Village of Wadsworth E-Newsletter
The Village of Country Living
September 19, 2013

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DIAL 9-1-1
Farmers' Market Fridays - Only a Few Weeks Left!  Come Out And Support Our Vendors! 
This Friday, September 20th, our Wadsworth Farmers' Market will have the local 4H club, The Country Bumpkins, selling locally grown pumpkins to support their various charitable activities.  This is your opportunity to support our local 4H while getting your pumpkins.

This week's vendors:

Both produce vendors will have their organically grown produce, all grown within three miles of our market.  Town Line Organics has heirloom beefsteak tomatoes along with all their other produce.  Hope's Veggies will have fresh cilantro and dill, hot, sweet and bell peppers, Pack Choy plus other produce.  All the ingredients you need for fresh tomato sauce or tomato soup!  Freeze or can it for the winter!

Wild Tree grape seed oils and tasty dressings are the perfect accompaniment to the fresh vegetables.

Wild Flour Bakery has newly baked breads and cookies.

Apple Holler has scrumptious pies, donuts and apples.

Yard Art by Dave has unique, handcrafted items made of wood.

Crafted Knotts has hand-knit and crocheted items for everyone from babies to adults.

Sew Moving is your mobile fabric and quilting supply store.

Wadsworth Feed has beautiful, reasonably priced fall mums.

U of I Master Gardeners are available to answer any gardening questions you might have, or, you can just stop by and say "Hi" to them.

Come to the market on Friday; it is open from 2 to 7 p.m. and is located at the southwest corner of Wadsworth Road and Delany Road, just west of the Village Hall Building.  This Friday, you will have the opportunity to buy some "good stuff" and will be able to support your local vendors and the 4H kids.

- Hope Forcier, Manager
Wadsworth Farmers' Market
[email protected]