Village of Wadsworth E-Newsletter
The Village of Country Living
AUGUST 28, 2014
In This Issue
Concert in the Park
Farmer's Market
Farmer's Market Video
Tracy's Grand Opening
Water Quality
Discount Coupon

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DIAL 9-1-1
In This Issue- 
There is a reminder about the Concert in the Park and an update on the Farmers' Market as well as a link to a video of the Market shot by a resident. 
There is a reminder about the opening of our own Tracy's Bistro as well as a link to helpful hints on how homeowners can help improve the quality of storm water runoff. 

And finally, there is a discount coupon for Rosko's Reindeer Mart.

As always, let us know your comments and suggestions on how to improve this newsletter.

--Jim Zegar, Editor    

Concert in the Park-

Mark your calendar for Saturday, September 27 for another Concert in the Park, this year combined with a pig roast.  The music will be provided by Jerry and Nora with the Revue.  The concert is free.

The Savanna House is roasting the pig and food and beverages can be purchased from them.

Things kick off at 6PM in Wadsworth Park, the same as last year.  Feel free to bring your own lawn chairs, snacks, and beverages if you so wish.

For updates, click HERE and you will be brought to the Village's Event Page.
Farmers' Market-

We are now entering the final month of the Market. Produce is at at all-time high and things are rolling so you might want to cash in now.  Click HERE for a list of current vendors.

The bike rally, originally scheduled for this September, has been postponed to next year, September, 2015.
Farmers' Market Video-

Wadsworth resident Tony Farella made a video of the Market one Friday afternoon.  If you haven't been to the market to see what it's all about, check it out.  He also interviewed some of the vendors and it's fun to watch, especially if you're a regular.  You might even see yourself or people you know. 

Click HERE  to see the video. 

Thanks, Tony.  It's great!
Tracy's Grand Opening- 
Tracy's Bistro opened to great fanfare last week. Located on the corner of Routes 173 and 41, it is located next door to the new Dunkin' Donuts.

Tracy's features sandwiches, wine and other beverages, and gaming machines in a quiet, comfortable adult environment.  Check them out.

Here is a photo taken at the grand opening:

Water Quality-

Most of you know, or even have had first hand experience, with the fact that our village is built on or near rivers, creeks, wetlands, liquid potholes and the floodplain itself.

When it rains here, it can pour.  Pour right into your yards and basements, that is.
To be sure, we spend a lot of money each year on the infrastructure to help channel that water away from your property.  But it is a challenge and will always be a challenge. 
We've found a simple list of ten things you can do as a homeowner to help improve the quality of storm water runoff.

Click HERE to see that helpful and concise list. 
Phosphorous, one of the major components in many fertilizers is a significant cause of water quality decline. It encourages the growth of algae which in turn damages the oxygen content affecting the entire body of water.

When you see the Des Plaines River and other lakes and ponds choking with green, one of the causes is run off of fertilizers containing phosphorous.

There is something you can do to help:  Purchase phosphorous-free fertilizer.  It's available everywhere.  

More on this subject in a future newsletter.
Discount Coupon-

Print out the attached coupon and receive a free bag of ice with a $5 purchase from Rosko's Reindeer Mart located on the corner of Rt. 173 and Green Bay Road.
If you receive your newsletter on your cell phone, use the image on your phone as your coupon.
To see the coupon, click HERE.