
Coconut Carrot Soup with Avocado-

With an innovative combination of complementary flavors,
this carrot soup is also mineral rich and alkaline-forming.

 For full recipe, click here:


"The courses have made me more understanding and compassionate.  I'm no longer bogged down by the pain in the world but see us all as works in progress within the universe ."

-Emanuel Gutierrez 


"These meditations and spiritual exercises have guided me to connect with the moment, quiet my mind, release resistance, connect with my inner guidance and raise my consciousness." 

- Linden Cheney  


"I didn't have any goals when I signed up, except to learn and enjoy the course work. For that, yes I have succeeded and am quite happy with my enjoyment from learning. I still believe that my purpose or reason for doing so has yet to be revealed. Either way, I have learned something and I have felt supported through my experience. Thank you ." -Wendy Jakob


Calling for 
Student Submissions

We publish our school newsletter every month around the new moon, and are very excited about offering this publication as a way of sharing thoughts and inspiration from our students, and keeping our network aware of our goals and happenings.

Do you have a submission for our newsletter?


Future themes include:


Bringing in the Bounty  

Please feel free to submit any work you feel might be appropriate (such as poetry, artwork or articles) to the email address:

[email protected].  


We humbly ask that you try to keep submissions under 350 words.


We look forward to receiving your submissions and to integrating the knowledge and creativity of our students into our publication.


Christine Breese, Ph.D.
Gaia Sagrada Retreat Schedule
Creating Sacred Space
A Day Out Of Time

By Alecia Rostad, UMS Advisor 

This past month has been a creative and productive time at UMS. Projects and papers are flowing in and many of our students are wrapping up their coursework and earning their degrees. New students are enrolling daily and our web of connectivity continues to expand across the globe. We're busy working on our new website, which will be online soon. This year marks the 10 year anniversary of our university and we're excited to envision what the next 10 year cycle will bring. 

Through our newsletter, we aim to bring our students, alumni, and larger metaphysical community together, creating space to focus on our amazing students and the work they are doing, as well as highlighting the energetic undercurrents that seem most relevant. This week, as the sun moves into Leo, the energies are shifting. We've been moving through a watery, emotional time where past hurts, resentments and fears have come to the surface for acknowledgement, healing, and forgiveness. As we release our attachment to these challenging energies and open to their gifts, we can continue along our path with more compassion, wisdom, and clarity.

In tracking the current energies, it's interesting to notice that July 25th is known as the Day Out of Time in the Mayan Calender or Tzolkin. This day falls after the completion of a 13 Moon Cycle on July 24th and before the beginning of the new year on July 26th.  This day between the years is a time to pause and reflect on our journey, to find peace and harmony within ourselves, and also in relation to the elements that support us, our community, and the world. This Saturday, let's embrace this Day Out of Time as an opportunity to create sacred space for ourselves, an energetic buffer between the past year and the year to come where we can just be. From here, we can begin anew, free to explore these new energies with grace and ease following the wisdom of our hearts.

SPIDERCAT: Warlock of the Wands
By Elizabeth Erenberger, UMS Advisor  

"I think I finally found something that can really help people."

"I made them for me and my wife but now everybody and their twin sister wants one."

"Mother nature will take care of you if you listen to her. I think I just started listening." 

It is a given, working at University of Metaphysical Sciences, that we often become attached to our students as we support them in experiencing the magical unfolding of our unique program. Recently one of our students introduced us to a new spiritual healing tool he has been perfecting.

We are very excited to share with you these crystal power wands created by UMS student "SPIDERCAT". Last week we received a package containing wands for us to use at the office, and in our own lives, to test the potency for ourselves. We felt immediately impressed with the wands, and will share more about our personal experiences with these tools in next month's newsletter.

SPIDERCAT started making copper wire wands almost thirty years ago after leaving the Marine Corps. Although the wands were beautiful, he felt they lacked power, and let the idea dwindle, though it never completely left his psyche. Several decades later, as he was taking the UMS course, Crystals and Gemstones, he had an idea for improving upon his original design which has brought new found success.

When creating a wand, SPIDERCAT takes great care in the research phase, making sure that each wand contains the most beneficial combination of crystals and stones for the specific Emotional, Spiritual, and Physical needs of the recipient. He calls them ESP wands to emphasize the importance of these three aspects in the effectiveness of this healing tool.

Once his research is complete, he fills the Corning grade glass tube with a distinct set of specific gems and stones. After the stones are aligned, he uses a silver or gold plated wire to run through the stones, then along the exterior of the tube, as a transmitter for the energies of the stones to the wand's owner. One end of the wand is secured by a quartz crystal marble, the other end is fitted with a terminated quartz crystal, used to direct the wand's strong energy. These wands are beautifully crafted and can be infused with intention to align the chakras, or can be personalized for the desired effect. 

Once these adjustments were made to the design, he was impressed with the power of their presence. While experimenting with his own wand personalized for his seizure disorder, the frequency of his seizures decreased from several per week to several per month. He also created wands for his wife as well as several friends and neighbors who all reported significant results, as they experienced improvement with their own chronic symptoms. SPIDERCAT says that he has had equal amounts of positive feedback from those who intentionally use the wands, and those who just carry the wand with them, even with only mild intention. There is no special spell needed, these wands do their work effortlessly.

