Note from the CASC staff:
Happy Monday!

This week we were excited to see CASC seniors Sarah Hong and Amanda Champagne featured in this  New York Times article about sexual assault prevention and response work on college campuses. If you have news to share with CASC, please send it to us!  
We hope to see you soon! 

Katie, Alice, Joe, and Bri
CASC Announcements
MSW Information Session
Interested in learning more about receiving a masters degree in social work? Come to this information session! Learn more and RSVP.
When: September 29, 12 - 1PM
Where: School of Social Work, B770 
There will be another info session October 12, 5 - 6PM in room B760.

Senior Night
All CASC seniors are welcome to attend our senior night! This event will deliver content and create networking opportunities for CASC students. Content includes a brief overview of 401 registration, senior audits, graduation, and more. The remainder of the evening will provide an opportunity for students to connect with each other over shared interests and future plans. RSVP here.
When: October 1, 6:00 - 8:00PM
Where: School of Social Work, ECC 
Facilitator Training Workshop
This is a new initiative to offer facilitator training workshops for CASC students. The day will offer basic facilitator best practices, strategies, and more, and will use activities from DECLARE as a model and practice for facilitation. A great opportunity for anyone interested in learning facilitation skills! To register for this workshop, please complete this form by Thursday, October 1. 
When: October 3, 9:30 AM - 5PM
Where: Trotter Multicultural Center, 443 Washtenaw Ave. 

CASC Minor Release for Seniors
In order to complete your senior audit and prepare to graduate, you need to complete a release for both your major and minor.  You should complete your major r elease   before you complete your minor release .   Once you have completed your major release, please complete this form to help us complete your minor release.  You may notice that the courses you have taken for CASC do not show up correctly on your Academic Requirements Checklist on Wolverine Access. Because of the way our system works, these courses may not show up until after you complete your minor release. 
If you would like to discuss your  minor release  please contact Joe.

CASC Survey
All CASC students are invited to participate in a  survey about the CASC minor. This survey will help us to understand your experiences in the minor and your social justice learning. This survey is completely voluntary, and your responses will be recorded anonymously. You will need to log in to your google account to access the survey, but your username will not be recorded. Your responses will be used for research by the CASC team. Be in touch with  CASC director Katie Richards-Schuster with any questions.

So Cool, So Just Student Orgs
For anyone who would like more information about the student organizations that participated in the So Cool, So Just fair this year, you can learn more and get involved today!

You can still sign up for DECLARE! DECLARE is a two day retreat that will allow you to dive deeply into thinking about your identities, your social justice work, and how you can work to implement change. The retreat is open to all declared CASC minors, and students who have met with a CASC advisor and plan to declare the minor. Students interested in signing up for DECLARE should  complete this form.
Candlelight Vigil for Syrian Refugee Crisis
Come this Tuesday to remember those who have lost their lives and those still struggling to find safety as the Syrian crisis continues. This vigil is also a reminder that millions of Syrian refugees have fled their home country to seek refuge, including here in Michigan.
When: September 29, 8PM
Where: Central Campus Diag
Jewish Voice for Peace Mass Meeting
Anyone interested in joining a pro-peace, pro-human rights Jewish organization for a just peace in historic Palestine can connect with Jewish Voice for Peace.
When: September 30, 7:30PM
Where: Michigan League, Koessler room

RISE Volunteer Advisor Needed
The Neutral Zone's young women's group, Respect plus Integrity equals Social Equality (RISE) is seeking a new advisor for the 2015-2016 school year. Learn more and apply.
Scholarships and Funding Opportunities
Funding for Student Organizations
CASC students are involved in many activities around campus and we receive multiple requests for funding. CASC has a limited pool of money that CASC students are eligible to apply for. In order to apply for a CASC grant, you must be part of a registered student org and have an SOAS account. There are four funding deadlines throughout the year- October 1, December 1, January 15, and March 15.  To apply for funding, students must submit a funding proposal that includes the following information: student org name, contact info, SOAS account number, event name, summary of event, date of event, complete budget.  Contact the CASC office with questions..
Jobs and Internships
Research Assistant
The Parenting in Context Research Lab in the School of Social Work is seeking work study students who are interested in contributing to community-based, web-based, and survey research. Learn more about the job details and apply online.

Media Assistant
The School of Social Work is seeking a work study interested in working 8-12 hours a week supplying multi-media, audio-visual, and graphics support to the faculty and staff. Learn more and apply.

The Public Service Intern Program (PSIP) is an opportunity for students to intern in Washington D.C. Learn more about the application process and program details.

Impact is a nonprofit that runs action campaigns. If you are interested in joining a team of passionate people to make an impact on issues like global warming, clean water, big money's influence over our democracy and other issues that matter to our future, consider a job with Impact.

University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106
Phone: (734) 763-5733