
CoopZone Developers' Network Co-operative

Fall 2014 /  Winter 2015 Newsletter
Volume 4
Issue 4                                                           


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In This Issue
CoopZone AGM Rreport
Cross Canada Co-op Developer Check-In, and Facebook Page
CoopZone-CWCF Conference Report
Rapport sur le Congr�s conjoint de CoopZone et de la FCCT
CoopZone Tele-learning Sessions
It Feels Like We've Sparked a Movement
Business Succession and Co-operatives
Jo-Anne Ferguson Retire
Ontario co-op movement could use a legislative leg-up.
The Quiet Global Boom of Co-operative Enterprises.
"A Golden Visit - to the Quebec Summit"
On the Road with Youth Traveling Co-op Institute.
North American Gathering of "The Workers' Economy".
International Census of Co-operatives
Trousse p�dagogique : Qu'est-ce qu'une coop�rative?
Le rapport du G20 mentionne le r�le des coop�ratives dans la s�curit� alimentaire
Beautiful Solutions: Call for Submissions
Happy Holidays

The photo above was taken at Prairie Sky Co-housing Cooperative where CWCF has its Calgary office.

On a pris la photo ci-haut � la Coop�rative Prairie Sky, o� se trouve le bureau de la FCCT � Calgary.  

CoopZone AGM Report
Hanan El-Youssef. ICA-ACI


The CoopZone AGM was held by tele-conference call on September 29, 2014.   There were 24 members present and three guests. Staff, board and financial reports were shared and approved. Peter Hough provided an update on the CoopZone Development training program and director elections were also conducted. Ethel C�t� and Martin Van Den Borre were both elected by acclamation for the two seats at-large that were open. The Board and staff expressed their profound appreciation to retiring board members Joy Emmanuel (who served as President in the last year) and Andr� Jalbert (who served on the Board since before incorporation).  Thank you, Joy and Andr� for your many contributions and your leadership!  At the Board reorganization, the Board chose Jill Kelly to be the new Board President, Pascal Billard to be Vice President, and Kevin Harding to be the Secretary-Treasurer.   

A resolution was presented and passed, which called for CoopZone to dispense with an auditor once again in 2014-2015.   

Toward the end of the meeting, Hanan El-Youssef, Strategy Manager at the international Co-op Alliance presented on the ICA's activities around the Blueprint for a Co-operative Decade.  


To read the minutes from this AGM including Hanan's presentation, please visit the CoopZone website here.


Cross Canada Co-op Developer Check-In, and CoopZone Facebook Page

CoopZone is seeking ways for members to more effectively share stories and news with each other.  In this spirit, we have launched the "Cross-Canada Co-op Developer Check-In". We also wish to encourage more use of the CoopZone Facebook page. 


This month we have a Conference report from Jill Kelly below. Thank you, Jill!  


If you have any ideas, news or stories you would like to share about co-ops in your area of the country or otherwise, send your articles to Kaye Grant, at [email protected]   


We also encourage you to visit the CoopZone Facebook page here. Please like the page and share relevant information on it.  

By Jill Kelly, CoopZone Board Chair
2014 CWCF conference


Annually, CoopZone joins CWCF as a joint sponsor of this two- to three-day conference for worker co-ops and co-op developers. This year it was held in beautiful Wolfville, NS from November 6-8.  


CWCF holds its Annual General Meeting during the conference. CoopZone has five votes at the AGM, and, as CoopZone members are able to join CWCF at no additional cost, most members of CoopZone are also members of CWCF in the category of "Worker Co-op Developer Member". Although not a large or wealthy organization, CWCF is larger and better resourced than CoopZone, so it is able to offer some member services that are also available to those CoopZone members who chose to join CWCF.


One example of benefits is insurance available through The Co-operators, There is a new Co-operators program called Co-op Guard? as of June 2014 which provides business insurance (property insurance, liability, group benefits when for everyone in the co-op, etc.) as well as group retirement savings plans - for co-operatives.  and there was a presentation on these at the conference. Those types of insurance which are accessible to individuals are available to CoopZone members.  More information can be found 


The conference agenda included two time slots for Ignite, short presentations on co-ops or related organizations represented at the conference. We heard from a variety of co-ops and organizations and this was a good way to get a sneak peek at those co-ops/organizations you might want to find out more about.  I presented on CoopZone, to a backdrop of photos pulled together by fellow board member Kevin Harding.


Ryszard (Richard) Stocki from Poland is doing co-op research at St. Mary's University in Halifax. He attended the conference and presented on his work. He is developing a new version of the Worker Co-op Index, which is designed to align a co-op's practices with co-operative values and principles. His tool measures lifestyle, as a way to identify those principles that people actually live, since often people profess to having certain principles and values, but don't live by them. This tool is designed to evaluate people issues within co-ops. Since co-ops are individuals working together for a common good, it is not sufficient to evaluate the business side; the people side is also important. The whole tool is fairly complex, but Richard is hoping it can be useful in delving more deeply into important co-op issues. He is currently testing it with interested co-ops.  He also presented on his research regarding participation, which provided an academic perspective to case study presentations by co-ops on challenges and solutions to participation issues.


Among the co-ops we heard from during the conference were:

  • Careforce - worker co-op of home-care workers in Wolfville/Kentville area.
  • Just Us! Coffee Roasters - started as coffee roasters, expanded to chocolate with retail outlets
  • Urbane Cyclist - bicycle sales and repair in downtown Toronto.
  • La Barberie - mciro-brewery in Quebec City.
  • Unite Digital - marketing worker co-op in Saskatoon.
  • Sustainability Solutions Group - sustainable/green building consultants across Canada.
  • Union Cab - taxi worker co-op in Madison, WI.
  • La Siembra - chocolate produced using organic, fair trade products sourced from partners in Peru. Located in Ottawa.
  • Urban Eatin' - help to grow food, design urban gardens, raised beds built with recycled wood, in Winnipeg.
  • RESEAU - a Quebec based solidarity co-op presented about its on-line tool, Boussole entrepreneuriale ("Entrepreneurial Compass"): a tool for decision on the structure, between co-op, non-profit, business corp, that helps entrepreneurs determine the most appropriate business form to adopt and then provides them with appropriate resources.

Areas of discussion were mainly on management structure and participation models. It was very interesting to hear about the wide range of approaches and solutions to these issues that are fairly common to worker co-ops.


The co-ops ranged in size from a few, to hundreds of members. Yet the large co-ops could be just as participatory as the small. The common theme was that you must work at earning the interest and commitment of the members and other employees, and the best solutions are found when everyone participates in the process.


The keynote presentation was by Jos� Orbaiceta, President, CICOPA-Mercosur, Argentina on Building the Worker Co-op Movement in Argentina.


There was a resolution at the CWCF AGM on indivisible reserves in co-ops, so there was lively debate on the pros and cons. Jos� Orbaiceta reported that, while the law in Argentina does not require any of the reserves to be indivisible, the most successful co-ops have voluntarily adopted policies creating indivisible reserves. As he said, the co-op needs to find the balance between paying workers and retaining reserves

in perpetuity, so co-ops should have clear policies on capital. The resolution, which encouraged but did not compel co-ops to adopt indivisible reserves, was approved.


For the co-op developers attending, the conference provided an opportunity to hear about current co-op issues, and co-ops had an opportunity to consult with a developer, both formally and informally.


We also had a developer-focused workshop where we heard from Micha�l B�land, Wendy Keats, and Lynn Hannley on Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada's strategic plan and the MOU on co-op development to be signed by all the organizations across the country who are active in co-op development. We all agreed that we need a clear focus on new co-op development, and we need to identify and find the resources needed to achieve that development. Training and education for developers and for new co-operators, and small amounts of funds for feasibility studies were both mentioned. It was suggested that this is an opportune time to be reaching out with the co-op message, and that if we don't, we will be overtaken by non-co-op social enterprise initiatives.

