Find competitions on!

You know it can be a big challenge finding competitions. It will be much easier to find when meet organizers list their meets on's Upcoming Competitions page. Any meet welcoming masters athletes and conforming with WMA rules (when in doubt, contact us) is welcome to be listed. We hope to fill these lists with meets from everywhere so athletes from Andorra through Venezuela can find meets near them. There are two easy ways that meet organizers (or anyone with the information) can submit: 

Photo by Craig Godwin _click on image_
You all know that we are making this site your resource so you can excel and exceed your goals as a Masters Athlete. Some of our improvements are based on the feedback we receive from you so please keep sending us ideas ( click here to take survey ). The latest added feature, Upcoming Competitions , seems a natural match to the performance lists because you can see where you stand in the rankings plus plan where you are going to compete., Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Donations are tax deductible in the US. Does your company match donations to charities? If so, ask them to match your donation (this will be applied to your contribution level).  Your company can also sponsor, be recognized on the site and promote they support a worthy cause. 

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Don't forget all the other links

You may have missed some of the news since there has been so much happening over the past few months.  Here are the most popular links:, Inc.  | PO Box 624 | Pleasant Valley, NY 12569  
(845) 635-9487p  (845) 489-7818c