November 2015


Devon, Beau and Dan Fahner at the Annual Pumpkin Carving October 25, 2015
November Adult Forum
by Chris Hardman
This month offers some very compelling programs on Interfaith Dialogue, Trinitarian Spirituality, and Racism.  In addition, we have a baptismal celebration and an intergenerational activity for Advent.   Please join us.  Schedule here...
All Souls' Day Commemoration; November 2, 7:00 p.m.
In the New Testament, the word "saints" is used to describe the entire membership of the Christian community, and from very early times, it has been the custom of the Church to set aside All Saints' Day to commemorate all people of faith.  Beginning in the tenth century, it became customary to set aside another day-as a sort of extension of All Saints'-on which the Church remembers the faithful of God who have preceded us into the heavenly court; and this day, formally known as the Feast of All Faithful Departed, has become an important time for remembering family members and friends who have died.
As we have for some years now, Holy Comforter will offer a special All Souls' Day liturgy of remembrance and thanksgiving.  If you would like to remember a loved one who has died, and especially if you have suffered such a loss this past year, you are encouraged to attend this beautiful Eucharist.  The adult choir will sing, and all will be invited to light a votive candle from the Paschal Candle, the symbol of the Resurrection, and place it on the altar.  The candles remind us of the light of Christ that neither fades nor fails.  We will declare Christ's victory over death:  Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again . We will consecrate the bread and wine in the midst of all those lit candles, in the midst of the fire of the Holy Spirit.  Then, when we receive the body and blood of Christ, we will experience that sense of being "in Christ" and know we are not far from those who have gone on before.
Whether you hold in your heart someone who died last week or someone who died decades ago, please join in this moving celebration of the people whom God has given to us as gifts in our lives.  A reception, hosted by the Bereavement Committee, will follow the service.
Winnetka Interfaith Council 

Thanksgiving Service 
Tuesday, November 24
7:30 p.m .
The Annual Winnetka Interfaith Council Thanksgiving Service is going to take place right here at Holy Comforter on Tuesday evening, November 24, at 7:30 p.m .!  Most will remember that we joined the Winnetka Interfaith Council (WIC) about two years ago, and participated in this service last year at the Baha'i House of Worship.  This year, we will be the site for the celebration, which will include readings, prayers, and musical offerings from the Christian, Jewish, Baha'i, and Muslim traditions, and will feature an interfaith choir from several congregations, as well as a brass quartet, led by our own Derek Nickels.  The preacher for the service will be the Rt. Rev. Christopher Epting, the assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Chicago.  Bp. Epting visited Holy Comforter on Pentecost in 2013.  He was, for many years, the Ecumenical Officer of the national Episcopal Church, and has been involved in many dialogues, endeavors, programs, and ministries that cross denominational and religious borders.  Bp. Epting was the Bishop of Iowa the entire time I served Trinity Church, Iowa City as rector (1991-2000), and is one of my favorite people on the planet.  This promises to be a unique experience and offering the likes of which we have not previously hosted at Holy Comforter!
Thanksgiving Day
November 26, 10:00 p.m.
Join us our own, homegrown Thanksgiving celebration on the Big Day itself:  we will, as we have for many years, begin our day of thanksgiving by offering praise to God, from whom flows all our blessings and delights.  The Thanksgiving Day Eucharist , which begins at 10:00 a.m. , truly has become a homecoming celebration:  it will feature beloved hymns, a simple homily, and the chance to see friends, grown up kids, old neighbors, and others, as, together, we offer our grateful praise to God for all that we are and have and do.  Come, join in the celebration of gratitude:  this liturgy really is a time of thanks and praise for all ages that is the perfect preparation for an entire day of giving thanks. Thanksgiving Outreach envelopes have been included in paper versions of The Dove to provide another chance to give thanks for all our blessings.
The Primo Center for Women and Children provides support services to homeless women and their children.
Please help the Primo Center celebrate Thanksgiving with your generous donations.

Please bring your donations to the church lobby from November 16 through November 20.  We will be delivering the food on the morning of Saturday, November 21. To learn more and for a shopping list of requested items, click here.

