 
should not have to live like this." It's a moment I'll never forget. We stood in the middle of the city dump in Masaya, Nicaragua surrounded by mountains of trash, enormous birds, emaciated dogs and cows as far as you could see. The stench was overwhelming. A strong wind blew the smell and thick brown dust everywhere stinging your eyes. The sight of young children and adults digging through the trash was heart-breaking. This was their job - searching for plastic bottles and bits of metal. The yield is only pennies a day. 

"Look, there's a Bible", my wife said. I looked down in the midst of all this trash and sure enough there was a torn, dirty Spanish New Testament. At first I was angry. How could someone throw a Bible in the trash? T hen God reminded me that, in the same way, these people had also been discarded. Left to fend for themselves in the worst possible place. They desperately need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. They desperately need an education. We spoke with a young mom and her son and she told us that all three of her children need to go to school, but have no uniforms or school supplies.

There are thousands and thousands of children who are not able to attend school in Nicaragua because of the lack of school supplies. A Yellow Bag helps these children have a better future and enables them to read the Word of God. The Yellow Bag also gives us an opportunity to share Christ with these children and their families. Our Nicaraguan staff have identified over 65 specific children that we can HELP RIGHT NOW. School begins NEXT WEEK.  We were so humbled last year as you helped us put nearly 1,000 children in school through the Yellow Bag Challenge! We only have enough funds for about 20 children right now. Will you consider helping us? Your gift is tax deductible and the investment is ETERNAL! You can click on the link below to give online or call our office at 864-599-0067. 

Thank you in advance for helping these children!  
Darrell Cothran

more about The Yellow Bag Challenge