There's a social media post that goes something like this: "My favorite part of the bible was when Jesus has everyone drug-tested before feeding the masses." It is an implicit reminder to not judge others.

We see homeless people in Chicago every day. This always troubles my son; he feels badly each and every time he comes across a homeless person asking for money. I find myself in a position of the delicate balance between encouraging the feelings of sympathy, and explaining to him that some people are homeless due to drugs, alcohol or other diseases out of their control. And that fortunately, there is shelter within the city for the homeless; good people donate their time and money to make this happen.

I don't know that we're expected to physically shelter people. Or whether that makes us callous to others who are suffering. But a complicated web of safety and the unknown that keeps us at bay. We still have much to offer. We can help. We are incredibly blessed with resources to offer the homeless and show them they are not forgotten. Keep those donations coming and give with your heart, as a child would do, without judgment.
To Comfort the Sorrowful

Everyone grieves differently. I learned that after having seen a close friend go through an unexpected tragedy recently. It was a soul-crushingly sad event and family members and relationships were forever altered as a result. And while it is true that time heals all wounds, the pain and hurt underlying that wound clearly remained even with the passing of time.

How do we comfort people who are grieving, who continue to feel the daily loss of a loved one? Be there for them, be present, be consistent, be helpful, be patient and above all, be kind. Let the sorrowful, grieving person take a few shots and know that it has nothing to do with you. Be aware of their sadness.

Many challenges lie ahead to the sorrowful as part of the grieving process. It can be an incredibly sad experience of having a feeling of one's heart choking in sand without even recognizing that it has affected other parts of their existence.

Time, patience and more than anything else, love and comfort from those who surround them, will help see them through the darkest of hours.

Kathleen McDonough Mundo

Important Upcoming Dates!

Sunday, March 6, Parish Reconciliation Service,  3pm
Saturday, March 12, Volunteer at St. Agatha's
Sunday, March 13, Parish-wide Lenten Respite, 1:15 pm
Sunday, March 24, Palm Sunday

Lenten Reconciliation Service
March 6, 3 pm
All are invited!
Lenten Respite
March 13, after 
the 12 pm Mass
"Mercy & Forgiveness"
lead by Sr. Alicia Torres, from the Mission of Our Lady of the Angels and winner of Food Network's Chopped.
Girl Scouts!
Cookie Sales!
After all Masses this weekend, Feb 27 & 28!

Girl Scouts host Mass
on Saturday, March 5
 Anchiskhati & Alioni
Saturday, Feb 27
7:30 pm
Anchiskhati Quartet is from the Republic of Georgia!  Chicago's Ensemble Alioni hosts and opens the event. Tickets-$15 General Admission, $10 Student Tickets with ID!
VBS: Cave Quest
Monday - Friday
June 13 - 17 2016

Save the date and get ready for Vacation Bible School!