February on the Rooftop - Week 4

This week we wrapped up our discussion on COOPERATION by visiting Acts 2:42-47 to discover how the Early Church worked together to help others.  By working together, these different kinds of people were able to point people to Jesus.    

Our bottom line:  Working together can point people to Jesus.  

On Sunday, our 2nd and 3rd graders made posters about sharing Jesus with the world. Check them out!

Our memory verse is from Ecclesiastes 4:9-10a, "Two are better than one because they have a good return for their hard work.  If either should fall, one can pick up the other." CEB  

Click here for this week's GodTime card
Learn together with your child about sharing Jesus with the world!
Make sure kids bring their bibles to church!  We love seeing them reading their own copy of God's word.  Everyone looks up scripture during large group, they will mark the spot so you guys can read it together in the car on the way home!

Mark Your Calendar:

THIS SUNDAY, March 6 is WinShape Kickoff Sunday! 
Crosstown Kids are invited to celebrate by  wearing their WinShape gear  or dressing in their village colors (1st&2nd grades - Ocean Blue / 3rd&4th grades - Safari Red / 5th&6th grades - Alpine Green). Parents will learn more about early discount registration for completed 1st - 6th grade campers, volunteer opportunity discounts, and this year's scholarship goal to help send deserving children in our community to camp. Visit www.hmumc.org/winshape to learn more.

March 20:  Crosstown Kids Easter Celebration. You won't want to miss this precious tradition at HMUMC!  We are expecting a lot of people from the community this year, please help us out by donating filled eggs for the egg hunt.  No chocolate or peanuts, please, and tape them closed so they won't pop open during the hunt!

If you are planning your summer, don't miss:
June 6-10: VBS!  Cavequest  (Rising K-5th grades)
This year we are offering 2 sessions 9:00am to 12:30pm and 6:15pm to 8:30pm.  Space will be limited so you are encouraged to sign up early.  Registration opens March 13 at www.hmumc.org/summerfun.

June 20-24: Club SciKidz will be hosting camp on our campus.  Visit www.clubscikidz.com to register.

Many Blessings,
Traci Lowry
Director of Children's Ministry