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AZAFAP would like to invite you to attend a powerful and unique training: 

How to Thrive as a Foster Parent

Real Tools That Help You Understand How To Navigate The Sytem And The Needs Of Your Child


Who Should Attend

Foster/Adoptive Parents, Social Workers, Parent Aides, Licensing Workers, Case Managers/Supervisors, GAL's , Teachers, Counselors and more!

DCS Director Greg McKay - Hear first hand about changes that are being implemented at DCS and the importance of Foster Parents as a valued team member

Judge Colleen McNally - Learn about court improvements happening today and those in the making and understand what our Judges want to hear from Foster Parents

Kate Rich - Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) What is the role of the GAL and the importance of communication from the Foster Parent.   Jennifer Paterson (social worker) and Breanna Carpenter (former foster youth) will accompany Kate

Christine Phillis - Public Advocate representing juveniles between the ages of 8 and 17 accused of criminal conduct, as well as, parents in jeopardy of losing custody of their children to the state

Jaimee Ory - Trauma Therapist and Foster/Adoptive Parent - Education on how to work on managing, and effectively coping with, the traumatized child in you home as well as treating your own compassion fatigue and vicarious traumatization

Sam Potter - Foster/Adoptive Dad who really gets our kids!  Sharing amazing moments of compassion for our kids when you really feel like you just can't do it any more

Amanda Curtis - Foster/Adoptive Mom seasoned in Sensory Integration Struggles - Providing in home tools and ideas that can help your children that struggle with sensory integration issues
Get connected, feel connected and stay connected and walk away with a great sense of hope and empowerment

Saturday, April 30, 2016

9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Registration 8:30 a.m.

 St. Patrick Church
10815 N. 84th St., Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Cost is per person
$10 Basic/Non-AZAFAP Member
 $5  AZAFAP  Premier Member

Six Advanced Training Hours

Lunch will be provided
Sorry no childcare available