Coalition on a Mission
a monthly newsletter of the Supportive Housing Coalition of New Mexico
March 2016
625 Silver Avenue SW, Albuquerque NM 87125  | 505.255.3643
Welcome Marco Maina
SHC-NM Executive Director
The board of directors of the Supportive Housing Coalition of New Mexico (SHC-NM) is pleased to announce the hiring of Marco Maina as its new executive director. "We anticipate Marco will help us raise the effectiveness of SHC-NM to a new level," states Steve King, president of the board of directors.

A nonprofit leader with 31 years of experience in organizational and community development, Marco has made significant contributions to improve quantity and quality of life of children, senior citizens, and families. "Supportive Housing Coalition of New Mexico has impacted the lives of thousands of people and will continue to bring hope to those affected by the lack of adequate and affordable housing. I feel honored to work with a highly dedicated board of directors and staff. I am eager to reach out to those who believe that every person should have access to decent and affordable shelter," expresses Marco, I have seen people affected by homelessness since the earlier years of my childhood. I understand homelessness to be a very complex situation that requires multiple approaches targeting each population segment. Homelessness will not be solved by one person or one organization. It requires the whole community to work together to prevent and eliminate homelessness."

Your donation helps us end homelessness - permanently.

From Crisis to Certainty
Permanent housing helps Larry find his way back to sobriety
Larry's life has often been filled with uncertainty. The son of an alcoholic father, his family was constantly moving because his father would always lose his job. Larry also had his own substance abuse and mental health issues. When his mom passed away in 1992, he was "three years clean and sober" but found himself wondering why he was staying in his home state of New Jersey. He took a leap of faith and headed out west to New Mexico, a place he had visited several times with his sister. "I always wanted to bring my mom here." he explains.

Larry worked in construction for several years before finally finding his niche as a building facilities engineer. He bought a house, had a girlfriend, and life was looking good. Unfortunately, an injury propelled him into the use of drug therapy, an intervention that resulted in Larry returning to substance abuse after 13 years of sobriety. 
Coming Soon!

SHC-NM turns 20 this year! Stay tuned to see how you can help us celebrate and end homelessness with permanent, supportive housing!