June 1, 2015


"We will never reform our lives or the Order by producing final documents. These only capture the last moments of a process...Maybe our pilgrimage can give us the courage to pray for ourselves what Francis asked of the Lord: 'that I feel as much as possible in my body the love and the pain that You, Lord Jesus experienced in Your Passion.' Maybe we too can ask this grace: that we be signed in our bodies by the Passion of Jesus (knowing the love that moved Him and the pain He experienced), that our flesh too become vessels, become quasi-sacraments of the Lord's redemption...The world we live in today does not need more teachers, more written documents, more empty words. We need witnesses, we need bodies in which the wounds of Christ can be seen and touched. We need bodies like that of Francis, a theology written on our flesh!"


Provincial Minister Guido Fineschi, OFM (Tuscany)
Homily at La Verna, May 31, 2015

Proposals abound as Commissions report
Groups report in Plenary session for the first time today

DOMUS PACIS, ASSISI - Today was filled with the first report to the larger Chapter group of all of the work that, until now, has been taking place in the individual Commissions. The day was filled with a plethora of ideas that have come from the various Commissions and the work of the next few days will be the arduous task of winnowing the many down into the few that can become the inspiration of the friars for the next six years.

It took the entirety of the day just to hear the proposal that have been brought forward from eiach of the nine Commissions, with minimal time given for questions of clarification and simple initial responses to the proposals by Capitulars. 

There was an immediate reaction by chapter delegates both to the number of proposals coming forward, the redundancy with already existing mandates in current legislation of the Order, and the lack of proposals that captured the imagination and offered inspiration to the friars of the world.

Provincial Ministers Jeffrey Scheeler, OFM (SJB) and John Hardin, OFM (SB) at their seats in the Chapter Hall.

Some of the Chapter delegates made interventions to challenge the body to speak with greater inspiration in the proposals coming forward.

"We need to take an honest look at our life. Are we living what we profess? And take action to change it if necessary," said one Capitular.

Another said, "I want to leave here and be inspired and motivated and go home to motivate our friars.'

Another suggested that a rule be passed that the Chapter not be allowed to pass more than 10 mandates and that they necessarily be radical, concrete, practical, and inspiring.

"We need something, not that is just beautiful," one friar said. "but something that can help us to change, help us to be evangelized."

The Committee of Moderator's met with the General Minister, the Definitorium and the Secretary of the Chapter to consider a change in the process moving forward, but it was felt that the Commissions all deserved at least a hearing due to the hard work and time that has already been put in. 

ESC Conference President Hugh McKenna, OFM (Ireland) on the big screen presenting the work of the Finance Commission.

There were two possibilities floated at the end of the day. Either the Commissions will have another shot at reworking their proposals, or their will be a Commission on Proposals formulated made up of six members (two from each linguistic group). They would have the task of synthesizing and simplifying these proposals and bringing them back to the Chapter floor. It was decided that members would benefit from having the night to think about these two different avenues of approach. 

Below is a summary of the proposals that were brought forward by the Commissions:

