Upcoming Partner Meetings - save the dates!

There is an "All Partners" meeting scheduled for March 31 from 10 am to 2 pm at the Otesaga Resort Hotel in Cooperstown, New York. This is an opportunity to network with partners and hear about the state of the Performing Provider System (PPS). Please be on the lookout for more information on this meeting.
2016 All Partner Meeting Schedule as of February 2016:
March 31
June 16
September 14
December 9
All meetings are currently scheduled for the Otesaga Resort Hotel from 10 am - 2 pm.
First report card from the state wins an "A"

In January, LCHP received the first report card listing total "achievement values" earned for the work done by our 11 organizational workstreams and our 11 clinical projects.  This work includes organizational milestones such as setting up a governance structure, engaging community stakeholders in our work, developing a plan for workforce transitions, and reporting to the state on how many patients have been engaged so far for our clinical projects.  Out of 176 possible achievement values ("AVs"), LCHP earned 174, which is a score of 98.9%.  This translates into $2,102,947 dollars earned out of a potential $2,134,159.  This success represents hours of hard work on the part of all of our partners and team members.  These funds will be distributed according to the Funds Flow model developed by the LCHP Finance committee.
Thank you to everyone for your hard work toward this achievement!
Welcome Kara Travis

Kara Ulasewicz Travis, Senior Director of Patient & Partner Engagement, has joined the DSRIP team to assist with inclusion of our community-based organizations. Kara has been at Bassett for 10 years in a variety of roles, including Organizational Development, Employee Relations, Facilities Operations, and most recently Administrative Director of Emergency Medicine & Convenient Care.
In Kara's current role, she oversees the Hospitality team in the hospital, including Environmental Services, Linen, Food & Nutrition, Volunteer Program, as well as serving as implementation leader for Relationship-Based Care across the Bassett Healthcare Network. Kara is responsible for the Bassett Network patient experience, as well as partnering across the network to improve CAHPS scores & overall patient satisfaction.
Kara is part of a national speaking panel on improvement of CAHPS scores in the healthcare setting. She was also recently selected to serve on a New York State advisory board for the United Way campaign for A.L.I.C.E. (asset limited, income constrained employed), also known as "the working poor." She serves on several local boards in Otsego and Delaware Counties.
Kara will be reaching out to meet partners, and will also be available at the March 31st PPS meeting.  You can reach Kara at 607-547-6691 or at kara.travis@bassett.org.
Plan for sharing Clinical Data

As many are aware, a common theme across our 11 clinical projects is the need to develop workflows to share various types of clinical data.  As we have worked with the state to clarify this requirement, it has become clear that the preferred way to share this type of data is through participation in RHIO's - "Regional Health Information Organizations".  A RHIO is a "non-governmental, not-for-profit corporation enabling interoperable health information exchange among healthcare providers and systems".  HIXNY is one such organization - there are several others.  Recently, the RHIOs in New York State have completed connection to a New York State-wide information exchange known as "SHIN-NY".  This means that by participating in data exchange with HIXNY or another RHIO, it is possible to access clinical data for patients seen across New York State.
LCHP has worked with partners and with HIXNY to arrange for 2 Webex sessions which occurred on February 23 and March 1 where Mr. Bryon Cudmore of HIXNY presented the variety of options available for partners and health care organizations to partner with HIXNY for clinical data exchange.  If you were not able to attend a Webinar and wish to view it, please visit our web page and click on Training, or click on this link to Webinar recording.  We hope many of our partners who do not currently participate with a RHIO will gain an understanding of what these organizations have to offer so RHIO participation can become a primary vehicle for secure and state-wide sharing of various types of clinical data. 
Partners wishing to reach out to HIXNY may obtain contact information by calling Amy Van Kampen at 607-547-5518.
DSRIP Privacy and Security

Many are aware that there are Privacy and Security requirements within the DSRIP world.  This applies to various aspects of our work.  As a Lead Agency, Bassett Medical Center has been granted access to specific Medicaid PHI (protected health information) data.  In order to access this data, DSRIP Administrative Staff members must meet rigorous security requirements with the state including dual factor authentication.  Additionally, there are stringent rules upon sharing data with partners.  At this point in time, PPSs are not allowed to share PHI data files with partners.  If partners wish to view this type of data, it must be done on site at the Lead Agency. 
A subcommittee of the ITDAC (Information Technology and Data Analytics Committee) has been completing the 19 security workbooks required by New York state to access this data.  This is an evolving process.  If you are a partner and you wish to better understand what data is available to us as a PPS, please contact Amy Van Kampen, Director of Performance Metrics, at 607-547-5518.
Featured Partner - Sitrin

