A new look for our Quarterly Class Schedule and where to find information online!
We wanted you to know that we're changing things up a bit in our Quarterly Class Schedule. Starting Spring Quarter, we'll be using it each quarter to remind the public about important deadlines, program highlights, and steps to getting started. An important note: it won't include full course information.

However, thanks to web improvements, we encourage students to explore available class schedules online at  ww.skagit.edu/schedules   The regularly updated schedule search will ensure they will find the most up-to-date information to successfully plan their schedule.

Of course, Enrollment Services and Advising staff members are still available to help students over the phone or in person.

Great Success: Workshop helps more than 130 students complete their financial aid paperwork
On January 23rd, SVC hosted its first-ever financial aid assistance "College Goal Washington" workshop at the Mount Vernon and Whidbey Island campuses.  Including families, over 200 people attended these financial aid assistance events!

This workshop was offered through SVC's participation in College Goal Washington, a statewide program administered by the Washington Student Achievement  Council and designed to help increase low income, first generation, and underrepresen ted students' completion of the 
F AFSA paperwork

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