seasonSpring forward with season packages! 

Spring is our favorite season. New growth and life is bursting forth and inspiring us to sew seeds that will bring us a good harvest later. And that makes us think about how more and more Wintix users are using Season Packages to grow subscriber levels and reap the benefits of having a bounty of dedicated and enthusiastic supporters.

Wintix takes into account that everyone does season packages differently and there's no one right way. It just depends on what your patrons want. 

Pre-assigned packages
Some patrons are happy to commit to a schedule months in advance so pre-assigned season packages make good sense. Or they have patrons who just want to support the organization no matter what shows you'll produce. Learn how to set up a pre-assigned season package.

Flex packages
Some patrons can't or don't want to commit to be somewhere on a certain night six months from now. They want to support your theatre and buy a package but decide later what to see and when they want to come. Flex packages are for them.  Learn how to set up a flex season package.

Flex packages that let patrons choose performances online
Wintix can support all kinds of nuances in patron behavior and box office needs. Some of our clients want to sell flex packages that allow their patrons to be able to choose their performances online when they buy their tickets, rather than call the box office. We can program a bit of HTML in your online form choices for an affordable fee or you can do it yourself if you are HTML fluent. Learn more.
updateImportant Wintix updates

Our programming team has made several important improvements in Wintix recently so it is important you take a minute and update your Wintix on all computers. Here's a list of the new features and fixes.

Please update your Wintix on a regular basis! 

It is crucial that you update Wintix on all workstations at least once a month.
  • Make updating a recurring event on your calendar.
  • To update Wintix, go to Help | About Wintix and click the "Download update" button. 

troubleAre you having trouble downloading an update?

Downloading an update to Wintix is quick and simple, but there may be a computer setting or something else making it difficult. If you have a problem downloading one, visit our Help Desk for troubleshooting instructions.
booknowNEW! Add a "Book now" button and connect your Facebook page to Webtix

Your patrons get excited when they read about your shows on your Facebook page. Now you can add a "Book now" button and, with one click, they can buy tickets on your Webtix page. It's really easy to link - read the instructions here.
internet Our internet is down! How can we sell tickets?

If we host your Wintix and/or you use Webtix, you connect to Wintix through the internet. But what are you going to do if the internet goes down in your area and you can't sell tickets?

Luckily, as long are there is a cell phone or tablet that can connect online through its network, you can simply sell tickets through your Webtix site. You can even create a single performance report for the night of the performance from the admin portion of Webtix.

fbHave you checked us out on Facebook and LinkedIn?

Inspiration. News. Tutorials. Humor. Come join the conversation.  Click on the links below and check us out!

Center Stage Software | 831.583.0641 | |