The Sitrin Health Care Center, a not-for-profit corporation located in New Hartford, NY, is dedicated to providing compassionate, professional care to people of all ages, abilities and circumstances. Sitrin continuously seeks innovative solutions, such as the Interventions to Reduce Acute Care Transfers (INTERACT) program which is one of the Leatherstocking Collaborative Health Partners PPS's eleven projects. INTERACT is a proactive clinical course of care that monitors high risk disease and identifies exacerbation of symptoms before they become acute.
Throug h the program, physicians and nursing staff have collaborated to address several medical concerns, including congestive heart failure (CHF), which would have previously required transfers to the hospital. In one case, an 89-year-old female, initially admitted to Sitrin for rehabilitation, also had a medical history of CHF. She was placed on a care pathway for CHF upon admission based on her history with the condition. Following the steps of the INTERACT program, staff closely monitored the individual for signs and symptoms outlined in the plan and were prepared to implement the appropriate actions. After nearly two weeks of therapy, the patient experienced significant weight gain and shortness of breath. Staff members utilized the INTERACT tools to identify the problems and take the necessary steps to adjust and change the patient's care, including obtaining x-rays, monitoring the intake and output of fluids, and adjusting medications. As a result, the patient's condition improved and she was able to continue her therapy at Sitrin without a transfer to a hospital.
"Because of the DSRIP program and the leadership of the Leatherstocking Collaborative Health Partners, skilled nursing facilities in our region have been given the opportunity to be part of the health care transformation taking place in New York State," said Christa Serafin, Sitrin President and CEO. "We are thankful to be a part of this initiative to improve the quality of health care in our regi on."
Since implementing INTERACT on its inpatient medical rehabilitation unit, Sitrin has successfully prevented a number of unnecessary hospitalizations, improving quality of care for patients and saving significant funds for the organization.
To learn more about SITRIN, please visit their website at http://www.sitrin.com/.

Dashboards are here!

The MAPP tool has recently released a new module called Performance Dashboards. Dashboards are an interactive video tool that display how each PPS is doing with regard to Domain 1, 2 and 3 measures.  Currently the data only contains Domain 1 measures reported via the Quarterly Reporting process through 12/31/15, and Domain 2 and 3 claims-based measures based on the measurement timeframe of 3/1/14 through 2/28/15.  The claims-based data will soon be updated to include all of Measurement Year 1 (7/1/14 through 6/30/15) which will give our PPS an understanding of what our performance baseline will be for Measurement Year 2.  It will also give us an understanding of the measures where we are doing well versus the measures we need to focus on in order to achieve Pay for Performance Dollars starting in DSRIP Year 3.  As a reminder, all measures are Pay for Reporting only for DSRIP Year 1 and the first half of DSRIP Year 2, so this data is informational only.


Workforce Update
Development of "Core Groups" for Effective Communication:
A Focus Group comprised of LCHP Human Resources and Training Leads from various partner organizations and PPS representatives gathered recently to discuss processes and structures for successful DSRIP project implementation. The discussion was facilitated by LCHP workforce consultants, Health Workforce New York (HWNY).
During the discussion, focus group members identified that although their role as HR and Training leads would be to track and report on the workforce, they are not intimately aware of the staffing and training needs for each of the clinical projects their organizations are engaged in. Consensus was that communication methods and strategies vary among partner, and that current partner infrastructures may not always support accurate, consistent, and timely communication as it relates to informing the DSRIP workforce activities.
After an examination of options to improve and standardize positive communication flow within partner organizations, and to ensure partner organization accountability for workforce related data reporting requirements, participants identified the need to create "Core Groups". Core Groups would be comprised of key leaders and project representatives within each partner organization. The Core Groups would be charged with moving forward relevant communications and timelines related to clinical project work and understanding the impact to DSRIP assigned workers. Core Groups may consist of Executive Leadership, HR professionals, Training Managers and/or other DSRIP assigned personnel who will converge to assure consistent levels of communication and productivity.
The Focus Group concluded that by developing Core Groups who will have common accountability and information delivery systems related to DSRIP activities in the partner organizations, LCHP partners will alleviate barriers and improve communication.
The consultants at HWNY will work to assure the Core Group Model will become a viable tool for other PPS's as they respond to the data collection and reporting requirements of NYSDOH-DSRIP.
Budget Workforce Spending:
LCHP is creating a system for partners to track and report their workforce spending via HWapps. Stay tuned for further information and upcoming training.
Questions?  Contact Wendy Kiuber, Network Operations Manager and LCHP workforce lead at 607-547-6516 or wendy.kiuber@bassett.org.

To Contact a member of our team...

Medical Director  for the Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care
DSRIP Program Manager
DSRIP Network Operations Manager
Network Director, DSRIP Operations and Strategic Planning
DSRIP Network Operations Manager
Executive Assistant for DSRIP
Director DSRIP Finance
Senior Director for Partner and Patient  Engagement
Interim Administrator for Bassett Healthcare Network Operations and DSRIP Activities
Executive Director, DSRIP
Director of Performance Metrics, DSRIP Program

Leatherstocking Regional Health Partners|  Website