Time to Move Into March! 

We are moving right into March! Unpack your baggage and make yourself at "Home," because it promises to be quite a busy and fun month. We have exciting classes and workshops, our bi-monthly Psychic Fair, and wonderful services offering our metaphysical perspective of the hope and rebirth that is at the heart of the Easter Season. And of course, Spring arrives in just about three weeks. Who isn't excited about that?

We have the opportunity to kick off the month with a heaping dose of Wellness, when our Wellness Committee Chairs Rose Stafiej and Rev. Kathy Gregg host a Healers Circle for ISD's fabulous healers on Wednesday, March 2 at 7:30 p.m. This is a special experience for those who often give of their healing energy so abundantly that they often forget to replenish that energy. Come and be nourished with warm Well-Being!

This coming Saturday, March 5 from 1-4 p.m.,  Rev. Fran Wright shares her gifts and passion for the ancient spiritual practice of Palmistry, when she presents her workshop called "Palmistry: Your Sacred Contract." She'll explain some of the history of palmistry, and offer some basic tools to participants so they can discover their own sacred spiritual contracts through their hands and palms. 

Next week, we celebrate the return to ISD of Rev. Jim Webb on Tuesday March 8 at 7:30 p.m. to lead his ever-popular, four-week class "Exploring the Course in Miracles." You won't want to miss Rev. Webb's infectious energy as he and the group discuss, explore and apply several lessons from this spiritual philosophy. 

Our second bi-monthly Evening Meditation will take place on Wednesday March 9, led by yours truly. Come take a break from the hustle and bustle of your week and month by joining with others in the candlelit stillness as we explore different meditations and meditation techniques. 

On Thursday, March 10 at 7:30 p.m., Rev. Sue Landon will kick off her four-week series on "The Art of Counseling." Haven't you noticed, that as a spiritually aware individual, friends and family naturally come to you for insight and guidance? Rev. Sue will help us learn how to LISTEN to those who seek our help, and to offer that help by prompting them to discover their own answers within. This is a required course for those interested or participating in ISD's ministerial program. 

So let's "march" right into March with confidence and enthusiasm as we continue to expand our spiritual awareness in an atmosphere of unconditional love, acceptance and FUN! And of course you can always check our Facebook page for other interesting and fun posts and updates from ISD!

Sharing life, love and happiness,

Rev. Rob Banaszak
Institute for Spiritual Development

Palmistry - Your Sacred Contract
with Rev. Fran Wright
Saturday March 5
1 - 4 p.m.
$40 members/$45 non-members
It is believed that the hands reflect the karmic lessons we have selected for this life/body experience. 

Rev. Fran examines the secrets of this ancient psychic tool, to help reveal a reflection of your past, present and future path, focusing of your key life lessons.

Learn More

Exploring "A Course In Miracles" 
with Rev. Jim Webb
Tuesdays, March 8, 15, 22, 29
7:30 p.m.
$20 members/$22 non-members
(discount if paid in full before first class) 

Back by popular demand, this class focuses on the life-changing spiritual philosophy, and will help you integrate its concepts into your life by providing support, discussion, guidance and group healing energy. 

Learn More
The Art of Counseling
With Rev. Sue Landon
Thursdays, March 10, 17, 24, 31
$20 members/$22 non-members
(discount if paid in full before first class) 

Spiritually-minded people are generally people who represent a safe haven for friends and family, and often find themselves in the role of  counselor . This course will help you develop a specific skill set that allows you to be a wayshower, not a fixer.
Institute for Spiritual Development