Village of Wadsworth E-Newsletter
The Village of Country Living
November 20, 2014

In This Issue
Annual Christmas Tree Lighting
Sales Tax Referendum
Snowstorm Parking Reminders
Audit Report

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DIAL 9-1-1
In this issue- 
We summarize the results of the sales tax referendum and review the plans for the use of those proceeds.
Geralyn Hansen reminds you and your little ones that Santa has Wadsworth Village Hall plugged into his GPS once again - she provides all the details.
And, of course, it's (ugh!) snowplowing season again.  Can you honestly believe it's here already? There's still a trillion orange cones around and enough construction barriers to keep out all enemy forces.  With that said, we thought you be thrilled to get a refresher course on the Village ordinances relating to parking when we get a large, white gift from the sky.
And, we received very good news from our outside CPA firm and it's summarized below.
As always, if you have any comments or criticisms, I'd like to hear from you.  I'm easy to contact:
--Jim Zegar, Editor
Des Plaines River, frozen already-

Looking north from the Wadsworth Road bridge on November 16, 2014.  Does this portend of the winter to come?

Annual Christmas Tree Lighting-


When:  Saturday, December 6, 2014

Where:  Wadsworth Village Hall

Time:  6:30PM 

Who can come:  EVERYBODY


- Christmas carol singing
- Christmas tree lighting
- See the beautiful Wadsworth Queens
- Santa arrives by fire truck
- Gifts for all kids
 - A reading of "The Night Before Christmas"
- Hot chocolate
- Fourth annual cookie bake-off contest
     - Judged by Mayor Ryback
     - Please bring two dozen
     - Gifts for the winners


If you're bringing cookies, please give Geralyn Hansen a heads-up: [email protected] 


Kids, parents, grandparents:  Come one, come all!  
Sales Tax Referendum-

By now you've heard that the sales tax referendum question on the November ballot passed.  It didn't pass by an overwhelming stampede of yes votes, but it did pass.  It showed that more voters liked the plan to maintain a 15-year road improvement program with funds provided by not only Wadsworth residents, but also those non-residents who use our roads to shop at our retailers.

On JULY 1, 2015, the 1% increase in sales tax will go into effect.  Retailers within the Village will begin to charge the new sales tax rate (8%) on that day.

Generally, there is a 3-month delay between when the retailer collects the tax and when our share of sales tax monies get remitted to us.

This means that by late summer of 2015 we will begin collecting these new sales tax dollars which will help fund our 15-year road repair program, which will begin in the 2016 calendar year. 
Snowstorm Parking Reminders- 



It shall be unlawful to leave a vehicle unattended on a public street in the Village following a snowfall requiring snow removal and any vehicle left unattended on a public street in the Village following a snowfall requiring snow removal by the Village shall be deemed an abandoned vehicle. An abandoned motor vehicle as referred to in this Section shall be deemed a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare and shall be subject to immediate removal by Village authorities without prior notice and hearing.




A. Parking: It shall be unlawful for a motor vehicle, unattended by a driver, to be parked upon the public right of way of any street in the village within a forty eight (48) hour period following a two inch (2") snowfall.


B. Snow From Driveways, Etc.: It shall be unlawful for snow removal from private driveways or public rights of way to be deposited on the paved or traveled portion of any public street or right of way in the village.


Note: Residents should direct their personal snowplow contractors to clean the street following the removal of snow from their driveways.  The streaks left in the street create hazardous driving conditions and impede the snow removal efforts of Village roadways.

Audit Report-


The Village received its most recent annual audit report from Milburn Cain & Co., Certified Public Accountants. 
We are pleased to have received an unqualified opinion on the governmental activities and each fund of the Village.  This is the highest level of assurance an entity can receive from a CPA firm. 
The Village has positive fund balances and no long term debt.  We are truly solvent, indeed. 
Thank you to all our staff involved not only in the daily record keeping and internal controls over our assets, but thank you also for your assistance to and cooperation with Milburn Cain & Co.