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Preventing Gun Violence, Now Hiring, Help Grow Souls

June 17, 2016
Latest News
#Orlando Resources for Children and Families
Registration open: 2016-17 Religious Education
Curious about a volunteer role with our UU kids next year?
Now Hiring! Director of Music
Interfaith Summer Solstice Labyrinth Walk

But you gotta make your own kind of music
Sing your own special song
Make your own kind of music
Even if nobody else sings along."

-Mama Cass, "Make Your Own Kind of Music"

Breath of Fresh Air

Upcoming Services
10:00 a.m.

Worship Leader:
Matt Meyer

Worship Associates: Rev. Mara & Maeve McBride

We can imagine a world with more equity and compassion, but the journey to get there is long. How we do celebrate ups and downs on the road while we travel? How do we find joy in the community that assembles along the way?

Join us for a service of rhythm and song as we celebrate this beautiful and complicated faith journey together.

Matt is a musician and community organizer who has lead hundreds of services for UU congregations across the country. He has a degree in music and has studied abroad in Cuba, Ghana and Central America. Matt is a founding resident of the Lucy Stone Cooperative in Roxbury and serves as Director of Community Life for Sanctuary Boston.

Important Dates
June 19
9:00 a.m.
Theme Circles Mixer

June 20
5:30 p.m.
Summer Solstice Walk
FUUSB Labyrinth 


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Dear Ones,

As we continue to process the tragedy in Orlando last weekend, and as the world brings us more news of terrible violence, it will be good to come together  on Sunday morning in our spiritual home. Matt Meyer , a UU musician who visited us and led a drumming workshop last spring, will be back with us to lead worship, and his song-centered service should speak to and offer a balm for our spirits. I'll be present, too,  on Sunday to assist with the service, and look forward to seeing many of you there.

I was so proud of our First UU community  on Monday night, when we opened our space for silence and singing before the Pride Center's #Orlando vigil. Several folks from the larger community who attended expressed their appreciation for our ministry and the open, welcoming space we provide for all people. And, of course, so many First UU folks were among the two thousand who were part of the vigil. 

As we approach the Solstice next week, I offer you warm summer blessings. May the lengthening days, sun, and warmth feed your spirits.

Yours, in the spirit of love,
Rev. Mara

by Rev. Mara

- Mary Oliver's poem "Have You Ever Tried To Enter the Long Black Branches," which comes from her 1997 collection,  West Wind . (Not available with copyright online.)

- The "dancing sober" story came from Glennon Doyle Melton's memoir,  Carry On, Warrior.

- The hotel "Room with a View" story comes from Rachel Naomi Remen's  Kitchen Table Wisdom.

 - Harold Kushner's commentary on Ecclesiastes came from his 2002 book,  When All You've Ever Wanted Isn't Enough.

- And if you wondered what the heck Rev. Mara was singing, it was Prince's 1982 classic, "1999."

#Orlando Resources for Children and Families
by Martha Dallas

Dear Families,

The horror of gun violence and hate crimes tears at the fabric of society far too often in our times. It is hard enough to know how to respond to tragedies, and an even more delicate task of reassuring our children through times like these. Our Unitarian Universalist Association offers a  webpage  with some helpful reminders and suggestions for supporting young children's response to trauma. In summary:
  • Limit exposure to media coverage
  • Listen carefully to children
  • Spend time with children
  • Provide reassurance
  • Try to keep regular schedules
  • Provide play experiences that relieve tension
  • Be a model to children
  • Allow children to help
  • Seek community
  • Seek professional help when needed.
For older children and teens who are developing and exploring emerging identities, it's really important for parents to model active affirmation of, and alliance with of all ways of being, including GLBTQ identities. Attend PRIDE events, and speak out and show your support for GLBTQ people of all ages. Please check out  Outright Vermont , an amazing organization serving queer youth and their families.  
With school out for the summer, and school counselors not readily accessible to our young ones, if you'd like the support of a counseling professional, I'd be happy to suggest resources, answer questions, or just listen. You can reach me at  [email protected] or 862-5630 x 28.  
With love and hope,
Martha Dallas
Registration open: 2016-17 Religious Education for children & youth!
by Martha Dallas

Families, please go HERE  to tell us which class group(s) you're enrolling your child(ren) and youth for the coming program year! 

Curious about a volunteer role with our UU kids next year?
by Martha Dallas

Let us know! Simply fill out this mini interest form  to tell us a bit about yourself, and we'll follow up with you about next steps and more info, and together we'll find the best match for you!
Now Hiring! Director of Music

First UU Society is a welcoming, dynamic congregation of nearly 500 members. Our iconic and historic Meeting House is located in the heart of downtown Burlington, Vermont, a vibrant and livable city, which offers natural beauty, a strong sense of community, and cultural diversity. We are proud of a more-than-200-year history as a beacon for liberal religious values in our community, and excited about our future. Our next Director of Music will be an essential member of the  Sunday morning worship team, helping to create powerful and inspiring services that foster spiritual growth, compassion, introspection and impetus to action. The Director of Music plans and oversees a vibrant and inspirational congregational music program, which aligns with the Society's mission, embodies its values, and furthers its visionary ends.
This is a half-time position, with a starting salary of $25,500 and a professional development budget of 6% of salary. Benefits provided, including health insurance.
Please send cover letter and resume to  [email protected].  Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.

Interfaith Summer Solstice Labyrinth Walk
by Carol MacDonald

When: Monday, June 20
Time: 5:30 p.m.
 Questions? Contact:  [email protected]

All are invited to the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington's Community Labyrinth for a time of quiet introspection and shared celebration marking the longest day of the year. The Summer Solstice is a holy, and often celebratory occasion in many spiritual traditions. We will acknowledge this turning of the year by gathering at the labyrinth on the west lawn of the church. The gathering will
begin with an invocation and blessing led by Dee Bright Star, Abenaki Elder, and Michael Watson, a healer of mixed descent.
They will speak briefly about the life-way modeled by the Native American Medicine Wheel and bless the Community

Members of the UU Labyrinth Ministry will speak of the history of Labyrinths and lead the Labyrinth walk. The public is invited to share in this Solstice celebration and Labyrinth walk. The gathering will conclude with a prayer of gratitude, led by
Michael and Dee.

For centuries labyrinths have been used in meditation, ritual, prayer, personal and spiritual growth, and healing. The pattern of the seven circuit Cretan Labyrinth dates back to Crete in 500 BC and has been found in almost every culture and time period. It is located under the ash tree on the west lawn of the UU Church and is the only public labyrinth in downtown Burlington. It was constructed in the summer of 2014 and was officially blessed by Reverend Mara Dowdall September 7th, 2014.