If you and your family would like to help us deliver to the Primo Center, please contact  Jill Klusendorf at [email protected] or at 847.251.6120 extension 111. the vineyard
Please keep in your prayers Bill and Chris Robb and their family on the death of Bill's mother, Georgene Robb.  Mrs. Robb died peacefully on October 7 in Longmont, Colorado, at the age of 94.  She had spent most of her adult life in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  May she rest in God's peace and enjoy life eternal.
Our hearts and deepest prayers go out to Anne Feeney, who has suffered two terrible losses in the past few weeks:  her sister, Claire Holmes, died on October 9, and then her mother, Carol Holmes, died last Wednesday night.  Anne was able to be with Claire during her final days, and her memorial service took place on her own birthday, October 27, in Colorado.  Mrs. Holmes' memorial service will take place on November 2 in Cary, Illinois.  May God embrace Anne and her children with peace and strength, and may Claire and Carol know God's unceasing love and light.
It is with genuine sorrow that we also report the death on Friday, October 9, of Peg Thomson.  Peg was a long-time and beloved member of Holy Comforter, along with her late husband Andrew.  We will celebrate her life with a funeral Eucharist on Monday, November 9, at 1:00 p.m.  Please keep Peg's family and many friends in your prayers.  May God grant her peace and joy, comfort and strength in her new eternal home.
The Rector's Column
A Month of Memorable Moments
by The Rev. Dr. Jason L. Parkin, Rector

There is so much going on this month at Holy Comforter.  A lovely and lively month.  A time to celebrate our identity as God's children and saints. A time to rejoice and grow.  A time to give thanks to the One to whom all thanks is due.  And a time to begin our anticipation of, and preparation for, the Coming One.  So come, celebrate, rejoice, and give thanks!  
All Saints' Sunday falls this year on November 1.  As many will remember, All Saints' Day is one of the seven Major Feasts of the Christian year, and a particular favorite at Holy Comforter (and, after Easter, probably my personal favorite day of the entire church year!)  On that day, we will hear some of the most memorable scriptural passages of the entire lectionary cycle, sing some of the most delightful hymns in our Hymnal, and, above all, rejoice in the fact that God has, through our baptism into the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, made us all saints of God.  It is a day for remembering and being grateful for all those whose examples of holiness and faithfulness guide and inspire us today.  All Saints' truly is one of the most joyous days of the year; and this year, we will have the special privilege of welcoming into the family of God  Madeleine Marie Paine , daughter of Andrew and Monica Paine, and the granddaughter of Jeff and Barbi Paine; and  Conor Shea Young , son of Michael and Carolyn Young, and the grandson of Jim and Margot Igoe.  It is also Pledge Sunday , the day when we will give thanks for the financial commitments made in support of our common ministry and our outreach into the community and the world.  Don't miss this festive and merry day! Read more here...
Canvass 2016, Thanksgiving
by Marc Franson, Canvass and Stewardship Chair

November is the month of Thanksgiving.  A time when we reflect upon our many blessings.  Coincidentally, PLEDGE SUNDAY falls on November 1, and a financial commitment to Church of the Holy Comforter is a reflection of thanksgiving.  It is a recognition that all that we are, and all that we have, comes from God; and that, as Christians, we are called upon to return a portion back to God, to do the work of the Kingdom here on earth, in this parish, in our community and the larger church.
To those who have made their pledge, in this season of Thanksgiving, the clergy, staff, wardens and Vestry give thanks.  We give thanks for you and for your participation in our common life together and for your financial support that allows us to keep the doors open!

To those of you who have not made your pledge yet, please do so as soon as possible.  The Vestry needs to plan and budget for 2016 and we need everyone to respond as quickly as possible.  Pledge cards are available at the church or online. You can make your pledge online or just call Jeff in the church office and he will record your information.  It is easy and simple, but please take the time to do this. Thanks to you for responding to this.  
In this season of Thanksgiving, your thanks offering - in the form of your pledge to the parish - fulfills the REALITY of meeting the financial needs of the church, is vital to your own SPIRITUALITY and builds and betters our COMMUNITY  of faith that is here for all of us.
Thanks be to God for all our blessings and for this parish and thanks to you for your stewardship!

