"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you 
plans to give you a hope and a future"
Raising Godly leaders for a country in need
Blessed to Give
October 2015
As vital as your financial gifts are to keep this ministry going to serve the impoverished families of the Kamonkoi community, it is also important to us that your giving experience is meaningful and a blessing to you. We know that many sponsors enjoy corresponding with their sponsored children and many have even had the opportunity to visit them while they came and served together with us for a week or two. Your many earnest prayers are also needed as we know that Satan is always on the prowl, seeking to destroy what God is doing through us.
Because our work is on the other side of the world, you can't just stop by and lend a hand during your free time.  This year we have found some ways for our awesome supporters and their churches and communities to get involved in ways that bless them as well as the ministry. In October, our long-time supporting church, Christ Church, in Fairview Heights, IL partnered with us and Kids Around the World for our first ever food packing event. Nearly 70 people, young and old, came together to pack 20,000 nutritional meals to be delivered to our community in Uganda. It was a wonderful time for everyone and a meaningful way for families to serve together and teach their children about serving others. Thank you so much to Christ Church and Kids Around the World for helping us make it happen. That's me in the back in blueJ
On a smaller scale, at my home church, Bear Valley, in Littleton,
CO, our families had an opportunity to decorate and fill school bags for our Genesis children. We still have more of these to complete. If your church or small group would like to host a school bag or similar event to focus on orphanage or medical needs, please call Cindy (303-847- 9522).
 Thank you all for all you do and please remember us in your year-end giving. Katherine
Give the Gift of Giving
Give the gift of giving this Christmas by making a gift in honor of that person that has everything.  Copy & paste the coupon below into a word document, print and mail with your gift or click here to give your gift online and list your selection in the comment box (at securegive.com click + after the total to open a comment box)
Giving Coupon (Cut & send w/check)
Please accept my gift of $______t0 b less a child through Hines Ugandan Ministries.
___$25 - Pair of shoes, Primary School books & supplies or a  
           school uniform    
___$35 - 1 year medical care or Christmas sponsorship 
___$50 - Secondary School/Higher Ed books & supplies
___$100 - 1 month medication & medical supplies for our
___$200 - Annual Scholarship for a community child
___$360 - Annual Child Sponsorship  



Email_______________________  Phone_____________
Hines Ugandan Ministries is IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax exempt organization.   Mail to P.O. Box 620727, Littleton, CO 80162

Hines Ugandan Ministries |
homeoffice@hineskids.org | Katherine@hineskids.org http://www.hineskids.org 

P.O. Box 620727,  Littleton, CO 80162
P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa


 Donate Now


Christmas is Coming
Last year we had a new little boy with us for Christmas. His name is Moses. Moses was three years old and had never received a gift before. He also did not know what Christmas was about. When receiving a gift from his sponsor he looked and did not know what to do. Was he supposed to keep it or was he supposed to give it back? I am sure these are questions he had in his mind. This is not unusual for the children with whom we work. Those who are in the program know they are going to get a gift for Christmas, but the new ones are so surprised. Moses smiled after he learned he was going to keep it. He was very excited and ran away to show his brother what he had gotten. Above is a picture of Moses after he received the gifts. These gifts are given in love and the children are taught that they have these gifts and help because of God's love for them.
Please remember our sponsored children this Christmas season as we celebrate the birth of Jesus and show these children His love. Your $35 gift will provide a special Christmas meal for each child's family as well as a celebration, a new outfit and a small gift. You can provide for your sponsored child or for others whose sponsors are unable to or for those who are on our wait list.

You may send a Christmas card for your or any  sponsored child to our Littleton office by
Nov. 28  or to our Uganda office thereafter.



Write Your Sponsored Child

Genesis Annual Scholarship
Last year many of you gave to our scholarship fund to help make school a reality for many non-sponsored, impoverished children in our HUM community. Your $200 annual gift will provide for tuition assistance, uniform and school supplies for a needy child, offering educational opportunity, Jesus and a future with hope, ending the cycle of poverty for their family.
















