Calendar of Events
11/3:  Staff Development Day - No Students
11/6, 9:30 AM: Parent Council Meeting
11/11: School Closed - Veteran's Day
11/13, 9:30 AM: Vendor Fair Meeting
11/14, 11:30 - 4:30: 2nd Annual NIS Craft Fair
11/17, 8:30 AM: Golf Committee Meeting
11/21, 1-4 PM: Respite Program
11/25: Thanksgiving Feast
11/26 & 27: Thanksgiving Recess

The Golden Fleece Foundation Awards $3,000 to NIS

This donation was made possible due to the efforts put forth by Jennifer Marmorato and Jenelle Gadagno, Manager and Assistant Manager of the Huntington location of Brooks Brothers, who nominated NIS as a recipient of funding for the Golden Fleece Foundation Community Challenge initiative.  The generous donation was used to purchase a Sensory Rover unit, which is a four foot bubble tube with light displays, music and aromatherapy.  This apparatus offers calming input or sensory stimulation, depending on the child's needs.  We are so grateful for this generous contribution!

Pet Assisted Therapy in OT
(made possible through donations earned at the NIS Golf Outing)

Ryan and Oxanna

Dominic and Marley

Julianna and Marley

Surviving Holiday Meals

Holiday meals can be stressful for your preschooler or picky eater because of the unfamiliar sights and smells. Click here for some tips to keep the traditional holiday family meals a little happier for you and your picky eater...
Funny Quotes from Miss Mary B. & Miss Jenna's Students

When asked where apples go after they are grown, a student responded,
 "To Applebees!"

When asked what chickens lay, a student responded, "Chicken Nuggets!"

When asked what a horse says, a student responded "Neigh, Neigh" ... and then another child got up and started dancing, saying, "I can Nae-Nae!"

The New Interdisciplinary School is an innovative early childhood learning center that respects the unique needs of all children and their families.  Our commitment is to provide therapeutic and educational services in a nurturing environment with the highest standard of expertise.  

NIS is a not for profit school that receives funding from New York State and Suffolk County to cover programs and services for students with disabilities; however, we rely on donations to enhance these programs and services.   Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today!
NIS | 430 Sills Road Yaphank, NY  11980 | 631-924-5583 |  [email protected] |