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Welcome to the latest edition of Heart-2-Heart!
Heart-2-Heart  is published on the First Friday of each month by the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We offer this as our gift to you with the hopes that our story and the spirituality of the Sacred Heart will touch your heart as you strive to live the Gospel in your daily life.  
      On March 10, we celebrate the birth of Mother Clelia Merloni . As we celebrate her life and the example that she has given us of reaching out and showing mercy to others, let us also look at the  Pope's Lenten call for us to practice the works of mercy. 

We have come to the middle of Lent, let us pause and reflect on the past three and a half weeks. 

In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has invited us to look at the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. How have these weeks looked different from my normal routine? Where have I witnessed mercy this Lent? 

In participating in the Catholic Tradition of the Stations of the Cross, we encounter Simon of Cyrene who is asked to help Jesus carry his cross and Veronica, who wipes the face of Jesus. We can look to Simon and Veronica as examples of mercy. Is there someone around you who is struggling with their cross? Can you see Christ in them? Perhaps for these remaining three weeks of Lent, you can pay extra attention to those who are carrying heavy burdens-those in your home, in your neighborhood, at the workplace or school. 
During this Lenten season, l et us also ask Mother Clelia to continue to be our guide and example in living a life according to the works of mercy.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in you. Mother Clelia, pray for us.

Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus