KCL Insights
January 26, 2016
Dear Clients and  Friends,
This email contains blog postings and news items from KCL. Please let us know if you have any questions.

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Time and again I get calls from small business owners describing a scenario where:
a) they entered into a valid and binding contract with another entity or person that contained a mandatory arbitration clause, 
b) an issue under the contract has arisen that arguably triggers the arbitration provision for purposes of dispute resolution yet, 
c) despite their best efforts, the opposing party or entity is giving them the cold shoulder and refuses to engage in the arbitration process. 

What many innovators and small business owners may not realize is that putting a mandatory arbitration clause into a contract is the easy part, enforcing the clause when push comes to shove is an entirely different story.

On January 19, 2016, the Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR) released a working draft of an administrative procedure (AP) entitled AP XXX: Voluntary Disclosure Program for the Settlement of Uncertain Tax Issues (hereafter "working draft"). The working draft is available here .

At this point, the proposed voluntary disclosure program would only be open to business taxpayers with potential liabilities of $100,000 or more for specific tax types.

Attorney Spotlight
Mark Lichtenstein

Mark Lichtenstein is a founding partner of KCL, Chair of the Real Estate Practice Group, and a member of the Estate Planning, Probate, Elder Law and Taxation Practice groups. 

His broad practice includes counseling businesses and individuals, banks and mortgage companies, buyers or sellers in real estate transactions, and advising small and emerging businesses. 

Mark previously served as a Judge Advocate in the United States Army. 

Practice Spotlight
Real Estate

Our real estate attorneys have assisted many buyers, sellers and institutional and private lenders with the acquisition, financing, development, leasing and sale of commercial and residential properties. 

We can provide legal assistance in the following areas:

  • Commercial Real Estate 
  • Commercial Leases 
  • Real Estate Disputes and Litigation 
  • Condominium Law
  • Landlord/Tenant Matters
  • Residential Real Estate 
781-997-1600  |

This communication provides general information and does not constitute legal advice. Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guaranty a similar outcome. Copyright © 2016 Keratin, Coren & Lichtenstein, LLP. All rights reserved.