With the increased amount of rain we have received this spring, it is more important than ever to treat for mosquitoes and The West Nile Virus. We have the equine West Nile Virus vaccine in-stock. We also carry a variety of repellants to keep your horses safe this summer.
Baby chicks are here! We've got Barred Rock, Rhode Island Reds, and a few Bantams left. Pick yours up today! Want to raise all natural chickens and eggs? We carry a variety of organic,
non-GMO chicken feeds. Stop in and take a look.
Stop by our Mobile Equine Vet Clinic every Saturday at Pasturas Los Alazanes. If your planning a visit, please call the store and let us know your coming.
El Dia Del Guerrerense takes place on June 14 in Nevada, Texas. You won't want to miss this fun event!
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!
We appreciate your business!
Pasturas Los Alazanes
El Dia Del Guerrerense
Uno de nuestros patrocinadores del festival mas grande de Texas! El dia del Guerrerense, domingo 14 de Junio Del 2015. Lienzo Charro "El Zacatecano" 11672 County Road 800 Nevada, TX 75173
West Nile is monitored closely in Dallas County because of the health threat it poses to both humans and animals in our area. Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS) confirmed the first positive West Nile Virus mosquito trap for 2015, in Dallas County. With the record amount of rainfall North Texas has received this spring, mosquitoes are going to be ...
Pasturas Los Alazanes has everything you need for fly control! Manna Pro Froce is the leader in equine fly control and we carry a full line of their fly control products. Whether your looking for sprays, masks, bait or barn and stable spray, we've got the products for you. Looking for organic fly spray? We've got that too! ...
Pest control has never been so easy. Pasturas Los Alazanes has Permethrin and Prolate/Lintox for all your pest control needs. Starbar? Prolate/Lintox-HD? is a dilutable product that kills pests on contact. Used as a spray or in a backrubber for livestock, it provides effective treatment of flies, lice, mange mites and ticks on cattle. Also used for ...
If you are a horse owner, your investment is worth protecting. Having a disaster readiness plan in place will help protect your horse from natural disasters and everyday accidents. Here are 10 tips for safety and disaster prevention around the barn. ...