Last Chance to Save $400

Early Bird Rate at the 13th Annual MIT Sloan CIO Symposium

In this Issue...
  • Early Bird Registration Ends March 1
  • CIO Leadership Award Applications Due Feb 29
  • Is Your Early Stage Company Unique? - Submit by Apr 1
  • Digital Disruption: Transforming Your Company for the Digital Economy
  • You Shaped the Agenda, Now Shape the Panels!
  • Welcome Gold Sponsor Xively

Early Bird Registration ends March 1.  Register now for significant savings!


You'll save $400 when you register by March 1!  On March 1 the Early-Bird price of $595 ends and registration increases to $995. Our generous cancellation policy allows you to cancel up to May 1 (minus a small processing fee). And you can always transfer your registration to someone else at no charge. 

CIO Leadership Award Applications Due 2/29
Will your organization be applying for this year's CIO Leadership Award? Do you have a nominee at another organization, perhaps a customer or partner?  If so, it's time to act, the application deadline is February 29.   Download the  Award Application form here.
Is Your Early Stage Company Unique?
The Innovation Showcase is a special opportunity to meet with the world's best, brightest, and most successful technology executives and companies.   If you know a company that fits this description, tell them about it and encourage them to apply!  Information about the showcase and the application download can be found at . Applications are due April 1.
Transforming Your Company for the Digital Economy
In this free webinar, Digital Disruption: Transforming Your Company for the Digital Economy, with CISR's Jeanne Ross, learn how "SMACIT", the confluence of Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud, and the Internet of Things, is disrupting industries and how leading businesses are adapting. You are also eligible for a 15% discount on the related MIT Sloan Executive Education class, Revitalizing Your Business Model with Jeanne Ross on April 7-8. Enter referral code CIODIG15 on the program application when registering.
You Shaped the Agenda, Now Shape the Panels!
The individual panel topics are set but there is still plenty of time to influence the content. Do you have specific questions on the panel topics or points you'd like to make sure are covered? We will be creating a LinkedIn Discussion for each panel. Visit our Agenda page to see all the panels and the links to the individual discussion, or browse them on our LinkedIn Page.

Welcome Gold Sponsor Xively by LogMeIn
Xively, the IoT division of LogMeIn, works with companies around the world to bring to market the most successful and innovative IoT products available today. Xively's Connected Product Management (CPM) platform helps companies connect products securely, manage connected products and the data they produce, and reimagine how companies engage with their customers. Learn more at

Lindsey Anderson
 The MIT Sloan CIO Symposium is organized by:

MIT Center for Information Systems Research
MIT Center for Information Systems Research
MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy
MIT Sloan Boston Alumni Association