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EJ and Derby
A message from 
Edie Jane

" I am so looking forward to the annual TTEAM cllnics at my house.

With the teaching help of Lucie Leclerc, Marcy Baer, and other wonderful TTEAM teachers, and the input from Connected Riding practitioner Susanna Widrig, it can't help but be a winner - as ever!

"This year we're calling the training
' Setting Them Up For Success' . We'll have a good mix of youngsters and older horses. Our goal is to help them to be as successful as they can be, whether it's by easing the steps of early education, or by helping them overcome issues picked up through their careers. 
"What attracts me so much to the TTEAM work is that we pay attention to resolving what may be behind our horses' difficulties rather than focusing on 'fixing' them.
My experience is that when we can discover not just what may be the cause of an issue, but also what supports it - often an habitual posture or movement - we can be much more successful in the long as well as the short run. When working with youngsters it's a pro-active process. We look for the things that could predispose them to future difficulties with performance or behaviour.

"On the right is a wonderful video clip of 
Benefits of Tellington TTouch (Your Horse 2.39min)
Sarah Fisher speaking about the significance of paying attention.  Take a look, and if it interests you there are two articles on my website that you may enjoy. One is Sarah's article on Tension Patterns in Horses, the other an article of mine about why it's worth paying attention. It's called Shedding Some (Candle)Light on Resistances in Horses. They are both articles I suggest that new students read in preparation for a clinic with me.
"I'm also looking forward to the clinic because I'm always curious to see what it will bring - they are all different. Whatever we do will be guided by the needs of the horses and the interests of the participants.
"I trust you'll plan to join us!
All the best"
Edie Jane