Something Worth Getting Up For
No matter what you think, breakfast is STILL the most important meal of the day. A good breakfast can kick-start your morning and help you power through. Morning meals have been known to improve attention, increase alertness and help with memory! Let's face it, starting the day off with a meal even improves your mood and keeps you feeling good all day long.
Not a morning person? Having something delicious (and healthy) to look forward to could be the motivation you need to get you out of bed and it could even improve the way you start your day. Try a quick bowl of whole grain cereal with honey and bananas or Greek yogurt with blueberries for an easily prepared morning dish.
In the winter, oatmeal is an excellent choice. Instead of instant or pre-packaged oatmeal, opt for oatmeal that you actually cook on the stove. In 5 minutes you can have a warm breakfast loaded with cinnamon, walnuts, sunflower seeds, cranberries, blueberries, banana...or anything else you want.
In addition to being delicious, oatmeal does a lot for you and your body. Oats are low in sugar and slowly release energy all day, helping reduce your urge to snack. They also help reduce "bad" cholesterol and improve digestive health. 

Tomorrow morning, toss those covers off of you and experiment with oatmeal. You're sure to become a morning person when you have something delicious and exciting to look forward to!

Quick & Easy Oatmeal 
  • Combine ½ cup of water or low fat milk with ½  cup of rolled oats on a 2 cup microwavable bowl or in a pan (if you are really old fashioned!). 
  • Cook on high for 1 ½ to 2 minutes.
  • Add cinnamon, honey, fruit, nuts...whatever you like to make it delicious for YOU.
Hot oatmeal prepared in the time it takes to brush your teeth!  
Breakfast Ideas
  • Skip oatmeal packets and buy a canister of oatmeal. You'll get 50% more breakfast for the same money! 
  • Save time in the AM: Decide the night before what you're having for breakfast.
  • Eat what you enjoy: Fruit, cereal, yogurt (NOT COOKIES)
  • When there's time, make breakfast special with omelets or yogurt parfait