COMMISSION 1: Fraternal Relationships
  1. On Being a Mixed Institute. The government of the Order should promote equality among the friars strengthening the identity of the lay friar in the Order improving personal accompaniment and favoring co-responsibility. We should also encourage meetings of lay friars at the regional and general level. This General Chapter should send a request to the Holy See in line with the 1994 decision to explore the creation of a Mixed Institute.
  2. Centrality of the love of God in fraternal life. The Provincial Minister and/or Custos with their Council should program and verify each year how they can animate their fraternity in their essential way of life in order to guarantee that fraternal life and evangelization are maintained by a strong experience of God, the centrality of the Word of God, the Eucharist, prayer in common, sharing at the deepest level, so that this wold be the source of a renewed life capable of mercy and mutual trust of growth in the sense of belonging and familiarity in communion and able to express an apostolate in a fraternal way.
  3. Relationship with Creation. The project of life and mission of each fraternity is to draw up a program that promotes ecology and sensitizes the Friars to styles and concrete life choices that demonstrate respect and care for Creation, by recycling and the reduction in resource use and utilities (electricity, water, gas) in favor of greater solidarity; supporting the purchase of products from companies that respect the dignity of people person and the integrity of creation in their production.
COMMISSION 2 - Formation, Study Centers and Fidelity and  Perseverance
  1. In each entity, the Provincial Secretariat for Formation and Studies, should promote a culture of vocations at all levels from initial formation direct them to a continuous process of personal transformation for life; promote lifelong learning, because as Brothers and Lesser Ones in Our Times, the life and work of the Friars are at the service of evangelization of the Church in today's world, renew the local chapter as a tool for animation and sharing, create spaces of communication and mutual trust, take into account the different stages of life, and the service of authority that is truly fraternal. 
  2. The Order, through the Secretary of Formation and Studies, should give a greater focus on lifelong animation or permanent ongoing formation, and should promote the ethical training of friars in transparency, according to the document on finance.
  3. The General Secretariat should aid the Conferences and Provinces to a more pedagogical application of Ratio Formationis to its fraternal reality, ecclesial and socio-cultural: 
    * Organize a Congress for Conferences, areas or continents in cooperation with the Secretaries of the respective Conference, with the theme: "accompany to form an evangelical identity as Franciscan Brothers and Lesser Ones in RFF", calling formators to participate.
    * Organize an International Congress for the whole Order as further discussion on the topic of accompaniment in a Franciscan key formative, summoning Provincial Secretaries of Formation of the Order.
  4. Being a Universal Fraternity, in a world of continuous social, cultural, economic migration, the Order, because of its missionary zeal, must walk in a greater knowledge and inner communion. 
    * Continue to support the international and intercultural learning experiences, where concrete missionary experiences occur.
    * Accompanying the International Franciscan Fraternity "B. P. Allegra "in Rome.
    * Accompany existing houses of formation and interprovincial cooperation at other levels.
    * Promote collaboration and a culture of subsidiarity among the entities in formation.
    * Promote and accompany the formative experiences and missionary projects in the international mission of the Order.
  5. Convinced of the importance of study (research, teaching and publications), the General Secretariat helps promote the study for cultural dialogue in evangelizing mission of the Order:
    * We continue to support the institutions of Higher Learning OFM, particularly the Pontifical University Antonianum.
    * It promotes in the establishment Higher Learning OFM, especially the PUA, increased knowledge, collaboration, and cooperation among themselves.
    * It promotes to start, continue or increase in the establishment Higher Learning OFM, especially the PUA, cooperation with the OFM CONV, the OFM CAP, the TOR and the Franciscan Family, strengthen the specific contribution of Franciscan thought from our tradition.
    * It promotes the use of digital media in Higher Institutions OFM, especially the PUA, as a pedagogical instrument to meet the educational challenges of the present and to have a greater spread of the Franciscan academic formation.
    * Organize an International Conference on the theme of study in the formation as Brothers and Lesser Ones, for the life and mission of the Order today and in the future.
  6. The General Definitory continue to appoint an International Commission for the Service Fidelity and Perseverance. 

COMMISSION 3 - Prayer and Devotion

  1. To re-motivate our vocation on the basis of a relationship with God and a personal encounter with Christ, through research tools, sacramental and liturgical life, have daily times for prayer, weekly and annual. 
  2. Program the commitments from the project of life for the community which would include time for personal prayer and community and should not be routinely disregarded or neglected.
  1. The project of fraternal life should be harmonized in the local fraternity to the life of prayer and devotion which is both fraternal and personal focused on the prayerful reading of the Word of God.
  2. Develop the contemplative dimension of fraternal life so that it is embodied and expressed in the other areas of Franciscan life (fraternity, miniority, local church evangelizing, incarnation into contemporary history, solidarity with the poor, dialogue with cultures and religions of our time).
  1. We must care for the formation of the leaders of the fraternity - both initial formation and an ongoing formation level (formators), guardians and those responsible for formation on different levels.
  2. Mandate #9 of the last General Chapter should be confirmed - in each entity or conference, there should be a house of prayer.
The Order
  1. A comprehensive view of the Ratio Formationis should include a mystical view, the life of prayer and devotion, in the context of the spiritual life in the community.
  2. In formation, and in meetings of new Provincial Ministers, the liturgy and mystical and spiritual dimension should also be included.
  3. The General Definitory should confirm the work of the Liturgy Commission on the Missal, the Proper of the Liturgy of the Hours, the Ritual, the Martyrology, and to deepen the topic of Franciscan discernment with a specific aid or manual. and provide tools for the motivation and practical indications on the life of prayer and devotion to the entire fraternity.
COMMISSION 5 - Poverty - Life with the Poor
  1. That the General Definitory will prepare a guide that will aid all entities and local fraternities to animate and regularly evaluate how honestly, concretely and authentically we live as poor lesser ones among the poor.
  2. That Provincial Ministers, Custodes and every friar assure that every fraternity become a community of presence, solidarity with and service to the poor.
  3. That the General Chapter strongly exhort that every house of formation be closely associated with the poor. placed in areas that are close to the poor.
COMMISSION 6 - Finance, Debt, Proposals of the General Minister
  1. Form an international commission to review the financial structure of the Treasurer's office and to resolve the debt problem. This commission should not be based in Rome and should include professional friars and lay people as well as the General Treasurer and Legal Representative. It will report to the annual meeting of the Conference Presidents and to the General Definitorium.
  2. Transform the debt into internal debt as soon as possible.
  3. After and evaluation and discussion with real estate professionals all non-aligned ministerial properties should be sold. (Refers to properties that the Curia owns, that after an assessment, do not tie in to our ministry.)
  4. Establish an annual independent audit of the financial operations and structures of the General Curia presented through an audit committee of the Council of Economic Affairs. This audit function to be defined and formalized in the General Statutes.
  5. The General Chapter mandates an addition to the General Statutes establishing the position of Legal Representative as separate from the General Treasurer.
  6. The establishment of a General Secretariat for Juridical and Administrative affairs.

COMMISSION 7: JPIC, Interreligous Dialogue


Proposal 1
  1. The General Definitory, with the help of the General Office of JPIC and other experts, to develop a study on the care of creation, similar studies on educational ministry, parish ministry, and the Franciscan administration economics. The study should have a sound biblical basis, Franciscan and scientific basis and guidance and guidelines so that our institutions can respond to ecological challenges of our time.
  2. That each Entity, through the Moderator of Ongoing Formation, the moderator of evangelization and the coordinator for Justice and Peace, following the guidelines of the general study on creation care, make a program for the lifestyle and pastoral and social activities of the entity.
  3. That the meeting of the Presidents of the Conferences evaluate what was done in each Entity.
Proposal 2
  1. Our times are characterized by social injustices that cause the phenomena of religious and political fanaticism. This should not scare us, nor silence us or leave us apathetic. On the contrary, we as Brothers and Lesser Ones in this age, according to the Gospel are called to live dialogue as an expression of an essential part of our Franciscan identity, promoting the culture of peace and reconciliation. Therefore, we propose that in each entity the Secretary for the Evangelization or the Commission for Justice and Peace will focus the first three years in promotion and animation of the inherent necessity of dialogue at all the levels of initial and ongoing formation. After three years the Conferences will present to the General Definitorium the evaluation of what has been done. At the same time, the General Definitorium will accompany, according to the needs, the entities and conferences in this process.
COMMISSION 8 - New Forms, Friars on the Periphery, Mercy
  1. The Minister General and his Definitory, the Ministers Provincial and Custodians and their Definitors, in collaboration with the Secretariats of Formation and Studies and those of Missions and Evangelism and the Office of JPIC, will promote a movement of outreach in the Order for the poor and those on the peripheries through New Forms and New Fraternity of presence and evangelization in view of a renewed Franciscan life and prophetic.This Proposal will implement the following lines of action:

A) To promote and stimulate the creation of New Forms of Franciscan life and strengthen existing ones in view of the seven points of the document Ite Nuntiate, so they become stimuli for the renewal of our Franciscan life.


B) Create a movement of decentralization / Exodus to the outskirts of existence, including the building of inserted fraternities, that are present among the poor as an expression of evangelization and as good news for themselves.


COMMISSION 9 - Mission Ad Gentes
  1. Check the Missionary Projects assessing the strengths and weaknesses and interacting with the General Definitory, the SGME and entities involved;
  2. Develop Guidelines for Missionary Evangelization (cf. BGG Mandate 16) from the proposals contained in the report's chapter SGME;
  3. Continue the "implantation of the Order" in the areas of development of Christianity and support young Entities especially for the initial and ongoing formation;
  4. Accompany the Missions of the International Order: in the spirit of subsidiarity with and between the Conferences and the Entities (cf. SSGG70 and PdV30); appointing the Director of contact for each of the Missions; favoring the recruitment of personnel and financial resources;
  5. Appoint Secretary General of Missionary Evangelization from one of the General Definitors, in order to foster communion of work;
  6. Continue the formation of missionaries in Brussels, for new missionaries sent by the Minister General and the Entities', for the missionary brothers for some time as an opportunity for FP, and also to other members of the Franciscan family. Begin, with the involvement of UCLAF, a similar course in Latin America;
  7. Support the Vicariates entrusted to the Order of the Holy See: sensitizing the entire Order to this service requested by the Church, helping the entities responsible in terms of personnel and financial resources. Also, ensure the sustainability of the number of vicariates;
  8. Continue economic support to the missions under the mandate that says: "The present General Chapter decides that the requirement mentioned by 72.2 GGSS must be satisfied by a structure based on current bands used by the Order for ' solidarity contribution '".

There were also 10 pages of proposals and comments presented by the Commission on Statutes that still need to be discussed by the Chapter body. These will be revisted as the Chapter discusses them.


The day ended with a wonderful dinner at the Proto-Convento at the Portiuncula followed by a concert in the friary's courtyard with local friar and religious sisters performing. 