The history of this "Warlock" is colorful and impactual. He has been a student of metaphysics for over 50 years, and says it was his mother who initially introduced him to the topic. He has been experimenting with stones and other metaphysical aspects ever since. He is married to a wonderful woman who is his supportive partner in his spiritual adventures.  

After a serious accident which changed SPIDERCAT's physical abilities, he feels blessed to have a new project on which to focus his skill of helping others. He and his beloved wife are continuing to build on these concepts, his wife making powerful gem bracelets and him moving into the idea of creating healing brooches out of stone and wire. 

We want to thank our friend SPIDERCAT for allowing us to share these tools, and his creative process, with others. We wish him and his wife all of the love and success they deserve and desire. Thanks for sharing your magic with the world!

 Blessed be!

Making Room for the Divine Within
By Alecia Rostad, UMS Advisor

The need to create sacred space arises from a deeply seeded desire to align oneself with the universal flow. We seek to transcend the perceived limitations of the three-dimensional world of timelines, to-do-lists, responsibilities, and stress, in order to embrace the effortless and boundless possibilities that we can tap into at any moment. From this place, we can surrender the monkey mind and find an inner stillness where the whispers of the heart yearn to be heard, if we will just listen. We can move through our days more gracefully, with a sense purpose and an inner knowing that we are complete just as we are.

The surest route to cultivating this sacred space is through breath, intention, and practice. As we open the pathways in our bodies with breath, our cells rejoice in oxygenated bliss and inner transformation is underway. With intention, we invite in the qualities of energy that nourish us and serve our highest purpose in this moment. Rooted in stillness, we can follow our intuition to realize the outer manifestations of sacred space that our hearts desire.

If you feel called, experiment with creating an altar to physically embody the sacred space that you wish to grow within yourself. Know that you already have everything that you need at your fingertips. Look to nature for inspiration, as flowers, herbs, stones, and feathers are all around, reflecting the sacred geometry and life force that flows through us all. Let go of judgment and trust in the perfect timing and unfolding of each moment. Whether you choose to make a permanent altar space in your home or to create a mandala out in nature, the important thing is the joy and presence you hold in your heart.

There are infinite ways to create sacred space in our lives. Regardless of what we are physically doing or the amount of square footage we are able to access, we can choose to live with reverence. As we honor the ways our outer world reflects our inner sanctuary, we begin to weave tapestries of sacred space that support and empower us as we navigate personal and collective transformation.

Featured Student Creative Project:  "Angel Wings"
By Catherine McDonald

"I created this painting for my daughter. She gets scared at night and struggled with being comfortable in her new bedroom. I decided to paint her an angel who will watch over her when I am not around. Not being an artist, I stepped out of my comfort zone as I wanted to give her something that would mean more than something I bought for her.    

"I was reminded of the mediation we did going to the realm of the angels and the many varied dimensions I have experienced. Also in this meditation I experienced the angel realm as a feather so I connected to that vision I had and brought it through in the painting. The heart in the center was just to remind her and myself that love is always there and we can connect to it always."   

By Elizabeth Erenberger

My Room 

My room is a haven, a cocoon

When I enter, I undress myself into its safety

Opening up, the secrets of womanly splendor
Writing the future from my ink pen

Here I can breathe more deeply
Here I can heal and trust

Soft inviting ocean of blankets
Pillows billow like masses of land

Here I lay myself down
Here I give in, give up, and receive

Delicious ingredients of feminine attire
An altar to remember all that is good

Here I create ceremony all my own
Here I gaze at the moon as it crosses the night sky

Here I fantasize of the one who inspires me
His moisture, his scent, his satisfaction...

My room is a haven, a cocoon
When I enter, I undress myself into its safety


Echos of laughter long overdue
knocking on trees as it bounces by

Wilted resonance of grief
Composted into potential for evolution-ized Joy 

A family of combined rationality and action
A team of unexpected life changes
Like Unwrapped Gifts

I take pride in their relaxation
For none can truly fight the battle without proper rest

When they rush for answers  

I let words drop 
slow from my lips... like honey
Encouraging them to listen more closely 

It is up to us to remind each other
Be gentle, choose life

Create Sacred Space for that you intend to create
No one else can make it

The time is now, seize the moment,
but do not rush the channeled unfolding

We all imagine our correct container,
surrounded by a circle of love-able, unrelenting characters
Who won't let us fail

Well deserved naps 
Give glimpses of blossoms only dreamed of
Still waiting to be opened by sunshine's kisses

Lazy lounging in peaceful places 
rejuvenating for the march of life 
the buzzing of bees 
and the squawk of a hawk

A quiet mind receives messages 
Like pictures on a screen
Bright watercolors of life's potential
Not to be ignored

Gaia Sagrada- A Place to Heal the Heart  

Close your eyes. Imagine yourself in a tropical paradise, deep in the heart of Ecuador.

You are surrounded by like minded spiritualists and singing birds, lush thriving gardens and delicious organic foods.  


Gaia Sagrada is as much a journey as it is a retreat. Come shelter yourself in the tranquility, and surrender to the sacred within yourself, through this rare transformative experience. 


Melt into whirlpools, experience ancient practices, and share impactual moments with skilled and capable Shamans. 


Gaia Sagrada welcomes you to come explore your potential, and create a stronger connection with your self, your purpose and with your spirit guides.


Check out the Gaia Sagrada website at: GaiaSagrada.com