We here at Catholic World Mission hope you and your loved ones are well this Lenten season. It's a special time to unite our sufferings with Christ and prepare to feel renewed. Your generosity has helped the poor and defenseless many times; it is easy to see how your hard work has alleviated the spiritual and physical suffering of many...

Acting out of love they are sacrificing in difficult and dangerous conditions - even willing to lay down their own lives for the sake of saving others.
Help them bring their message of hope to the lost and forgotten !

65,000 people served by only 15 priests! In Malawi's Diocese of Karonga, lay people are rising up to even the odds and igniting the Spirit of Christ in many!
Thank You!

"Jesus teaches us that the Good News, which he brings, is not reserved to one part of humanity, it is to be communicated to everyone."

- Pope Francis, Angelus, January 26, 2014

     Just as Jesus came to us, lived among us, sacrificed for us, and brought salvation to us our missionaries do the same for many in desperate need of our help in Mexico and throughout Latin America.Your generosity has helped serve the men and women these evangelizers serve, and will ultimately transform their lives and yours.
     Pray for these courageous men and women!
Please don't forget to send us your prayer intentions. It is our privilege and a blessing to pray for your intentions. God bless.

Praying for you is part of our mission at Catholic World Mission. Whether you send in your prayer intention by mail, online, over the phone or by e-mail we will lift you up in prayer the following Friday afternoon. We reserve a special time for you to beg God to bless you abundantly.

Prayer Intention