It's time to buy your tickets to the show, Daddy-O

Support CrimeStoppers
at Memphis the Musical
Don't wait too long to get your tickets for the Friday, May 20, 2016 performance of Memphis, The Musical at CrimeStoppers' popular, fifth annual Night At The Theatre event.

In fact, if you don't want to wait even one second longer to grab your tickets (or make a donation to send a police officer and guest to the show), just click here to buy now.

Tickets will be delivered to you or, if you prefer, to one of Memphis' finest.

The Broadway musical is making its regio nal premiere at Playhouse On The Square this spring, and on May 20 CrimeStoppers has the entire house at the main stage theatre (66 Cooper Street) for a party and show. A reception with delicious food and drinks starts at 6 p.m.; curtain rises at 8.
If you are among the few people on the planet who haven't heard about this show, it is loosely based on the life of one of the first rock and roll DJs, Dewey (Daddy-O) Phillips, who pioneered for his listening audience the suffusion of black and white music that gave birth to a revolution. Phillips' work is one of the reasons Memphis continues to be a worldwide mecca for music lovers and musicians alike.

The show played for four years on Broadway and won four Tony awards in 2010. It promises to be one of the biggest hits ever to come to Playhouse.

The CrimeStoppers Night At The Theatre is the organization's main fundraiser each year. Buying tickets, or making a donation to send an officer and guest, helps two nonprofits (CrimeStoppers and Playhouse). Each of the last two years, friends of CrimeStoppers have made it possible for more than 110 officers and their spouses or guests to attend.


CopperStoppers was created by CrimeStoppers in collaboration with businesses to fight the theft of and illegal sales, purchases and transportation out of town of copper and other scrap metals.

Copper stripped from wiring, appliances, plumbing or electrical boxes may bring hundreds of dollars when sold, but often results in thousands of dollars in damages to homes, apartments, churches and other facilities.

Special awards up to $1,000 are available for information leading to arrests. 
Help stop the criminals - the "copperheads" - doing economic harm to our community.

Visit for information on how to help.      
Help spread the word

If you like - we hope you do! - you can help the cause against the metal thieves by liking our new  Copperstoppers Facebook page. And tell your friends, co-workers and acquaintances.

While you're at it, let them know about the main CrimeStoppers Facebook page too.

Stats continue 
to climb
The number of tips called in to CrimeStoppers - and resulting arrests - continues to show increases in comparison to numbers from a year ago.

The volume of tips received last month was up 19%.

The number of felony arrests due to the tips was up 33%.

And, the rate of tips that proved successful climbed 36%  on a year-to-date comparison.
Websites building new awareness

CrimeStoppers and its many programs are explained - and the public is engaged - in various places on the internet.
Our main website explains the organization's purpose, and keeps count on major cases in which police need help from citizens - 
A companion site helps students keep their schools safer -
Senior citizens who are afraid or otherwise need help can find information they can use at another site -
Spanish-speaking citizens can learn about CrimeStoppers on a fourth site -
Additionally, because the theft of copper and other metals has become a major problem in the metro area, we are building a site for our newest program, Copperstoppers. 
DV by the numbers

More than half of all violent crime in our greater Memphis community is DV - related when the wide definition of domestic violence is used to include family members, roommates, and ex-intimate partners.

The total domestic violence offenses through the first eight months of 2015: 11,451.