There was also a breakfast meeting of the CoopZone Legal Network, where the possibility of providing continuing development workshops for lawyers on co-ops was discussed. This is being explored further.


The conference was informative and interesting and definitely worth the investment for CoopZone members. Next year's Conference will be held in Montreal, October 29-31, 2015 so start planning now.


Rapport sur le Congr�s conjoint de CoopZone et de la FCCT
Par Jill Kelly, Pr�sidente de CoopZone
  2014 CWCF conference


Chaque ann�e, CoopZone rejoint la FCCT en tant que co-h�te durant les 2 � 3 jours du Congr�s pan-canadien des coop�ratives de travail et des d�veloppeurs de coop�ratives. Cette ann�e, le Congr�s a eu lieu du 6 au 8 novembre dans la belle ville de Wolfville en Nouvelle �cosse.


La FCCT tient son assembl�e g�n�rale annuelle durant le Congr�s. CoopZone � cinq votes � l'AGA, et puisque les membres de CoopZone sont capables de joindre la FCCT sans frais suppl�mentaires, la plupart des membres de CoopZone sont membres de la FCCT aussi.


M�me si la FCCT n'est pas une organisation grande et riche, elle est plus grande et riche que CoopZone. D'abord elle est capable d'offrir des services aux membres qui sont disponibles aux membres de CoopZone qui ont choisi de joindre la FCCT.


Un exemple : des b�n�fices des assurances disponibles de la part de Co-operators. Depuis juin 2014, il y a un nouveau programme appel� Garde-Coop ? qui pourvoit l'assurance pour les entreprises (l'assurance des biens, la responsabilit� civile, l'assurance collectif lorsque c'est pour tout le monde dans la coop�rative, etc.) ainsi que des plans d'�pargne-retraite collective - seulement pour les coop�ratives. Il y avait une pr�sentation sur ce programme durant le Congr�s. On peut trouver plus de renseignements � L'ordre du jour du Congr�s comprenait deux p�riodes assign� pour ce qu'on appelle � Ignite �: de courtes pr�sentations en cinq minutes. Ces pr�sentations �taient sur les coop�ratives ou les organisations reli�es repr�sent�es au Congr�s. Nous avons entendu une vari�t� de coop�ratives et d'organisations, et c'�tait un bon moyen pour jeter un coup d'oeil sur les organisations sur lesquelles vous voudriez en savoir plus.

J'ai pr�sent� CoopZone sur un fond de photos assembl�es par Kevin Harding.   

Ryszard (Richard) Stocki de la Pologne fait des recherches sur les coop�ratives � l'Universit� St. Mary � Halifax. Il a assist� au Congr�s et a pr�sent� son travail. Il d�veloppe une nouvelle version de l'index des coop�ratives de travail, qui tient � s'aligner les pratiques d'une coop�rative � celle des valeurs et principes coop�ratifs.


Son outil mesure le mode de vie, comme un moyen d'identifier les principes que les gens vivent r�ellement, car souvent les gens pr�tendent avoir certains principes et valeurs, mais ne vivent pas par eux. L'outil �value les questions des personnes dans les coop�ratives. Comme les membres des coop�ratives sont des personnes qui travaillent ensemble pour le bien commun, il n'est pas suffisant pour �valuer l'aspect commercial; le c�t� humain est important aussi. L'outil en g�n�ral est assez complexe, mais Richard esp�re que cela peut �tre utile pour se poser plus profond�ment des questions importantes sur les coop�ratives. Pr�sentement, il examine avec les coop�ratives int�ress�es.


Il a aussi pr�sent� ses recherches co ncernant la participation, ce qui pourvoyait une perspective acad�mique pour des d'�tudes de cas pr�sentat�es par les coop�ratives sur les d�fis et les solutions pour la participation.

-Parmi les coop�ratives que nous avons entendues lors du Congr�s, il y avaient:   

-Careforce - coop�rative de travail de soins � domicile dans la r�gion de Wolfville / Kentville.   

