March 2016

What a difference a decade makes: As seminaries reverse a 10-year enrollment decline, what does the future hold?
The 2015-2016 Annual Data Tables are now posted on the ATS website, and data gurus Chris Meinzer and Tom Tanner use past statistics to predict future trends. Read more.
Celebrating ATS Women in Leadership-
In praise of pioneers . . . and mentors
The ATS Women in Leadership initiative celebrates 19 years of programming this year. This milestone offers the opportunity to celebrate the women who have pioneered in the top leadership positions at member schools during the past 40 years.
Read more.
7 things we've learned about today's theology students: Highlights from the 2015-2016 Entering Student Questionnaire
The results of this year's ESQ are in, and they reveal some trends to consider in recruiting, program design, and financial aid/work study strategies. Read more.
2016-2017 Luce Fellows announced
ATS and The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc., have named six scholars from ATS member schools as Henry Luce III Fellows in Theology for 2016-2017. Read more.
Executive Director Search Committee begins work
The committee of 12 has been constituted and will select a search firm and gather input from the membership during the coming months. Read more.
"Time for a reset in theological education: 200 gather to discuss innovation at Educational Models and Practices Forum
16 peer groups are studying a variety of models and practices, such as reduced credit-hour MDivs, enhanced online programs, programs for Catholic laity, global partnerships, programs catering to students from specific ethnic demographics, programs for students in prison, and competency-based education, among others. Read more.


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Please send your comments or updated contact information to

Eliza Smith Brown, Director, Communications and External Relations.