Village of Wadsworth E-Newsletter
The Village of Country Living
September 12, 2013
In This Issue
Jazz Concert
Downtown Road Construction
Farmers' Market

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DIAL 9-1-1
In this issue

We announce our first- ever jazz concert to be held on September 28th in the Village Park.  The local produce sold at our Farmers' Market is reaching its peak and details about that are provided.  You also have an opportunity to get rid of recyclables that are difficult to recycle (seems odd, doesn't it?) at no cost to you.

As always, we want to hear from you.  What other kinds of information would you like to see in this space?  Where are we going wrong?  Is there a recurring feature that you especially like?  Constructive criticism is welcomed because it will make this newsletter better.  Praise is great, too, because it makes our heads swell.  And, for goodness sake, who doesn't like a swollen head?

--Jim Zegar, Editor and Photographer
   [email protected]
Jazz concert coming to town

On Saturday, September 28th, the Village will host a jazz concert in Wadsworth Park.  The Fat Katz jazz band will play from 6 PM until 10 PM.  And the concert is FREE!


The Savanna House will be the food and beverage vendor and owner Mary Bennett promises to have some knockout stuff to eat and drink.  So come on down for a good time.  Bring your lawn chairs and blankets and whatever else you need to be comfortable.

If this type of event is popular with our residents, consideration will be given to hosting some kind of OctoberFest concert.  For comments and suggestions, email committee chairperson Geralyn Hansen at [email protected].
Downtown road construction
Does this look familiar in our downtown?  We'll give you a complete road construction update in the next issue.  

The good news is that, as of this week, the general contractor remains confident that this project will b
e done by the end of the year.    null

Keep alert for paving activities and traffic lane changes that are planned for the next two weeks in this area.
Farmers' Market rolls on

Our Farmers' Market continues to bring local produce and other goods to Wadsworth Park every Friday afternoon from 2 to 7PM.
The local harvest of fresh vegetables is nearing its peak so the next four weeks should be barn burners.  What a great time to stock up on the some of the finest produce you can find. null
So come out and support our local producers.  Help make their efforts worthwhile so they return next year for a bigger and better Market.  Right now, you can purchase:
  • Veggies grown within three miles
  • Unique wood yard art
  • Hand-made crochet and knitted items
  • Quilt supply store items
  • High quality house plants at great prices
  • Fresh baked goods
  • Master Gardeners to answer your questions
We might not be the biggest market around, but you can't beat our quality!

Saturday, October 5th; 9AM to 1PM

Lake County Division of Transportation
600 West Winchester Road

You can recycle items that are hard to recycle at NO COST to you.

Click HERE for more details.