
February 2016

SVCC Spotlights Alumni

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t o read more about SVCC alumni.
Recent Spotlights include:

Meredith Colley

LaTonya Franklin

Brandy Morris

Lisa Anderson

Support SVCC Student Scholarships

Save the Date
June 8, 2016
SVCC Foundation Scholarship Golf Classic

SVCC Commercial Filmed t o Promote 
Non-Traditional Careers 
Grant funding to attract women and men into non-traditional career fields was  recently   used to film a commercial/video for SVCC.  Students who have 'broken the mold' gathered to tell their stories in front of the camera. Participants included women who are now truck drivers, diesel technicians, fire fighters and in electrical engineering,  A male student 
who is a graduate of SVCC's Associate of Applied Science in Registered Nursing program was also featured.  These students had some great stories to tell and will inspire future students.
Pictured above is Kellie Estes, from Jarratt, VA, who participated in the filming.
2016 VCCS Legislative Reception 

Betsy Sharrett, a member of the SVCC Local Board, and Bobby Wrenn, a member of the SVCC Foundation Board, say hello to Bill Talley, III, a longtime supporter of the Virginia Community College System and a sponsor of the reception.

Dr. Glenn DuBois, Chancellor of the Virginia Community College System, welcomes Governor Terry McAuliffe to the podium.  
Career Day "Shadowing" Program

Southside Virginia Community College participated in the Brunswick Chamber of Commerce Career Day 2016 by hosting students from area high schools to shadow leaders in various offices. Dr. Al Roberts, SVCC President (standing) was shadowed by Tristan Sadler, a senior at Brunswick High School.

SVCC's Campus Within Walls Featured in Community College Journal

SVCC"S Campus Within Walls (CWW) was highlighted in an article about college education in prison in American Association of Community Colleges' Community College Journal .

Did You Know...
3 out of 5 Virginia undergraduates enroll in a community college?