We all have "soundtracks" that play inside our heads. If yours is filled with unproductive thoughts and beliefs that result in anxiety, stress, phobias, low self-esteem and more, it may be time for a Total Mind Makeover.
What is a Total Mind Makeover?
A Total Mind Makeover is a way to use hypnosis to make positive changes in your life.
How does a Total Mind Makeover Work?
Hypnosis opens up your subconscious mind to get to the place where your memories, feelings, thoughts, behaviors, preferences, reactions and identity live.
During your hypnotherapy sessions we'll take a look at the things that are hiding in your subconscious mind. We'll release the negativity. We'll invalidate the things that aren't working for you. And we'll replace these things with positive thoughts and beliefs about how you actually want to feel, act and react to life.
What does a Total Mind Makeover Feel Like?
When people ask me this, what they're really asking is "what does hypnotherapy feel like?" My approach to hypnotherapy is serene and relaxing.
I start by building rapport and trust, and then quickly get you into a state of deep hypnosis relaxation. Next I take you through the interactive process of identifying the root cause of your problem, neutralizing it and replacing it with how you want to feel.
Different Hypnotists Use Different Approaches
Keep in mind that within the hypnosis field there are many different approaches. Mine is very results-oriented. I have no interest in astrology, special herbs, crystals, past life regression or mysticism. I deliver progress while many others are practicing theater. And I do it in just five sessions!
If challenges and issues are holding you back, a Total Mind Makeover can help get you on the path to wellness and happiness. Please give me a call at 347-470-8262. I'm here for you.