Village of Wadsworth E-Newsletter
The Village of Country Living
October 2, 2014
In This Issue
Concert in the Park
Support our Queens
Farmers' Market

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In this Edition-

We summarize the great time people had at the Concert in the Park.  It was really something special.  

Our Wadsworth Queens continue to be unbelievably good citizens of our Village and we describe some of their upcoming events and causes. You might want to click on some of the provided links to learn more or find out how you can help.

And finally, there is a reminder of the FINAL Farmers' Market for 2014: this Friday, tomorrow.

As always, if you have comments or suggestions, ideas on how to improve this newsletter, or even just want to clock in your cheers or jeers, please let me know.

--Jim Zegar, Editor  
   [email protected]
Concert in the Park-

If you missed the Concert in the Park last Saturday, you missed a great time.  The biggest crowd we've ever had, estimated at 600, jammed Wadsworth Park to hear the music of The Memphis Revue. 

The weather was absolutely perfect for an outdoor event.  Free rides were given in horse-drawn carriages, courtesy of Patch 22.

Local pigmeister Gary Hansen employed his pig roaster and his roasting skills to cook a  200 pound porker.  Mary Bennett and the Savanna House carved it and served the delectable meat along with a variety of other foods and beverages.

Concert-goers were treated to a ginormous bonfire that reached from the dirt of the baseball infield to the top of the heavens.  It was a spectacular sight.

People came from all parts of the community, some with their own lawn chairs, blankets, and coolers of food and beverages.

Geralyn Hansen, Village trustee and coordinator of the event, had this to say:  I thank everyone who came and pitched it to make this a great success. This is an annual event so you can look forward to something bigger and better next year!
Support our Queens-

Many of you know the outstanding job our Wadsworth Queens do to represent the Village. But you might not know about their humanitarian and benevolent activities to help disadvantaged citizens of Lake County, children, and others in need. 
Alyssa Cairns, 2014 Junior Miss Wadsworth, will volunteer her time on the morning of October 13 at the Northern Illinois Food Bank.  Along with family and friends, she will sort and pack items for hungry people who don't have enough food. 
To learn more about this and to see how you can help (a $1 donation can be turned into $8 worth of food), please click HERE
At 3PM that afternoon, she'll be at Kroll's Fall Harvest Farm helping kids have fun with a corn maze, hayride, and an animal farm.  For more details on this event which is open to all, click HERE.

Emily Andersen, 2014 Miss Wadsworth, has chosen NephCure Kidney International to be her platform charity.  The organization is exclusively committed to improving treatment and finding cures for a variety of difficult kidney diseases.   
She is organizing a NephCure Walk on Sunday, October 12 in Addison, Illinois to help raise $1,000 of local funds to support the charity.   
She is asking that you help this effort by making a contribution, no matter how small.  Please click HERE for more information about Emily, the Walk, and the charity itself. 
For more information on the Wadsworth Queens program in general, contact Angelique Marie

The Village asks that you consider supporting our young women in any way that you can in order for them to better help others who so desperately need it. 
Farmers' Market- 
This Friday is it... the last day for the year's market. Come to the Village Park and stock up on locally grown vegetables and a variety of other items.  Last chance!