St. John's Episcopal Church Newsletter 
Issue: #30

    July  2015
In This Issue
Episcopal Shield

church interior

Ashmont Boy Choir Camp


The Ashmont Boy Choir from All Saints in Dorchester, MA will be joining us again from Thursday July 23 to Monday July 26.  They will have choir practice in the morning and have Adirondack adventures in the afternoon and evening, including boating on Lake Champlain, rafting down Ausable Chasm, hiking a local trail and listening to the Meadowmount musicians perform. They stay with parishioners and we have dinners as a group every night.  

Please come listen to them sing the morning Eucharist at 9:15 on Sunday July 26 and then listen to them sing Evensong at 4pm that same afternoon.


Parish Dinner at the Bedoukians with Choir

The Bedoukians are hosting the choir boys and their hosts on Saturday night 6 pm at their house and have invited the entire parish.  Please come to their house at 764 Highlands Road, Keeseville (about 3 miles from 22 in Willsboro) for a cookout and fun interaction with the boys and men of the Ashmont Boy Choir. 
If you need better directions, feel free to call them at 518-834-9412.

Summer Sunday Program for Young Children

The Sunday school pilot is underway at St. John's.  On Sundays at 9am during July and August children are invited to learn about God's creation and explore their own spiritual natures.

Reverend Lyn Barrett, retired UCC pastor, will provide leadership with the assistance of members of St. John's parish.  Children may also participate in the worship service at the discretion of their parents.  Weekly lessons are drawn from the Shine early childhood  ecumenical curriculum developed for use in many churches.  Subjects covered include: belonging, thanksgiving, giftedness, hospitality, understanding, and hope.


Registrations forms are available at local libraries and may also be obtained by calling Scottie at 518-963-8899 or by visiting the church website:


Key Dates

Sunday School Pilot July 5 - August 23
Ashmont Boy Choir - July 23 - July 26
Dinner with the Choir Boys  at the Bedoukians -  July 25
Annual Meeting - August 2
Bishop Tom Ely Visitation and Confirmations - August 9
Alleluia! Golf Tournament at Basin Harbor - September 12


Bible Trivia compliments of Jeff

1. Why only ten commandments?
2. How old was  Methuselah? 
3. What did Judas say at the end of The Last Supper?
Bible Trivia Answers compliments of Jeff

1.There were twelve but the tablet was too heavy and Moses could only carry ten.
2. Very
3. Separate checks please.