"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."  Mahatma Gandhi

September News
Halloween is a lot like life. You can either feel tricked and complain about your bag of candy, or you can feel treated and find the sweetness.

Our Chatsworth Kiwanis group personally feels that the real sugar 
in life comes from serving others. Here is  just a little taste of what 
we've been up to. 

Want to take a bite? Join us every Tuesday at 7PM at Los Toros. 
(We promise not to boo you away!)

Pas t Events
Just a few things we did in September included:

 (Chatsworth of Kiwanis Members at Pass the Torch) 

* September 12 - Chatsworth Train Station Mural. A popular Chatsworth landmark, which depicts elements of Chatsworth's history, was badly damaged by graffiti, weather and deterioration. Concerned individuals, community groups, neighborhood council along with the Chatsworth Fine Art Council, Kiwanis and the support of CD 12's Councilman Mitch Englander painted and restored this beautiful treasures.

* September 19 - Club Installation and Social at Jose Cruz's House. At this event we said goodbye to our past officers and welcomed in our new ones, including new board members. The theme was "We are the World" to align with our future Chatsworth Parade theme. We came in costume and had a blast!

* September 26 - Key to College. Key Clubbers learned from Circle K members what to expect in terms of College admissions, essays, etc. and how to use their time in Kiwanis to benefit their entrance applications.

* September 27 - Family Fun Festival. Various businesses throughout the Valley said goodbye to summer with food, crafts and fun for kids and the kids at heart. It was HOT but memorable. The Chatsworth Kiwanis Club grilled burgers as well as made tacos. 

Lieutenant Gov. Mattin Delavar of El Camino Charter School (Division 25 West) takes "Grill Master" to a whole new level)
Place article copy here. Be sure to make the articles short and concise as people tend not to read much more than a couple of paragraphs. Place article copy here.
Future Events / Continuous Events

Saturday, October 10-Community Clean Up, meet @Chatsworth Train Station @9 a.m.

Sunday, October 11-Region Center Aids Walk on W. Hollywood

November Thanksgiving Baskets, we will be collecting non-perishable food items during the month. For Information Contact Sherri (310) 701-5355

Saturday, November 14-Wheels to the Sea, Sycamore Canyon Park @ 7 a.m.

Saturday, November 14 - Fall Rally South at Magic Mountain. It's a chance for Key Clubbers to meet as many people as possible. Chaperones are needed. Funds are raised for pediatric trauma fund 

Sunday, December 13-Holiday Parade and Festival. The theme is "We Are The World". Click here for More Information 
Nick is flanked on the left by his wife, Lucia. Lucia is the true hands and feet of many Kiwanis events, including the upcoming Chatsworth Holiday Parade.
Nick Montaño - Not Just the Owner of Los Toros
Nick Montaño might be the owner of Los Toros Restaurant, a Chatsworth Mexican restaurant that's been a family favorite for almost  50 years. But equally as important to him is his involvement in Kiwanis. 

In between preparing for his new role as Secretary for the 7PM Tuesday Kiwanis meeting (and finishing up agenda items with his wife, Lucia, for the upcoming Chatsworth Holiday Parade) Nick gave a quick interview on just how important Kiwanis is to him. 

When did you get involved in Kiwanis?

My father got me into it about 25 years ago. Before I knew it I was totally enamored with what it did for the community.
What are some things you do for the club on a monthly basis, including hosting the meetings at your restaurant each Tuesday at 7PM?

I water trees for Chatsworth, attend neighborhood council meetings, go to Chamber of Commerce meetings and participate in many of the weekend events we volunteer at (including cooking!).

Talk a bit about the Chatsworth Train Station Mural Event

Well, the mural was created back in the 90's with the help of Lawrence Middle School, Chaminade and Sierra Canyon. One day while jogging I saw graffiti and thought, "We need to help." Luckily Cindy Medlin of the Chatsworth Arts Council agreed, along with Ziggy Campos and the support of CD12 (Mitch Englander). The day it was completed was a very happy day. The way the community pitched in... that's what it's all about. 

You seem really proud of the Key Clubbers.What's the source of your pride?

The Key Clubbers show up week after week, not just to our meetings on Tuesday but at our events. Without them, there is no way we would be so successful as a club. 

You've mentioned that Kiwanis is not just for business networking. Explain a bit more.

The truth is, many of our members join our group to get business referrals. There's nothing wrong with that, but what often happens is that they network in a way they didn't really expect. By giving of their time, they end up totally fulfilled. Plus, in showing up consistently, they end up tightly linked with the Kiwanis family. It's when they give of themselves, not just get, that people start to know them. And then, well, business happens anyway.

Talk to the adult who has thought about joining Kiwanis but hasn't taken the plunge.

There's no big pressure. I invite them to stop by on a Tuesday at 7PM and join us for dinner. Right now we're in the middle of a big drive for Chatsworth Holiday Parade (which my wife is running like a pro) so it's a great time to jump in, loan us some hands and learn what we're all about. 

Talk to the high schooler who is considering joining Key Club

Key Club is a great opportunity to build leadership and communication skills. Not only will you grow as a person, but it's a huge benefit for college entrance applications. 

How can people find out more about Kiwanis.

Check us out on Facebook at the Kiwanis Club of Chatsworth, stop by Los Toros at 7PM on Tuesday or email me at [email protected].
Want to meet people, be of service and get connected? Join us at our next Kiwanis Meeting!

Tuesdays - 7PM Los Toros Restaurant, Chatsworth
Thank you for reading our newsletter. Forward it to your friends and family and consider joining our family. We'd love to have you.