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Try on a Disbility  



"Try on a Disability" is on sale through our website and available for purchase at $20 plus shipping and handling.  


This DVD is a wonderful educational piece that can be used in companies, by architects and designers. In schools, or at clubs and associations. It's less than an hour long, and it tells a very powerful story.


Please go to our website
to purchase, or call Zosia at


to order. 

Your Comments 

Tell us what you think! We'd love to hear your feedback.

Do you have a story to tell? Please let us 

It's as simple as hitting 'reply' or emailing us here.



Keep current with all our upcoming events by checking the calendar on our website!

Contact us:
Langley Pos-Abilities Society
#80 - 2270 196th St
Langley, B.C. V2Z 1N6

Hope is 

Not A Plan


The video, "Hope is Not A Plan" is now available on the website, in our blog and at This film should be required viewing for everyone, whether you have a disability or not. Why, you ask? Simple. Most of us will, at some time in our lives, become disabled in some way. The fact is that those of us with disabilities have no civil rights when compared to those of us who are not disabled. This should resonate with every Canadian. No disability? Your time may come. Do you want your rights? Watch the video.


An election is almost on us, and we need to discuss civil rights for people with disabilities with politicians. People with disabilities do not have a way to enforce civil rights in British Columbia, or indeed anywhere in Canada. This must change!  


View the video. Pass the link around. It's less than an hour long, and it can have a huge, and a positive, impact - if enough people see it!  



Welcome to Winter!


The festive season, along with the winter solstice, has come and gone. The days are getting longer, and probably colder and wetter for a while. But all in all, Langley is still a great place to be. Just ask our Director at Large, currently shivering in Ontario! [editor's note: it's minus 26, too cold to shiver - even the dog is huddled up by the fireplace, and he's a German Shepherd!]


On to other things:


November's Pub Night


 Another huge success, once again. Everyone had a lot of fun, many picked up some really nice - and really nicely priced - items at the auction, Aaron Mohammed won the gift card, and his Dad, Kris, is currently trying to hit him up for a loan. Oh, almost forgot, the benefit to the Society was very nice!


It should be very apparent to everyone that, since these nights are so much fun, and since they do a lot to help the Society through the funds they raise, there will be another one. And another one....


 Interesting Finds


Many of us have mobility issues and we use wheelchairs, motorized or otherwise. Devices that make it easy for us to enter homes and other buildings have traditionally been very expensive. A company called Wolfe Mobility is marketing some new and innovative products to improve accessibility. They have two products that are the closest we have seen to offer instant access: 


The Welcome Mat is a portable ramp that provides access for thresholds 1 to 8 inches high: 



In the down position, it is barely noticeable and it is not a hazard to pedestrians.




In the up position, well, that's self-explanatory.



Imagine, if you will, the added business that all those merchants along the highway between, say, Glover and 208 could garner just by installing one of these. Just sayin'.
Then there's the ConvertaStep lift, a portable lift system that lays flat in front of steps when it's not in use and then rises up to accommodate access from 1 to 5 steps. 
Very cool. Yes, snow can be an issue, but we don;t get a lot, and it isn't here for long. [editor's note: speak for yourself, lady!!]
Wolfe Mobility also has wheelchair lifts that allow clients to drive directly from their wheelchair or to travel as a passenger in SUVs and trucks. You can see them at




RDSP stands for Registered Disability Savings Plan. The Plan provides a savings vehicle similar to the RRSP, but with additional benefits for those who qualify for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC). I'll let Calvin Warneke from Worldsource Financial Management explain. If you qualify for the DTC tou truly need to read this carefully:




What is an RDSP & Who is an RDSP for?


Our Canadian track-record is not perfect when it comes to protecting and caring for those with Disabilities. But there is one area that we as Canadians can stand up and take pride for being the first country in the world to start a long-term savings plan for our disabled.  The RDSP (Registered Disability Savings Plan) was started in 2008, and other countries around the world are watching to see what Canada has done.


The first step on the path to opening your RDSP is being eligible for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC).  If you have already qualified for this then you have overcome the biggest hurdle! After that you must be a resident of Canada, under the age of 60, and have a valid SIN number.  If you can say 'Yes' to this short list then you deserve to have an RDSP.


Take the example of one of our clients, who opened an RDSP and deposited $3,000. They received $6,000 in Bond (catching up each of the 6 years from 2008 - 2013), and $9,000 in Grants (3x matched their contribution using previous years credits).  This meant that their $3,000 had $15,000 of Government money added to give them $18,000 to start!! We would love to help you get the Grants and Bonds you deserve.


There are changes happening in 2014 which impact rollover's from RESP's, payout formulas, and impact if DTC qualification ceases. 


We have a team waiting to help you start your RDSP, and we do not charge any fees.  Please contact us and tell us your story so you can secure money that could be rightly yours and is just waiting for you to ask for it.


Calvin Warneke

Investment Funds Advisor

Phone: 604-881-1200   - Email [email protected]

Worldsource Financial Management Inc.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.


Thanks, Calvin. If you qualify, or you  believe you could qualify, or if you know someone who could qualify, please get in touch with Calvin. He's here to help, and, as he says, there are no fees to pay. Calvin has overview sheets and handouts that fully explain the RDSP, and he will help you to apply.
That's it for our first 2014 newsletter, Things are always happening and we will continue to get information out to you as it comes in to us!
Have a great 2014!