-Just Us! Torr�facteurs - a commenc� �quitable, se sont �pandu au chocolat, avec des points de vente.   

-Urbane cycliste - les ventes de bicyclettes et de r�paration dans le centre de Toronto.   

-La Barberie - micro-brasserie � Qu�bec.   

-Unite Digital Marketing Co-op - � Saskatoon - le marketing digital, � Saskatoon   

-Le groupe des solutions durable - consultants dans les domaines de l'�cologie et et la durabilit� a travers le Canada, et le monde.   

-Union Cab - coop�rative de travailleurs du taxi � Madison, Wisconsin.   

-La Siembra - chocolat produit � base de produits du commerce �quitable organiques provenant des partenaires au P�rou. Situ� � Ottawa.   

-Urban Eatin '- cultiver des aliments sur d'autres terres, la conception des jardins urbains, des lits sur�lev�s construits avec du bois recycl�; � Winnipeg.   


RESEAU - une coop�rative de solidarit� qu�b�coise � pr�sent�e au sujet de son outil en ligne, Boussole entrepreneuriale (�Entrepreneurial Compass �): un outil pour la prise sur la structure, entre les coop�ratives, les OBNLs, les entreprises plus d'affaires, qui aide les entrepreneurs � d�terminer la forme d'entreprise le plus appropri� et les pourvois avec des ressources appropri�es apr�s.


Les domaines de discussion �taient principalement sur les mod�les de la structure de gestion et de participation. C'�tait tr�s int�ressant d'entendre parler de vastes approches et solutions � ces probl�mes qui sont assez communs dans les coop�ratives de travail.

Les coop�ratives varie en largeur de quelques personnes, jusqu'� des centaines de membres. Pourtant, les grandes coop�ratives pourraient �tre aussi participatives que les petits. Le th�me commun est que vous devez travailler � gagner l'int�r�t et l'engagement des membres et d'autres employ�s, et les meilleures solutions sont trouv�es quand tout le monde participe au processus.

La conf�rencier cl� �tait Jos� Orbaiceta, le pr�sident du CICOPA-Mercosur d'Argentine sur le renforcement du Mouvement des coop�ratives de travail en Argentine.

Il y avait une r�solution � l'AGA de la FCCT sur les� r�serves indivisibles des coop�ratives, donc il y avait un d�bat sur les avantages et les inconv�nients. Jos� Orbaiceta � constat�, alors que la loi en Argentine ne n�cessite pas des r�serves pour �tre impartageables, les coop�ratives les plus r�ussies ont volontairement adopt� des politiques cr�ant des r�serves impartageables. Comme il le dit, la coop�rative a besoin de trouver l'�quilibre entre payer les travailleurs et le maintien de provisions � perp�tuit�, donc les coop�ratives devraient avoir des politiques claires sur le capital. La r�solution, qui encourage mais n'oblige pas les coop�ratives � adopter la r�serve impartageable, a �t� approuv�e.

Pour les promoteurs de coop�ratives participant, le Congr�s a donn� l'occasion d'entendre parler des questions venant des coop�raties actuelles, et les coop�ratives ont eu l'occasion de consulter un d�veloppeur, � la fois formellement et informellement.

Nous avons eu aussi un atelier sur le d�veloppeur coop�ratif dans lequel nous avons entendu Micha�l B�land, le Gestionnaire du d�veloppement coop�ratif � CMC, Wendy Keats (de CEC-NB), et Lynn Hannley (du Communtas Group) sur les coop�ratives et le plan strat�gique de Coop�ratives et Mutuelles Canada, et le protocole d'entente sur le d�veloppement de coop�ratives pour �tre sign� par toutes les organisations � travers le pays qui sont actifs dans le domaine. Nous avons tous convenu que nous devons avoir une orientation claire sur la nouvelle strat�gie de d�veloppement coop�ratif, et nous avons besoin d'identifier et de trouver les ressources n�cessaires pour atteindre ce d�veloppement. La formation et l'�ducation pour les d�veloppeurs et pour les nouveaux coop�rateurs, et de petites quantit�s de fonds pour les �tudes de faisabilit� ont �t� mentionn�s � la fois. Il a �t� sugg�r� que c'est maintenant un moment opportun pour �tre en avant avec le message coop�ratif, et que si nous ne le faisons pas, nous allons �tre surpris par des initiatives d'entreprises sociales non-coop�ratives.

