Dear   ,
This is an exciting year for the Society of American Foresters in Northern and Southern California! SAF was established in the state in 1916, so we're celebrating our 100th birthday. As part of this celebration, Northern and Southern California SAF are sponsoring an Oral History project (video & audio) to capture insights from SAF Golden Members about SAF's role in California forestry as well as their own specific experiences. 

Our plan is to produce 12 videos over the course of the next year, and use these to reach out to the public, media, policy makers, youth and our membership with fascinating history about the rich contribution of SAF in California over the past century. In addition, the Forest History Society has offered to archive the oral histories at their headquarters.

NorCal and SoCal have been successful in obtaining SAF Forester Fund grants to offset a portion of the project cost. In order for the entire Oral History project to achieve the scope and quality as designed, we are seeking financial donations from the members of SAF to ensure full funding for the project. 

You can either mail a check to our business office (NorCal SAF, P.O. Box 1034, Murphys, CA 95247) or by checking the secure online link (Click HERE). 

In addition to our appreciation for your donation, each donor will be recognized as:
  • $100 or greater - Platinum donor
  • $75 - Gold donor
  • $50 - Silver donor
  • $25 - Bronze donor

Thanks for sharing in the celebration with us!

Sincerely yours,

Julie Lydick
Chair, CA SAF Centennial Committee
Rick Standiford
SAF District 3 Board of Directors
Bill Snyder
Chair, Northern California SAF
Tamara Hanna
Chair, Southern California SAF

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