One COMBINED Worship Service this Sunday, July 5th at 10:00 a.m. and Church Picnic!
The Church Office will be Closed on Monday, July 6th for the Staff Independence Day Holiday
Peace Email Connection July 2, 2015
This Sunday in Worship

Happy Independence Day Weekend!
ONE COMBINED Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.

Message: Eddie Pipkin "Dual Passports"
Scripture: Philippians 3:12-21 (NIV)

This Sunday marks our annual Prayers for the Nation service when we pray for our leaders and our people.  We will celebrate our heritage with special music and a picnic fellowship and fun to follow.  And during the message time, we will consider what it means to hold our dual citizenship in The United States of America, and much more importantly, in Heaven.  While our country struggles to work its way through issues that seem to pull us apart, it is a good thing to remember that the very attributes that make us good citizens of God's Kingdom also make us worldly citizens who are sources of healing and hope, togetherness and peace.


For the picnic after the service, we'll provide the meat and buns (traditional burgers and dogs), and we encourage you to bring you favorite sides and desserts (if that's not convenient, just bring yourself--there will be plenty to eat). There will be seating outside and inside (for those who celebrate the freedom to be air conditioned) and we'll have a waterslide and fun (like a watermelon seed spitting contest). There will also be a dunk tank where you'll have a chance to splash Eddie Pipkin and others as a fund raiser for Imagine No Malaria. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and neighbors! 

Habitat for Humanity Work Day
July 11

Join our Peace Habitat for Humanity Work Team this summer! Our next work day is Saturday, July 11th.  Habitat has a very active presence in Orlando building affordable homes (with sweat equity provided by those who will live in them) and rehabbing foreclosed properties as well.  We believe everyone should have a safe and affordable place to live.  Sign up on the table in the back of the sanctuary, or contact the Church Office to express your interest today 407-438-8947.

Upcoming Worship Series - July 12


The Gospel According to Dr. Seuss. 

Series Synopsis:  As a nod to summer fun, we thought we'd explore the rich lessons of some of the first books we read as children (and never grow tired of as adults), the classic works of Theodor Geisel (aka Dr. Seuss).  There is a surprising amount of theological depth to be gleaned from Seussian characters from Sam-I-Am to the Grinch. They function as modern day parables with great wit and wisdom.  Join us for five weeks of familiar tales for kids of all ages and the Christian themes within-and we'll share a little extra special fun along the way as well.

  •  July 12 - "Green Eggs and Ham" - We are reluctant to try experiences outside our comfort zone, but the scriptures tell us that God is doing a new thing.
  •  July 19 - "Bartholomew and the Oobleck"  - We all make mistakes. It's just part of the human experience. 
  •  July 26 - "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" - CHRISTMAS IN JULY. We lash out in response to the people and events that scar us.  But the love of Jesus changes all that.
  •  August 2 - "Sneetches" - We come from different places, it's true.  But what unifies us is far more powerful than what separates us: we are all Children of God, created in God's own image.
  •  August 9 - "Horton Hears a Who" - KIDS CREATIVITY CAMP  WORSHIP-  As disciples of Jesus, we are called to stand up for, aid, and defend those who can't speak and act for themselves.
  •  August 16th - YOUTH SUNDAY WORSHIP
Heart Spa Women's Summer Study & Fellowship - July 15


It's not too late to join this summer women's fellowship and study!  We're learning all about GRACE.  July's session is called "An Overflowing Fountain."  We know we're supposed to show others grace, but what exactly does that mean? For our 'girlfriend time' we'll be learning how to decorating cupcakes! Heart Spa is held the 3rd Wednesday of every month beginning at 6:30 p.m. on July 15 and August 19.  There's no homework-come to one session or come to all!   This is a great event to invite friends to experience. PLEASE RSVP  to Jana Hart by contacting the Church Office at 407-438-8947 or [email protected]. (Childcare will be provided)

Christmas in July Celebration - July 26


Heat got you down?  Come be refreshed and celebrate "Christmas in July" on Sunday, July 26th (services at 8:15, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.)  With the blazing summer temperatures, it may be hard to envision celebrating Christmas at this time of year.  But the heart of the gospel is that God came down to be present with us each and every day!