Il y avait aussi un petit-d�jeuner de CoopZone pour le R�seau juridique, o� la possibilit� de fournir des ateliers de perfectionnement pour les avocats sur les coop�ratives a �t� discut�e. Ce sera � l'�tude un peu plus tard.

Le Congr�s �tais �ducationnel et int�ressant, et certainement un bon investissement de temps pour les membres de CoopZone. Afin de commencer � planifier d�s maintenant le Congr�s prochain, s'il vous pla�t, notez que le Congr�s aura lieu � Montr�al du 29 jusqu'au 31octobre, 2015.

CoopZone Tele-learning Session Notes
CoopZoneT here have been a number of tele-learning sessions recently. 
  1. September 9, 2014: Crowdfunding: Notes can be found here 
  2. October 27, 2014:
    proposed Memorandum of Understanding among co-op development organizations in Canada, coordinated by Co-operatives & Mutuals Canada; and the proposed National Co-op Development Strategy/ Framewok, by Micha�l B�land, CMC Co-op Development Manager, and Peter Hough, CWCF Financial Officer & member of the CMC Co-op Development Committee.  Click here for more information
  3. November 8, 2014:  Tele-learning session/ workshop for developers at the CWCF-CoopZone Conference,  by Michael Beland,CMC, Wendy Keats, CEC New Brunswick, and Lynn Hannley, facilitated by David Daughton
    Tele-learning session/ workshop for developers at the CWCF-CoopZone Conference. Click here for more information.
  4. November 12, 2014: Current and Emerging Legal Issues in Housing Co-ops, by Laird Hunter, Celia Chandler, and Grant Haddock. Click here for more information
  5. December 11, 2014 RRSPs Can Help Capitalize Your Co-op by Peter HoughClick here to access the slides from this session

It Feels Like We've Sparked a Movement" - The Calgary Poverty Reduction Initiative

People are thirsting to be involved in Calgary's new poverty reduction initiative, and creatively finding their own ways to do so


Calgary's poverty reduction initiative is called Enough for All -- and it's shifting the conversation about what it means to reduce poverty. People are thirsting to be involved. 


"Let's talk about us as a community," is the rallying cry. "We're all in this together, and we have to figure out how we build the community that works for all of us." Read more... 



Business Succession and Co-operatives

Shared by Micha�l B�land, Gestionnaire du d�veloppement coop�ratif | Manager of Co-operative Development, Coop�ratives et mutuelles Canada|Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada


I would like to share with you an article published on Industry Canada's blog - Canada Business Network - on business succession through the co-op model:


J'aimerai porter � votre attention un article qui est paru sur le blogue d'Industrie Canada, R�seau Entreprises Canada, � propos de la succession d'entreprise en mode coop�ratif :



Jo-Anne Ferguson Retires

Ottawa, October 17, 2014


CCA Executive Director Jo-Anne Ferguson is retiring. Ms. Ferguson, who was Senior Director, International Development at the Canadian Co-operative Association (CCA) for more than 10 years was appointed to the top post this April with a mandate to lead the Association through its transition to focus exclusively on international development. She planned to retire once this transition was completed and a permanent replacement was found.  


Ms. Ferguson is also the Executive Director of the Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada (CDF), a national charity that engages CCA to deliver many of its international development projects.

"Both CDF and CCA have been strengthened through Jo-Anne's outstanding leadership, her thoughtful guidance and steadfast commitment to excellence," says CCA president Patrice Pratt. We congratulate Jo-Anne on her upcoming retirement and offer our sincere gratitude for the enviable reputation she has achieved for both organizations."


