Nutrition Action Alert
February 22, 2016
In This Issue
Asm. Thurmond Introduces AB 2054
Bring Summer EBT for Children to California  

On Wednesday, February 17th, Assemblymember Tony Thurmond introduced AB 2054, taking a bold and well-timed step to fight child hunger in California. The bill would prepare California to implement Summer EBT for Children (SEBTC), a model proven to decrease chronic hunger by providing nutrition assistance for the purchase of groceries when school is out of session and school meals are not available. AB 2054 would direct State agencies to design an SEBTC system, building upon the state's existing EBT technology, and pursue all available federal authority and funding to operate SEBTC. By making those changes, AB 2054 will help connect low-income children with the nutritious food they need year-round to learn, grow, and achieve.

CFPA is thrilled to be working with Asm. Thurmond on this important issue. The introduction of the bill is exciting news, but we've got a long way to go to get this bill signed into law -- and we need your help! Please voice your support for California kids by submitting a letter of support for AB 2054.

Download a customizable letter of support. doc

Learn more and find related resources at CFPA's AB 2054 page.

Stay informed: subscribe to CFPA's AB 2054 alerts. link

Questions? Contact Tia Shimada at 510.433.1122 ext 109
Asm. Stone Introduces AB 2099

Also on February 17, Assemblymember Mark Stone introduced AB 2099, Safe Drinking Water for Food Insecure Families. The bill would authorize the State's Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) system to deliver interim, supplemental drinking water benefits to low-income Californians facing inadequate access to safe drinking water. AB 2099 offers an innovative and effective way to deliver communities safe drinking water when local supplies are inadequate.

CFPA is proud to sponsor AB 2099 and is excited to be working with Assemblymember Stone to deliver appropriate emergency benefits to income eligible households with inadequate access to safe drinking water.

Download a customizable letter of support. doc

Learn more and find related resources on CFPA's AB 2099 page .

Stay informed: subscribe to CFPA's 2099 alerts. link

Questions? Contact Hector Gutierrez at 213.482.8200 ext. 202
You Are Invited to ENACT Day 2016!
The annual ENACT Nutrition and Physical Activity Day brings community members and advocates from all over California together in Sacramento to learn about and support state policies promoting physical activity.

March 30, 2016 - 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
St John's Lutheran Church
1701 L St, Sacramento, CA 95811

ENACT Day is FREE. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. All you need is your passion, and an optional donation. Space is limited! If you are unable to attend the event in person but would still like to participate, you can register for Virtual ENACT Day, where we will work with you to use your email, telephone, and social media accounts to tell your story and get your message across. No matter where you are, we welcome you to join us!

Registration closes March 21st.

A limited number of travel scholarships are available. We encourage you to apply early to help us fulfill as many requests as possible. If you would like to apply for a travel scholarship, please complete the online application survey by February 29. link

ENACT Day is a collaborative effort of the following organizations:
American Heart Association,
California Food Policy Advocates,
California Center for Public Health Advocacy,
California Pan Ethnic Health Network,
Prevention Institute,
Public Health Institute,
Safe Routes to Schools National Partnership

Questions? Contact Tracey Patterson at 510.433.1122 ext 101
Apply Now for 2016 Sarah Samuels 
Public Health Fellowship
We are currently seeking graduate-level applicants for the Sarah Samuels Public Health Fellowship for Summer 2016.

The Sarah Samuels Public Health Fellowship is now open. link

Long-time board member, Sarah Samuels, left an indelible mark on California Food Policy Advocates. Sarah was a leader in conducting and applying research to shape sound nutrition policies. She was also a supportive mentor of new public health professionals. To honor these contributions and to continue her work, CFPA has established the Sarah Samuels Public Health Fellowship. 

Applicants must be currently enrolled in an advanced degree program and demonstrate a strong interest and commitment to public health (particularly public health nutrition). Applications are due by March 4.  PDF

Questions? Contact Tracey Patterson at 510.433.1122 x 101.
Upcoming CCPHA Conference Addressing Diabetes and Prediabetes Epidemics
The California Center for Public Health Advocacy (CCPHA) is hosting an important and timely conference addressing the diabetes and prediabetes epidemics: challenges, scalable models, and visions for success. Come to the conference and join others in the quest to stem diabetes and the havoc it causes, particularly in our underserved communities.

Prediabetes Epidemic in California - What Now?
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Sheraton Grand
1230 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Registration: $25

Highlights of the conference will include the release of a new CCPHA/UCLA report on prediabetes rates in California communities (prepare to be stunned), and remarks by Ann Albright, PhD, RD, director of the Diabetes Division at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Register today!
Main Office | 436 14th Street, Suite 1220 | Oakland, CA 94612 | 510.433.1122
Los Angeles | 205 S. Broadway, Suite 402 | Los Angeles, CA 90012 | 213.482.8200