We'll cool off with snow cones on the church Portico, enjoy holiday music and decorations, yummy treats (bring your favorite Christmas cookies to share) and hold a special Christmas in July edition of our GIFT SHARE event.  Simply bring in new or gently used gifts to donate (no money required) and place them on the tables located on the church portico.  Everyone is then welcome to "shop" in between worship services. This is re-gifting with a purpose! So, in the spirit of gift giving, we'll be collecting donations of reading materials for our local nursing homes; look for more details soon. And you can bring canned goods for our M.A.P. program. Don't miss this special Sunday!

Dress a Girl Around the World             July Sewing Sessions


Our Dress a Girl Around the World sewing ministry is resuming on Thursdays during the month of July!  We are making dresses and dolls for little girls around the world who are living in poverty.  Our upcoming sewing workshops will be on July 9, 16, 23, & 30 all starting at 9:30 a.m. in the church sanctuary.  Please bring your sewing notions and machines; we will have most of the supplies on hand.  We always need donations of elastic 3/4", 1/2" and fabric, quilter's cotton and cotton dress goods, and colored flannel (scraps 9'' and larger).  To date we have completed over 500 dresses which were delivered to girls in 6 different countries!  Come and join us for fellowship and sewing with a purpose! For more information, contact Janice Adams at 407-240-9568.

Peace Everest VBS
Peace Everest VBS Video
Thank You for Supporting VBS!


What a great June this has been. Thank you to all the volunteers, camp counselors and families who helped make Vacation Bible School and our 3 weeks of Summer Camp a huge success.  This year more than ever, we had a rockin' attendance at camp with over 40 kids each week, and a perfect 140 kids at VBS.  What a blessing and a pleasure for me to be a part of this church family. Thank you and congratulations to all on a job well done. Julie Chatfield

Movie Madness and Hobby Time for Kids in July


Children of all ages keep 'cool' and join us for a FREE movie every Tuesday in July.  Please bring a pillow, blanket and an adult chaperone. Then kick back in the cool sanctuary for a weekly cool movie.  Concessions will be sold for a small price.  Be the coolest kid and invite your friends.  2015 Movie Schedule:

  •  July 7-  "Flubber" with Robin Williams- rated PG  
  •  July 14- "Wizards of Wavery Place-The Movie"- rated G
  •  July 21- "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2"- rated PG
  •  July 28- "Lemonade Mouth"- rated G

Hobby Time is every Wednesday in July from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. for children Preschool through fifth grade.  Kids sign up for two class choices (one each hour).  The cost is only $15.00 for first child, $10.00 for second child, with a $30.00 max per family.  Classes include:

  •  Cooking- Join Mr. K (Rostam Kondolojy), a culinary expert who is excited to share his cooking skills and help kids create yummy snacks.   Lessons and Snacks include:  Intro to the Kitchen- Monkey Ice Cream; Kitchen tools and safety- Oreo bars; Knife skills- French bread pizzas; Cream Cheese quesadillas.
  •  Sports- Coach Matt Boyce will warm up the players, teach basic rules of the specified game and then let kids play.  Wear athletic clothing and bring bottled water. Games include: Capture the Flag; Flag Tag; Capture the Football; Basketball; Flag Football.
  •  Science- Things just happen to fizz, pop, smoke and explode, and before you know it, you're a part of the learning experience.  These activities are from Steve Spangler Science and lead by our camp counselors.  Each activity makes learning about science fun. 
  •  Art- Creative Peace members share their artistic passions and skills.  Each week brings something unique and new.  Sessions include: Jewelry Making; Sewing Class; Card making; Recycled Art; Wax Art.

Preschoolers ages 3-5 year olds in Hobby Time will join us for two hours of fun designed just for them.  They will spend the first 20 minutes of each pre-selected activity and then return to a classroom for free play and additional engaging activities of their own.  Check out complete details at our church website or contact Julie Chatfield at 321-689-6899.

Peace United Methodist Church | 407-438-8947| Email | Website
Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m - 3:30 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. - Noon

The Office is Closed on Monday, July 6th for the staff Independence Day holiday
For Emergencies call 407-438-8947 EXT. 203 and follow the instructions to reach our Pastor on call.

Welcome 6th graders to Peace Youth!
Thanks to all who volunteered at the Church Work Day!
Dress a Girl Around the World Ministry has resumed.  Join us every Thursday in July at 9:30 a.m.
While on summer vacation, don't forget you can use our online giving and tithing portal when you are unable to attend worship.  This convenient and secure method of giving is a wonderful way to share the gifts that God gives us--to do the work that God calls us to do, even in our absence.