The courtyard of the Proto-Convento with the bell tower and cupola of Santa Maria degli Angeli in the background


Friar Allesandro singing for the gathered friars

We need witnesses!
HOMILY from La Verna:  Provincial Minister Guido Fineschi, OFM (Tuscany)

The readings from this Sunday, which follows the Solemnity of Pentecost, introduce us to the mystery of God. God is a mystery that cannot be explained or fully understood but rather must be experienced in a profound way in our lives, in a way that helps us to become living tabernacles! The brief conclusion to the Gospel of Matthew, which we have just heard, reminds us that even before the Gospel story was written down, it was being lived. The believing community was enlivened by the Spirit of the living Lord. They went out and announced the Good News, and baptized new children of God, following the command: "Go...make disciples...and baptize them."


First there was the evangelical life being lived in obedience, the liturgical celebration, the experience of the Risen One and the Spirit crying out in believers, "Abba, Father!" Then came the written Gospel as believers sought to go deeper in understanding and reasoning out what their new faith meant. The Trinity was first seen by these redeemed children of God and experienced in their fraternal communion. Only then did it come to be understood on the level of written dogma. What a precious thing for us to keep in mind!


We will never reform our lives or the Order by producing final documents. These only capture the last moments of a process. Francis himself only wrote the majority of his works during the last six years of his life. Before this, the life was being lived, being prayed, being experienced and shared, including the mistakes that were made. He didn't simply write down what needed to be done, first he did it. He prayed, he took risks, he compromised...As an obedient son, without "being enslaved again to fear" (see Rom 8:15) he let the Lord mold him. And beginning with a prayer that the Lord would "enlighten the darkness of his heart," he slowly moved more into prayers of praise, admiration, and trust in the Most Holy Trinity.


Here, in this precious spot of LaVerna, we know that Francis once freed a brother from a violent temptation. We know that he experienced the stigmata and that he also, with his own wounded hand, wrote a beautiful prayer and blessing for the consolation of Brother Leo. Maybe our pilgrimage can give us the courage to pray for ourselves what Francis asked of the Lord: "that I feel as much as possible in my body the love and the pain that You, Lord Jesus experienced in Your Passion." (see FF 1919). Maybe we too can ask this grace: that we be signed in our bodies by the Passion of Jesus (knowing the love that moved Him and the pain He experienced), that our flesh too become vessels, become quasi-sacraments of the Lord's redemption.


Perhaps our stigmata will not be an external one. Maybe a wounded humanity is our stigmata, wounded by life but given the efficacious grace of redemption! The world we live in today does not need more teachers, more written documents, more empty words. We need witnesses, we need bodies in which the wounds of Christ can be seen and touched. We need bodies like that of Francis, a theology written on our flesh!


After celebrating Christmas at Greccio, Francis celebrated the Paschal Triduum here. Here is where we see his maturation and transformation, in the Pauline sense (Romans 8). Here he experienced a dissonance: on one hand he experienced the "loss" of the Order by definitely turning it over to God's care, but on the other hand, his lineage experienced new life in his stigmata. John Paul II in a pilgrimage to this place in 1993, said to the Friars in their refectory: "Francis was born in Assisi, but Franciscanism was born here at LaVerna."


After his personal Paschal experience, Francis no longer had followers, he had descendants, the fruit of God's blessing, according to what the Bible promises. He released control of God's work and allowed it to play out according to God's will. He generated sons and fathers, heirs of God and coheirs with Christ! His "flesh" was no longer the same, it was transformed so that, in the words of the first reading from Deuteronomy "his sons would prosper and have long life on the land which the Lord, their God, had given them forever!"


My dear brothers, we not only must contend with the difficulty of understanding the Trinity with our minds, we must also confront our resistance to entering into Trinitarian life! Perhaps our flesh resists entering into the heart of the Trinity because we do not want to pass through the doorway, which is the Cross! We can do good works, be generous givers, respect the environment, be active pastorally, and still not enter into the heart of God...


Our founder Francis went before us: now it is our turn, we Ministers and the Friars under our care, to pass through the doorway: "to keep the Passover with Him," as Saint Bonaventure would say when he reflected on the gift of the stigmata and wrote his Itinerarium mentis in Deum in this very place.


After the stigmata, with his own hand Francis wrote the Praises of God and the Blessing for Brother Leo. He wanted to give consolation and to free his brother from the torment he was undergoing. This great act of mercy helps us understand what Francis experienced here: he encountered a God who seeks not to receive but to give. And Francis responded with a desire to go beyond himself and give to his brothers, something that we must strive to do, even when we have to fight against our cumbersome egos.


Truly the Passover of Jesus is the ladder that led Francis to transcend into Divine life, into the Triune God! This ladder stands before us as well. It contains the next steps in a maturation that will truly make us sons who are fertile and have the continued ability to generate more children. "Go...make disciples...baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age" (MT 28:20).

Provincial Minister Guido Fineschi, OFM (Tuscany)

Being Minor Brothers to each and every one
VIDEO: Reflection by Br. Javed Sadiq, OFM (Pakistan)