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 Hilchos Kriyas Shema 66 (page 199)
 מסעיף ב עד סעיף ד

Reciting Amein During Birchos K'riyas Shema
Permissible Prayer Responses During Birchos K'riyas Shema
Other Blessings Permitted During Birchos K'riyas Shema

Reciting Amein during Birchos K'riyas Shema
B'emtza haperek (during a section of K'riyas Shema), it is forbidden to answer Amein except upon the blessings of Hokeil Hakadosh, Shomeya Tefillah, and the blessings of K'riyas HaTorah, although some poskim prohibit responding to the blessings of K'riyas HaTorah. If one hears Birchas Kohanim, he must respond Amen after each of the three verses (some poskim say that it is a m'doraisa obligation) even b'emtza haperek. Bein hap'rakim (between sections) there is dispute among the poskim which additional Amein responses are permitted. Some poskim only permit responding Amein to the blessing of Yotzer Ohr, and only during the bein hap'rakim between Yotzer Ohr and Ahava Rabba; others similarly permit the Amein of Ahava Rabba between Ahava Rabba and K'riyas Shema. Others permit all Ameins during bein hap'rakim.
( סעיף ג וס"ק יח ו-כג; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 10, 14 ו-15; וראה סימן נט, סעיף ד)

Permissible prayer responses during Birchos K'riyas Shema
During Birchos K'riyas Shema it is permitted to respond to d'varim sheb'kdusha even b'emtza haperek. These include Amein yehei shmei rabba, Amein of " d'amiran b'ulma", bar'chu, kedusha and Modim d'rabanan (only the words " Modim anachnu lach"). Some say that if one already responded to these on that day, one may not interrupt Birchos K'riyas Shema to respond again. The only portions of kedusha which are d'varim sheb'kdusha are the verses " Kadosh, kadosh" and " Boruch k'vod". The other responses of kedusha are not permitted to be recited even during bein hap'rakim. It is preferable to remain silent and concentrate during these sections of kedusha; some poskim even require it.
( סעיף ג וס"ק יז, יח ו-כ; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 11)

Other blessings permitted during Birchos K'riyas Shema
If one was unable to don tallis and tefillin until he began reciting Birchos K'riyas Shema, the Mechaber permits him to don both tallis and tefillin bein hap'rakim and to recite the blessings over them. (Since he may not recite the blessings b'emtza haperek he should wait to put them on until bein hap'rakim to enable him to don them while reciting their blessing.) If he has already begun the third parsha of K'riyas Shema he may don them immediately without a blessing. The Rama disagrees regarding the blessing over the tallis and says that [if not recited before Shacharis] the bracha on the tallis may not be recited until after Shemoneh Esrei, therefore one may don a tallis without a bracha even b'emtza haperek, except during the first parsha of Shema. The Rama does allow the blessing over tefillin to be recited b'emtza haperek (but preferably it should be delayed until bein hap'rakim). One may don tefillin b'emtza haperek without a blessing and recite the blessing upon reaching bein hap'rakim. If it is during K'riyas Shema (as opposed to Birchos K'riyas Shema), he should don them immediately (and recite the blessing) since every word of K'riyas shema requires wearing tefillin. If one was unable to recite Kiddush L'vanah until the last moment and is in middle of Birchos K'riyas Shema, he may recite it even b'emtza haperek. If one hears thunder or sees lightning, he may recite the blessing even b'emtza haperek, although some poskim only allow it bein hap'rakim.
( סעיף ב, ס"ק יד, טו, טז ו-יט, וביה"ל ד"ה אם; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 12; וראה שם, 5)

  • One may technically interrupt Birchos K'riyas Shema bein hap'rakim for the purpose of mip'nei hakavod (to honor a dignified person) and b'emtza haperek for the purpose of m'pnei hayirah (someone who is feared).
  • Since we do not greet people during prayers nowadays, it is not permissible to interrupt prayers to greet anyone.
  • The poskim disagree whether it is permissible to interrupt with writing while reciting prayers during which speech is forbidden.

  • Getting an Aliya During Birchos K'riyas Shema
  • Kohanim and Leviim - Specific Rules Regarding Aliyos During Birchos K'riyas Shema
  • The P'rakim Of K'riyas Shema In The Morning, At Night, And When Reciting Shema Separately From The Blessings



PLEASE NOTE:  The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.