MHWest & Co., Inc.
Marilyn H. West
Chair & CEO


M4 At Your Office
Marilyn H. West is available to visit your place of business and discuss topics that she has covered in Marilyn's Monday Morning Message.

Please call 804.782.1938 for more information.
Tampering with Your Tempo
Lightening speed to act increasingly is becoming the call of the day to complete tasks in our work and personal lives. Performing tasks at lightening speed is becoming increasingly habitual in our work and personal lives. Impacting how quickly we act is a host of factors including : capacity, lifestyle, health status, culture, patience and emotional quotients, life-threatening circumstances, commitment and priorities. Perhaps most importantly is the factor of change. Change can be disruptive, and cause a radical detour in how we handle tasks or completely eliminate these. All of us want to be knowledgeable about the internal and external environments in which we transact our tasks and how this can impact our pace positively and negatively.

Overtime I have been forced to tamper with my tempo to adjust for factors that also have changed and unequivocally have influenced not only how timely I can act but the effectiveness of the action taken. Steps that I have taken on a continuing basis to align my tempo with daily living are as follows:

1.    Keep my plate clean of clutter and red herrings

2.   Refrain from being bound by the routine

3.     Strive for balance in undertaking tasks-Not too fast and not too slow

4.     Revisit my vision to help assure that there is a meaningful framework against which I can support actions and inaction

5.    Use technology to fill in gaps where I can't always be in-person to take actions- Skype or teleconferencing

6.     Make sure there is a need to act. Don't waste time unnecessarily

7.    Align the resources needed with the dimensions of the task-I don't wear a snow suit when playing tennis in the heat of the summer

If you are searching for guidance in tampering with your tempo or that of your staff, connect with Marilyn West today -  [email protected].
Look for the next M4 on Monday,  February 22nd.
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