Ms. Ferguson has over 30 years of professional management experience in the credit union and co-operative sectors, 12 years of which were Canada-based, managing CCA international co-operative development programs and projects funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (now the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development), international financial Institutions and with technical and financial support from Canadian co-operatives.


For two years she managed the Credit Union Development Assistance Program in Sri Lanka - strengthening the educational campus of SANASA, Sri Lanka's national credit union system. Ms. Ferguson has conducted missions to provide technical assistance and monitoring services in the transitional economies of China and Mongolia, as well as India, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Sierra Leone.


Before her career in international development, Ms. Ferguson held management posts in the Alberta and Saskatchewan credit union sectors. She directed the delivery of education training programs through a national network of regional co-operative councils in Canada.  


"Jo-Anne is known and recognized by so many across our co-operative and credit union system," says CDF Chair Cheryl Byrne. "I speak for many when I say we wish her all the best for her retirement. She will be greatly missed."


Ms. Ferguson's retirement takes effect when a permanent replacement is in place. The search for a new executive director for CDF and CCA is underway.


For further information contact:

David Shanks

Manager of Communications and Marketing

Canadian Co-operative Association

613-238-6711 613-238-6711 Vext 207

[email protected]



Ontario co-op movement could use a legislative leg-up
Despite member-controlled and community-centric businesses gaining much appeal and generating billions in revenue, laws that govern co-ops in Ontario are strikingly outdated and restrictive.


Read the full Toronto Star article here

The Quiet Global Boom of Co-operative Enterprises

Image by Anda:
by Russ Christianson (CoopZone member)

This century will test the Earth beyond many of its limits. Population growth, Climate chaos, Resource depletion, and further destructive social disparity. The current system is not the answer. The answer is collaborative social innovation and systemic shift towards community. We have a choice: co-operate or not. Will the 21st century be the age of cooperation and collaboration? For our collective wellbeing, it must be.

To read the full article click here.
"A Golden Visit - to the Quebec Summit"

From October 6 to 9, Quebec in Canada hosted the second edition of the International Summit of Cooperatives , with the main theme being the Power of Innovation.

In this well-written, brief series, CDS chief executive Sarah Deas from Scotland discusses the Summit, a US organisation driving employee ownership, takes a trip to a co-operative shopping quarter, and more.    

In conclusion, Sarah states, " So, how do I summarise this visit? A golden experience - not just the leaves on trees, the abundance of pumpkins and the warm hospitality but also in the richness of learning. Thanks to everyone that was so open in sharing your story."


On the Road with Youth Traveling Co-op Institute

The Youth Traveling Co-op Institute (TCI) is all about sharing cooperation with young peopleIn pursuit of the goal to increase the number of youth and youth businesses within the cooperative movement in 2014, the Youth TCI will be traveling to North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.


Here  Emily M. Lippold Cheney, Cooperative Organizer, Youth Traveling Cooperative Institute provides more information about this program. (see page 27 of this magazine)  



North American Gathering of "The Workers' Economy"

Graphic by critter via

The 1st Regional Gathering of North America, Central America and the Caribbean November 7th and 8th , 2014-Mexico City



International Census of Co-operatives

From the CMC October 31, 2014 Newsletter


Measuring the Size and Scope of the Co-operative Economy: Results of the 2014 Global Census on Co-operatives was released during the International Summit of Co-operatives 2014. The Census provides a broad view of co-operative data around the world, including many 'big picture' statistics that help quantify the economic impact of the global movement.

  • 2.6 Million Cooperatives have over 1 Billion memberships and clients.
  • 12.6 Million Employees work in 770,000 Cooperative offices and Outlets.
  • US$20 Trillion in Cooperative Assets generate US$3 trillion in Annual Revenue.
The report proceeds to measure the economic and social impact of cooperatives based on some simple formula's to establish how the co-operative sectors in various countries compare. New Zealand comes out on top in their index with France and Switzerland coming in second and third respectively. This type of analysis is very new and leads to many other questions of course, but it should be noted that Canada does not land in the top ten of any measure in this census.

