Acquisition and Assistance Update
FY16 Qtr 2 Business Forecast Review Call Resources
March 3, 2016

I want to thank everyone who submitted questions to M/OAA, as well as everyone who participated in our FY16 Qtr 2 Business Forecast review conference call this morning.

Resources from the call can now be accessed from our Business Forecast webpage . You can directly access all of the materials at the links below.
If this was your first time participating in a Business Forecast call, I encourage you to read through our frequently asked questions page . You can also access an archive of our previous calls and Forecasts online.

Thanks again for participating. I hope that you will be able to join me next Thursday, March 10th at 8:30am for our Ask the Procurement Executive conference call

Kind Regards,

Roy Plucknett
Bureau for Management
Office of Acquisition & Assistance