Center for Trinitarian Spirituality:

Book Reviews

by Chris Hardman

Over the past 30 years there has been a veritable explosion of books on the Trinity and related subjects like Celtic Spirituality, Native American Spirituality, the Christian Mystics, Contemplative Prayer and Quantum Physics.  Since few church libraries carry these books, we would like to build a library here at Holy Comforter that we could offer to those both inside and outside our parish.  Read more here...
The Society of the Dove
by The Rev. Dr. Jason L. Parkin

By now, hopefully all are aware of the creation of The Society of the Dove, the organization within Holy Comforter of those who have remembered the parish in their estate plans or wills.  This church has been immeasurably blessed by the generosity and faithfulness of many parishioners throughout its history.  Some of these people were well known to many of us, while others are completely anonymous.  Their legacy of commitment and service to, and financial support for, this church is the foundation upon which we stand and seek to grow.  We are truly fortunate that prior generations established the rich tradition of faithful dedication that continues to flourish today.  Now we-the current members of Holy Comforter-have the opportunity to create a legacy and leave a gift that will long outlast our time and physical presence here in the parish.  Read more here...
"I See the Light of God in You" 
by Pastor Heath Howe, Family Ministries

"I see the light of God in you.  The light of Christ comes shining through, and I'm so glad to be with you.  Oh holy child of God."
Those are the words to one of our regular songs sung in chapel
each week.  The song sounds like a lullaby, sort of soft and gentle.  There are hand motions that accompany the song, and at one point all gathered hold hands.  For the younger ones, singing and moving at the same time takes a bit of practice, but eventually all sing beautifully to one another.  At those times the chapel is filled with grace and the clear presence of Christ.
I always wonder if the children realize this song can be sung to anyone they know.  It can be sung in their hearts to themselves throughout the day as a way of reminding them of whose they are. It is a song that can inform how they live.  But do they understand that?  Read more here...
Live in the Moment
by Mary Johnson, Director of Children's Ministries & All Things Bright & Beautiful

There was a great line from an article I read the other day that sums up my recent thinking about how often I pull out my phone to take a video or photo. "Should you be living your life or living it for others to see it?"  The technology to capture images is amazing.  I remember having the conversation with a friend who was capturing the moment in Times Square on New Years Eve of the ball-drop and the countdown to the New Year.  By the time she finished capturing it and put the phone down, she realized she missed it! Missed the counting down herself, missed the hugs and kisses at midnight, the shouts of joy. Missed it all.
In November and December, there will be numerous opportunities to capture family events.  The  table, beautifully set for Thanksgiving, the carving of the turkey, the touch football game in the yard, and so much more.  And Christmas! Far too many photo ops to count.  So the question I pose to you is: in addition to capturing the moment, will you leave time to experience it?    Read more here...
Service as Justice 
by Charlotte Long, Youth Ministries 
In Chapel, the little children learn early on to ask "Wondering Questions" with the Bible Stories. The storyteller will say, "I wonder who you think the Good Shepherd is?" or "I wonder what your favorite part of the story is."  The children get good at it quickly. It is innate in them, this way of meeting God, without pretension, without assumed understanding.  Where does this skill go, I wonder? This skill to be open and ask so that we may receive?  Read more here...
Fair Trade and Awareness
Dear Friends,
On behalf of the artisans we serve in over twenty countries we would like to thank the entire Holy Comforter community for your willingness to host the fair trade market on Sunday Oct. 25, allowing us to transform the Great Hall into a bustling international market.
The parish website says t hat "life in the parish is meant to enrich us and to care about others." We definitely experienced this on Sunday with sales of $6,300. Wow! What a very successful day. Our artisans are always looking for more orders. This is their life-line. Continued orders enable us to have sustained long-term relationships with them. A successful event like this allows us to place more orders, thus providing vital and steady income for the artisans and their families. Thank you for allowing us to showcase their work.
Fair trade reminds us that behind everything we purchase, there is the skill and toil of a human person who made it possible. We hope that you and your loved ones are blessed by the gifts you purchased. When we touch an item on our shelf, whether it be bamboo, cotton, clay, wood, wire, etc., we touch Albert and Magdalena, Aida and Carlos...who pray each day "Give us this day our daily bread."

Please check out our website at if you would like to purchase more fair trade gifts in the future. We leave you with the words of Rosa, one of our artisans who has become a self-reliant woman: "Because of fair trade, my dream came true. My sorrows have all gone and my hope has been fulfilled."
Vincent and Susanne Donoghue
Gracias Fair Trade