This is interesting because Canada does rank seventh in the Social Progress Index (SPI), which mostly aligns with the Co-operative Economy Index. There are no conclusions to draw from this, except to ask if the data we have on the co-operative economy in Canada is as good as in other countries, or more positively, co-operation in Canada has lots of room for growth!



Trousse p�dagogique : Qu'est-ce qu'une coop�rative?

Vielle-Coop, dcembre 2014, Numro 9  


La coop�rative est un mod�le d'entreprise d�mocratique peu connue du grand public. Et pourtant, les Fran�ais la c�toient tous les jours : enseignes de la grande distribution, opticiens, alimentation, banques, restaurants, magazines, compagnies de th��tre, groupements d'artisans, logements, etc. Faisant la promotion du mod�le coop�ratif, CoopFR, organisation repr�sentative des organisations coop�ratives, a d�velopp� une gamme d'outils promotionnels dans le but de sensibiliser tous les publics au mod�le coop�ratif, notamment � l'�cole ou lors de formations, ateliers, salons, conf�rences, etc. Sur le site de CoopFr, vous retrouverez un film d'animation, un livret p�dagogique, un panorama sectoriel des entreprises coop�ratives et un d�pliant "Qu'est-ce qu'une coop�rative?".



Le rapport du G20 mentionne le r�le des coop�ratives dans la s�curit� alimentaire

Vielle-Coop, dcembre 2014, Numro 9   

Lors du Sommet du G20 qui s'est d�roul� les 15 et 16 novembre � Brisbane, en Australie, la question de la s�curit� alimentaire et de la nutrition a �t� abord�e. Le Rapport relatif au cadre strat�gique mondial pour la s�curit� alimentaire et la nutrition fait d'ailleurs mention du r�le des coop�ratives � cet �gard. L'un des objectifs prioritaires d�crits dans ce cadre est d'accro�tre les investissements responsables dans les syst�mes alimentaires. Le rapport souligne que les entreprises priv�es, y compris les petites et moyennes entreprises du secteur alimentaire, les exploitations agricoles familiales et les coop�ratives sont essentielles pour augmenter la productivit� agricole. Andrew Crane, pr�sident du Business Council for Co-operatives and Mutuals a d�clar�: � Les coop�ratives et les mutuelles ont �t� mentionn�es en premier lieu dans les propres recommandations du groupe de travail sur les infrastructures du B20. Ces recommandations reconnaissent que, lorsque les gouvernements envisagent la privatisation de leurs actifs, les mutuelles peuvent �galement servir de mod�le de participation. � Ce dernier a �galement d�clar� que les coop�ratives pouvaient aider � r�aliser d'autres objectifs fix�s par le G20. � l'instar des entreprises non mutualistes, les coop�ratives et les mutuelles peuvent contribuer � l'ensemble des domaines d'activit�s du G20, dont la lib�ralisation du commerce, l'infrastructure de la cha�ne d'approvisionnement, l'apprentissage et la main d'?uvre, ainsi que le soutien � la croissance dans les pays moins d�velopp�s. Ce processus a permis d'influencer la r�flexion du G20 et de montrer � quel point les coop�ratives et mutuelles peuvent contribuer � l'atteinte d'un objectif de croissance ambitieux du PIB de mani�re �quitable et durable.



Beautiful Solutions: Call for Submissions

The collective that brought you Beautiful Trouble: A Toolbox for Revolution is teaming up with Rachel Plattus and Eli Feghali of the New Economy Coalition to assemble a toolbox for building a just and livable future. Beautiful Solutions: A Toolbox for the Future

will adapt the modular, interconnected structure of Beautiful Trouble, as well as its successful model of movement-wide collaboration.  



If you're involved in building alternatives anywhere in the world, we want to hear from you. Read more... 



CoopZone is a network of people and organizations which help others to start and develop co-operatives.   
Please send any comments, suggestions and ideas for articles to: 


Kaye Grant  
Editor of CoopZone Newsletter 
(204) 257-1198
204-257- 1198